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What did you learn today?


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I am a big believer in learning something new no matter how small - it's the only way we keep growing as individuals.


So, share with the rest of us, what did you learn today? :) :)


I learned about Solomon Asch's experiment on the dangers of group influence:


According to the study (and corroborated by a later study by Gregory Berns), if individuals in a group confidently provide the wrong answer, 75% (41% in the later study) of the participants will go along with the wrong answer to at least one question (and think it correct), compared to maybe 5-10% who had the same question wrong before. The later study showed that when the participants were answering on their own, the brain scan showed activity in the parts of the brain having to do with visual and spatial perception as well as conscious decision-making, but when they were in the group with the actors giving the wrong answer, they showed less activity in the part of the brain associated with conscious decision making and more in the areas associated with perception. So, the participants were changing how they perceived the question (though the answer was wrong) because they were in these groups. Thought that was really interesting.

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I just got a weaving loom and am learning how to use it. I also learned that dh knows more about weaving than I do. Though he's never done it himself his mom was a weaver so he has some basic knowledge from her. He just told me my weaving is wonky because my warp tension is uneven. :D

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Today's learning: Extroverts need to be especially careful driving when tired. Being sleep deprived is a de-arousing condition (making you less alert and active), and extroverts need more stimulus/arousal than introverts do. Introverts need to be especially careful driving in loud, busy traffic for the opposite reason - it overstimulates them.


From the book Quiet. I thought I was weird - I'm just very much an introvert, and so many little things make sense, now.

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MIL had found a large feather while out walking and thought DD#1 would like to have it.  So I thought, this would be a great time for her to start a feather collection (kid says she wants to be an ornithologist when she grows up).  I googled for tips on organizing, identifying, etc., and learned that we will NOT be having a feather collection, because possessing feathers is illegal*.  The laws exist to protect birds from being killed for their feathers, and possession is illegal because there's generally no way to prove that you picked the feather up off the ground rather than killing the bird to get it.


I doubt we'll be raided by law enforcement officers looking for feathers, but I can't in good conscience let my kid keep them now that I know!



*There are some exceptions - see this article for more details.

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Yesterday, I learned the various groupings of seizure drugs by how they work so we could pick a new medication. We're ditching a sodium channel blocker so I opted to not try another sodium channel blocker. And the new drug is not a member of the benzodiazepines so it can be started or taken away much quicker. 


Of course, there's not much information about blocking calcium channels in terms of it's effect as an anti-convulsant so I may have to do some PubMed searches later, but you would be surprised how many treatments and medications are in use because they seem to work...not because we have any idea of how they actually work and the other repercussions on the body. 

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Today I learned that my bad temper scares my children even if it seems to motivate them to work.

The result is awful and not at all the intended effect.


What I also learned is that sorry goes a long, long way toward restoration and teaching by example is powerful.


On a far less deep note I learned to download TOG and that they've made great improvements since 5 years ago on year 1.

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I just got a weaving loom and am learning how to use it. I also learned that dh knows more about weaving than I do. Though he's never done it himself his mom was a weaver so he has some basic knowledge from her. He just told me my weaving is wonky because my warp tension is uneven. :D


Yay! A Fellow weaver!... a table or floor?


I learned....I learned... um.. .I'm sure I learned *something* new today... because I remember one of those "I never knew that," moments while listening to the radio..but now I can't remember what it was. :closedeyes:

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I am a big believer in learning something new no matter how small - it's the only way we keep growing as individuals.


So, share with the rest of us, what did you learn today? :) :)


I learned about Solomon Asch's experiment on the dangers of group influence:


According to the study (and corroborated by a later study by Gregory Berns), if individuals in a group confidently provide the wrong answer, 75% (41% in the later study) of the participants will go along with the wrong answer to at least one question (and think it correct), compared to maybe 5-10% who had the same question wrong before. The later study showed that when the participants were answering on their own, the brain scan showed activity in the parts of the brain having to do with visual and spatial perception as well as conscious decision-making, but when they were in the group with the actors giving the wrong answer, they showed less activity in the part of the brain associated with conscious decision making and more in the areas associated with perception. So, the participants were changing how they perceived the question (though the answer was wrong) because they were in these groups. Thought that was really interesting.


Have you read the book You Are Not So Smart? It has a whole bunch of these types of studies all with names like "The Positive Attribution Error" and so on. Neat book.


I also read Quiet. Someone mentioned it on here last year. Great book. Totally me. 

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Today's learning: Extroverts need to be especially careful driving when tired. Being sleep deprived is a de-arousing condition (making you less alert and active), and extroverts need more stimulus/arousal than introverts do. Introverts need to be especially careful driving in loud, busy traffic for the opposite reason - it overstimulates them.


From the book Quiet. I thought I was weird - I'm just very much an introvert, and so many little things make sense, now.


Yes... my kids always give me a hard time when I turn off the radio when traffic gets congested or I start driving in an unfamiliar area.

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I learned what the Splice app does.

I learned how to get a lead re-certification on a rental property when the owner of the rental kept his files in a hot mess held together with a rubber band.

I learned that my hair is better curled. 

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I learned about the existence of Herb Fairy books! Unfortunately they only sell at certain times of the year, so I will have to wait. Otherwise I'd be SPENDING!!! (I feel kind of bad posting that under Quill's post, but not bad enough to keep this to myself :D )


Dd is a hypochondriac and I've thought ever since she was a tot that herbalism would be a healthy place to channel that, but I didn't know how to get started, being that I don't know much about it myself.  I am like this  :drool5:  now.

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I learned how to peel potatoes and carrots on my own. Prior, I used to ask my mom how to do it and she'd show me but I could never do it the same way and when I tried to I was far too slow. Using my own way (she peels towards herself, I peel away) I was able to get what I needed done.

I also learned how to use our crock pot, and while the first attempt came out with some crunky burnt spots, I'm hoping tomorrow's attempt will go over much better.

Lastly, I learned garbage disposals are really picky things!

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Yay! A Fellow weaver!... a table or floor?


I answered you in a pm but for the benefit of the conversation . . .


I got a Schacht Cricket 15" table loom. I can clamp it on my butcher block style table. I'm on my second attempt at weaving as my first one was horrible! This one's going a bit better but I still have a lot to learn just about tension. A lot! Not to mention the many other things that go along with weaving.

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