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Please help my son stop coughing :(


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Did the doctor say what could be the cause?  Could it be hay fever? Is it a dry cough or phlegm cough?



weird as it is, taking a break from cough medicine helps for me if I had taken cough medicine for a few days.


No, phlegm, we'll keep that in mind, thanks.

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Can you get him to drink a warm tea? We make tea (herbal or whatever you think he would like) and mix in a bit of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and raw honey (enough to help youngsters drink it). Our 4-yr-old will drink it with a straw if he gets a cough. Helps reduce coughing and also breaks up congestion if that develops.

On a side note, there is an atypical whooping cough that doesn't have the "whoop"; more of a prolonged irritating cough. Feel for your little guy either way. That has to be hard on him (and you).

If you have Vicks, put it on his feet at night with socks. If you prefer not to use a petroleum based product, you can melt coconut oil and mix in some drops of essential oils that will accomplish the same (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, others...). Aura Cacia makes a mix called First Response that we will use on their feet, chest, & necks.

Hope you find something that works.

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Can you get him to drink a warm tea? We make tea (herbal or whatever you think he would like) and mix in a bit of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and raw honey (enough to help youngsters drink it). Our 4-yr-old will drink it with a straw if he gets a cough. Helps reduce coughing and also breaks up congestion if that develops.

On a side note, there is an atypical whooping cough that doesn't have the "whoop"; more of a prolonged irritating cough. Feel for your little guy either way. That has to be hard on him (and you).

If you have Vicks, put it on his feet at night with socks. If you prefer not to use a petroleum based product, you can melt coconut oil and mix in some drops of essential oils that will accomplish the same (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, others...). Aura Cacia makes a mix called First Response that we will use on their feet, chest, & necks.

Hope you find something that works.


I will do the ACV & lemon juice with honey. Thanks. We do put Vicks on our feet at night. Thanks. I need to make a list.

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Albuterol is the only thing that helps here when we get to that point, but we're asthmatics....my other tips are:


Epsom salt bath....magnesium is a smooth muscle relaxant.

acv + lemon juice + honey

slippery elm and horehound are the natural cough drops that I tend to buy

For a dry cough I diffuse eucalyptus, peppermint, and thyme

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My first thought was cough variant asthma, too.  A virus can really make that flare up.  DS was 4 when we found out about his cough variant asthma - which started as part of an illness (pneumonia after a virus).


What helps here (and has been mentioned above): the nebulizer with albuterol; steamy shower (or just sit in the bathroom while the shower runs); humidifier.  But our choices are limited due to asthma.


It could be that he needs an inhaler to get through this illness, but won't have asthma permanently.  I often need an inhaler when sick, my doc calls it in.  Other than that - no inhaler for me.  


If he's coughing this much, you might want to check with the doc - they can check his pulse ox (do you have a unit at home?  We check at home, and want to see a blood oxygen over 95).  I always worry about oxygen levels.


If you think there's any chance it might be turning into pneumonia, he might need a chest x-ray.  :(  DS had his first round of pneumonia at 4, and I worry any time there's lots of coughing.  


Hoping he feels better soon, and you all get some rest!


Oh... What about Sinupret?  I've not used it, but have heard good things about it.  Something to try.  Amazon has it.  :) 

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Our son was coughing a ton (and seemed fine otherwise)... turned out he had a sinus infections (post nasal drip, so we couldn't tell.  No fever).  Antibiotics cleared it right up and the coughing went away.  

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I'll second (third, fourth?) Vicks on the feet.  It actually works.  Even my highly skeptical BIL tried it, after much eye rolling, and declared himself converted.  


Yes, we put Vicks on all of our lymph nodes. Neck, armpits, feet. We're all quite sticky.

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I'd research cough variant asthma and then make a DR. appt. armed with that info. It was the only thing that helped my child (albuterol and steroids). 


I do hope you find a solution soon, it is heartbreaking to see a little one go through this.

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cough drops really don't do much, except coat the throat to keep you swallowing so you theoretically won't cough.


is this associated with a virus - or allergen?


how bad is the cough?  a frequent light cough is generally one that is tiresomely unproductive, a frequent deep cough is a bigger concern.


as for cough syrup . . . seriously depends upon what is in it. (and the cause of the cough) I rarely have better results with rx cough syrup than other methods.


how do his lungs sound?  (and has the dr actually listened to him?)


 does he have acid reflux?  (yep - it can cause frequent coughing)  he doens't have to "feel" like he has heartburn to actually have heartburn.


for a 'general' virus related cough that simply won't go away- I use

sudefed (the one behind the counter) to dry up the drainage,

musinx to thin it, and

lbruprophen to reduce tissue inflamation.

and lots and lots and lots and lots of water.  no dairy, as it affects mucus.


I do not use premade "Mixes" cold remedys.  I need to tailor mine, and I almost always have better results.


eta: someone mentioned vicks.  sounds wierd -but put it on the bottom of the feet. it works. I'd forgotten about that.



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cough drops really don't do much, except coat the throat to keep you swallowing so you theoretically won't cough.


is this associated with a virus - or allergen?


how bad is the cough?  a frequent light cough is generally one that is tiresomely unproductive, a frequent deep cough is a bigger concern.


as for cough syrup . . . seriously depends upon what is in it. (and the cause of the cough) I rarely have better results with rx cough syrup than other methods.


how do his lungs sound?  (and has the dr actually listened to him?)


 does he have acid reflux?  (yep - it can cause frequent coughing)  he doens't have to "feel" like he has heartburn to actually have heartburn.


for a 'general' virus related cough that simply won't go away- I use

sudefed (the one behind the counter) to dry up the drainage,

musinx to thin it, and

lbruprophen to reduce tissue inflamation.

and lots and lots and lots and lots of water.  no dairy, as it affects mucus.


I do not use premade "Mixes" cold remedys.  I need to tailor mine, and I almost always have better results.


eta: someone mentioned vicks.  sounds wierd -but put it on the bottom of the feet. it works. I'd forgotten about that.



Virus. We all have it, but he's the only one coughing so frequently, so I do want to have him tested.


It rotates between light and deep.


Thank you for the advice. :)

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A couple of my kids and I require albuterol for the cough associated with a cold. For such a little guy, they can give a mask or nebulizer to make it easier to get the albuterol into him. If he is wheezing at all, I'd ask for albuterol.


If it's from post nasal drip, a steroid nasal spray can fix that. One of my boys walked around doing little throat clearing coughs frequently for a while, and when I asked the doctor, she gave us the nasal spray, which helped quickly.

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