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A Nail Salon WWYD


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I went for a pedicure today. The girl who did it informed me that on one of my previous visits they had forgotten to add in the tip that was included when I signed the credit card receipt. I was able to verify this by checking my account on my phone. I went ahead and doubled my tip today because I felt cornered. But a part of me is a irked. The mistake was on their end, not mine, and I felt like it was unprofessional to bring it up at all. This is one item on a growing list of why this place is not my favorite anyway, and now I'm really not likely to go back despite the fact that it's convenient and I have to drive 20 minutes away to get to another nail place.

So just curious, what would you have done?

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Unprofessional. If the person to whom the tip should go, makes the mistake, she should let it go - her mistake. If someone else rang something up incorrectly and made a mistake, they could have compensated her - at least that is what I would do if I shortened someone.


But I would never ask a client to double tip because either I or someone else made a mistake.

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Probably the same as you did and then been bitter about it later. Not saying you are out that I got that vibe from your post, just that I would have been frustrated at my inability to think on my feet (haha). I think the best response mid-pedi would have been a thoughtful, "hmmm" which would have left me with time to think about how I felt about that and wether or not I wanted to come back.

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I would almost definitely do the same thing you did, but find another salon for the future.


There was one rare occasion when I did not give in the a similar pressure. I went to a cell phone store. I signed in, but waited a very long time for help. Once an employee was helping me, he asked me to fill out a customer service card. One question was about the length of time it took me to get service. I rated it a three or four; five would have been "Outstanding." The clerk tried to pressure me to change it to a five, saying, "That's not supposed to be about how long you had to WAIT; if it's not five stars, it reflects poorly on me." I crumpled up the card and said, "Well, then I guess there is no point in filling out a satisfaction card if you don't want honest feedback."

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I would be taken aback, but then I would consider what the tip means to me (not much) versus what it means to someone who does pedicures for a living (more), decide that, yeah, tips are how they make their living and that I don't blame them for asking.  And then I would make up the tip.

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It was really inappropriate of them to even mention it. It was their error, not yours.  I would not have paid a double tip and I would be looking for another salon.  I wouldn't go back to a place that tried to guilt trip me for tip money. 

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If you decide not to go back you should tell them why. They're just people like the rest of us trying to make a living. If the person hounded you for it, she is probably desperate for the money. However by doing so the store will lose business which makes them all lose more money.


I'd feel a mixture of compassion if I felt the person was desperate, irritation for the awkwardness during your time of peace, and suspicion that she was just being greedy and has some sort of personality disorder. It would be hard to know which feeling was appropriate, not knowing what the person's situation is.


But no matter what, the owner needs to know why people leave so it can be fixed.


If it's uncomfortable to tell the owner in person or on the phone, send a letter.

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How on earth would they even know that? I would have felt obligated to pay it again too. And it would irk me that they're keeping track and wouldn't return for the weirdness.


Yeah, that was definitely part of the weirdness for me too. Especially since the time they forgot to add the tip was not the LAST time I went; it was the time before that.  And she remembered exactly what I tipped her each time (it was different amounts). 


Like I said in my earlier post, I have a growing list of reasons not to go there. Top of the list is that they almost scold me if I go someplace else. But they often close earlier than the sign on their door says, so I'll go up the road to the other place I like better because they stay open later and I'm usually headed that way to run other errands. Then they give me grief if I go back and they can tell I've gone somewhere else. 


So I'm writing this out and wondering why I still go there, haha.  I think I'm just done. 

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