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OK, I have a job for the Hive


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I have decided that, since I'm not getting a new car anytime soon, I'm just going to embrace my crappy van (and my aging hippiness) and be one of those people who slaps bumper stickers all over the back of their car. I feel like I always see people with cool bumper stickers or magnets when I'm out and about, but I'm not seeing anything I like online. I need some funny/pithy/inspirational/hippie bumper stickers. Help me out, people!


I love Anne Taintor-type stuff, but she has no bumper adornments in her store. I saw something really pretty and Katie Daisy-like the other day, but I didn't look carefully enough at the time because I figured I could go home and search, and now that I have, it doesn't look like she sells bumper stuff anymore (I knew I should have bought them when I saw them a few years ago!). 


I need some ideas here. I haven't even found funny homeschool ones--the ones I'm seeing just feel sort of aggressive (like, "look at us, we're out socializing"). And I'm afraid if I put a Namaste bumper sticker on my car, someone's going to key my door! (I've seen online conversations by people who are really angry about that "Coexist" bumper sticker  :confused1: )


I might start with a "Not all who wander are lost" sticker, as a kind of gateway drug. Anyone else have any cool bumper decoration ideas? 




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I have a collection of fish...the traditional Christian fish, the 'Darwin' fish holding a spanner, and 4-5 others incorporating several cultures and religions...even a Flying Spaghetti Monster. I had a caption printed for underneath: 'School of Thought'


Not everyone appreciates this of course. I see it as a tolerance message. Especially where we live. To me, it has nothing to do with what we personally believe and everything to do with how to treat others...but I know from experience that it isn't always seen that way:(

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There's someone that works at our Target (or shops there waaay too often) that has that hooker girl from the back of mudflaps except she's dressed in a knee length skirt and reading a book. She's just plain silver. I think it's cool, but wouldn't know where to get one.

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I've long wanted to put favorite quotes from books on my car using customer vinyl like Uppercase Living.  It'd be expensive though, beginning at $1.00 per letter minimum. But if I did it,  I'd start with, "BETTER DROWNED THAN DUFFERS IF NOT DUFFERS WONT DROWN" from Swallows and Amazons.  

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The best ever minivan bumper sticker I was "minivans are tangible evidence of evil". I want that for our van now.


I am stunned.  Stunned!   Are we twins?   ...I was just coming to post that one!  


I love, love, love that sticker.  DH always looks at me like I'm crazy, but I adore it.  I have only seen it once, and it *still* makes me laugh hysterically.  We no longer have a minivan, or I'd have hunted it down.


OP, you must use that one, pretty please!

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Thanks everyone. These made me :lol:! I also found this one:




And one that says "Save gas. Take the Knight Bus!" :lol:


I'll start small and see what else I can acquire that has some meaning for us. I'd better keep my eyes peeled :D




Or this one :lol:





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I have a collection of fish...the traditional Christian fish, the 'Darwin' fish holding a spanner, and 4-5 others incorporating several cultures and religions...even a Flying Spaghetti Monster. I had a caption printed for underneath: 'School of Thought'


Not everyone appreciates this of course. I see it as a tolerance message. Especially where we live. To me, it has nothing to do with what we personally believe and everything to do with how to treat others...but I know from experience that it isn't always seen that way:(

I love this! It is probably the only way you could get me to put any fish on my car.


OP I love the van sticker that says "I used to be cool." An alternative for someone like me would be "I was never cool. This is just the icing on the cake."

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(Of course, I have one that says "I read banned books" :laugh: )


FYI, I got a large sheet/roll of magnet at MIchael's. When I get a sticker, I adhere it to the magnet & cut it out. That way, I can remove the stickers for washing the car, rearrange them, put up different combos, etc.... Of course, this only works if the area where you'll put them back is metal & not fiberglass, lol.

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