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Wave a magic wand and turn me into an organised, focused and motivated person?


School starts back Tuesday and I am so not ready!!! I feel like I'm chasing too many goals right now.

Try having your house on the market on top of things. Sigh!!!!


I know how you feel!


Only just realised that my dd 12 needs more math workbooks the other day. I normally get them from the States! I'm really relieved to find out that I can order them locally.

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For big projects that must be done (preparing for school, etc), I write multiple lists. From now until the project is due, there is a separate paper for each day. On each day's paper I write down the regular "life" stuff that has to be done that day (dishes, laundry, whatever) and then I break out the project into pieces and put pieces of the project on each day. Once that day's work is done, I stop. I like to put the regular stuff on each day's list because then I know how much time I'll have left over for the project. Then I don't overschedule project work on a day that I won't have much time. Like on my shopping day there's not a lot of time left over for projects, so I wouldn't schedule a heavy load on a shopping day.


If I write it up as one big long list, I quickly get overwhelmed or start putting parts of it off. But if the project is broken down into tiny pieces and I know I can stop for the day when that day's work is done, I can get myself going long enough to do that one day's work.

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No magic wand here, but I can give you a virtual :grouphug: .



Maybe make a list in order of priority and try to finish the most important goals?

Thank you for the hug. Actually your advice helps hugely because I realise that the absolutely must do goals are done. The books are all here except a few I won't need till later. It's just the fluff that I want to do that is stressing me out. I suppose it's all those little jobs that get let go when you are constantly too busy.

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I think you should slow down and that might help you be more purposeful. I keeps lists of things I need to do too. I tackle the items on the list one by one and don't try to do them all at the same time. I hope your start isn't as bad as you fear.

Very good advice.... It is so much easier when you can get to a calm state of mind and just do the next thing.

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Try having your house on the market on top of things. Sigh!!!!


I know how you feel!


Only just realised that my dd 12 needs more math workbooks the other day. I normally get them from the States! I'm really relieved to find out that I can order them locally.

Ouch... That would make me crazy... Trying to keep tidy all the time. I don't think I'd even worry about marking last years schoolwork!

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Can you delegate some of the smaller things to the kids, or hire a local teen for the day to help you get some things done?

I remember that feeling! So much of what was overwhelming me was really silly stuff, like having all the house windows clean before school started for the year, or having a pantry and fridge full of good food. Stuff that, when you really ask yourself how important it is, comes very low on the list of priorities. Sometimes a visual helps....writing everything down, categorizing into essential, preferable, and nice. Many of the nice can really be struck off when you see that although nice, it's not worth the stress at the moment. The act of striking it out seems to remove it from your brain better than just telling yourself it doesn't matter about doing those things.

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Can you delegate some of the smaller things to the kids, or hire a local teen for the day to help you get some things done?

I remember that feeling! So much of what was overwhelming me was really silly stuff, like having all the house windows clean before school started for the year, or having a pantry and fridge full of good food. Stuff that, when you really ask yourself how important it is, comes very low on the list of priorities. Sometimes a visual helps....writing everything down, categorizing into essential, preferable, and nice. Many of the nice can really be struck off when you see that although nice, it's not worth the stress at the moment. The act of striking it out seems to remove it from your brain better than just telling yourself it doesn't matter about doing those things.

I don't think you even want to know how far down my list cleaning the windows is right now....! It's true though lots of it is little stuff.

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Would you believe I was up until 10.30pm last night marking last years schoolwork!

Would you believe that just yesterday we finished last years schoolwork :)


My kids have two weeks holiday now till we start back...which gives me time to finish planning for the first term. I need it all planned properly this year because I'm starting up a Uni degree.... and I MUST be organised.


Just looked at my coursework and one of the subjects has 143 readings :(. ... normally during term I'm lucky to read even one novel to myself LOL..so why I had this fantasy I would be able to fit in study I do not know.


Oh and my kids still have two more weeks of holiday because we are still waiting on our new books to come from the States which I ordered late this year because I only just found out we don't qualify for the school kids bonus anymore and I had to scrape up money out of the budget to get them instead...lots of peanut butter sandwiches this week...I wish I would have known it was going to be means tested sooner so I could have planned better...stinkin fickle govt.

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for me add in starting work next week and finding out that not only do I start work on Friday, but there is a compulsory PD day on Wednesday and school meetings all Thursday.. AGH we are starting homeschooling on Tuesday and really hoping that the kids will do some work as well as assisting DH to mind the twins. I knew taking school holidays was a mistake, but the kids wanted to try having school holidays off like other kids and I gave in. silly silly me.

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