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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Aww Jean, sorry Wednesday did not end well for you! Hopefully things are getting off to a better start tomorrow.



Pick up library book

Get printer and lined paper

Administer more meds to poor dog and consult with vet

Do Yoga & roll exercises for my tight piriformis muscle

Depending on how back / piriformis feels, perhaps a little rowing for cardio

Review some issues for work

Attend a continuing education class


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Egg rolls

art project--hard to get too but i still have time 

start crochet project 

don't spend so much time online

puzzles and games at least one

change bed sheets and pillow cases

reduce crying down to one person at a time at least. --ya no real lovely meltdowns

Maybe piano

Lots of snuggles

kitchen chores 

clean classroom

check mail

go to get on thing at the family dollar and end up with treats and tator tots. 


getting it done one step at a time!!


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Tomorrow I'll copy and paste stuff still undone from the week.


Partial school day (math, reading, spelling, instrument practice)


All three kids have shots scheduled. Whee!


Get out luggage and start packing

Confirm plan with assistant

Change our sheets

Bleach toilets

Set up iPads

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Jean -  :grouphug: - many times "survive" is perfectly good, though I hope things go better for you.


Nothing on my schedule again, at least, nothing beyond getting a shower without getting the hand wet and, of course, cat servant (mostly done for the morning).


Somehow I slept on the hand wrong last night and woke up this morning with it pretty sore.  :glare:   It's getting a little better now that I'm up, but I had anticipated feeling quite good today as it wasn't too bad yesterday evening (as long as I didn't irritate it).  Both other nights were good.  I'm not sure what made last night different other than maybe position.  I need to be a lighter sleeper for thing like this!


It'll give me time to finish the book I started yesterday.  And... I suppose training the brain in how to deal with boredom has some merit.  :cursing:

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Still so dark...


For me:

--gym w dh in 15 minutes. I am not a morning person (:lol:)

--breakfast, shower, decaf

--my portion of school w dd (math, chem, APHG, history)

--put totes in attic

--plan meals for WDW; decide on grocery order

--make refried beans, corn tortillas

--talk w dd about summer plans/goals

--update Goodreads

--send condolence card

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Good Morning....


Jean  :grouphug: !


I awoke this morning at 5am to the phone ringing.  Dd hit something in the road and had a bad flat tire.   Nothing is open around her until 6am and dh was talking her through changing the tire as he heads up the road to help her and trade cars.  


We survived yesterday with no more incidents with Ella Bella and are keeping them separated.   Thanks so much for the advice everyone!!




  • watch Sophia Grace --DD came home for the day 
  • ds starts his writing classes online Done
  • work on online Chemistry class Done
  • keep the house nice and tidy Done
  • figure out dinner--Five Guys!!
  • grocery shop tonight -- did it today since DD was home

Have a good day everyone! 


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Jean :grouphug:  I feel the same exact way today but apparently my fatigue and pain didn't crop up until this morning.


I feel like I've been hit by a car! Apparently I was super tense all day yesterday and finally released that tension overnight but as a result EVERY muscle in my body hurts!  So I'm not committing to very much today.


-get bare minimum of school done

-trip to grocery store

-kids to kung fu

-at least one load of laundry washed and away

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Yesterday was less than pleasant in the AM. My only goal is that it go smoother.


(((Hugs))) Jean.


Call the dentist. Again. Figure out why I have an almost $300 bill when it should be $84 per the insurance company.


Yesterday we sorted through tax documents, papers, medical bills. So glad it's over and we're about ready to file taxes! :) And, as we paid in a lot, I'm expecting a very pleasant return, at least federal.




Make new assignment sheets

Order a new mirror for Dh's truck. Oops.

Pick up groceries for CJs scout trip this weekend.


Stuffed peppers for supper.

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Tammy - glad it was "just" a tire, but ugh!  Hope it worked out ok.


hjffkj - sending hugs your way and hoping you feel better - not worse.  Every muscle hurting doesn't sound right - or is that normal stress relief for your body?


BlsdMama - here's hoping things do go smoother today!

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Good morning still have raging migraine blah

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- change master bedding- bed stripped waiting for mattress pad to dry

- tidy house- round 2 done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- cooking

- baths

- bedtime routine

- read

- treadmill

- anything else I manage to do- vacuumed and shampooed under shoe rack and big couch, vacuumed living room, cleaned top of shoe rack (a major clutter hotspot)

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:grouphug:  to Jean, hjffkj, and Mom2CandJ, and Creekland! Feel better soon!



I've been at my sister's house since Monday night. She is a wreck, but who wouldn't be. Her special needs son is still feeling bad, too, with a continual headache. We are heading to his doctor today. He can be very challenging when he feels bad, acting out, trying to hit her, uncooperative, etc. She is feeling overwhelmed and like she can't do this. Before she always knew she had her dh coming home at night which gave her a reprieve. I am going to try and take him to my house at least once a month for a few days, and she's working on some local help for 1-2 days a week.


I'm going to stay tonight and head home tomorrow.



meals for them

care for nephew and get all his meds in

go with them to the doctor

laundry or housework, whatever she wants

sleep in his room to listen for seizures (he has them mainly during his sleep)




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:grouphug:  to all of you!  I don't have big pain or a broken hand or a flat tire, but I do seem to be in a slump.  I am a generally "up" person, but I'm feeling rather down this week.  So I'm just doing some basics and trying to get by:


To do:

garbage out

including wood from garage

make bed



laundry going

laundry put away

tidy up

update budget

pay bills

drop off dry cleaning

to scout store

to historic home @11

salad for lunch

chicken soup for dinner


healthy habits:

run (skipping this week)

water x x x x x x

no sugar day 15


6pm:  still feeling cranky, but I had an okay day.  Thanks for the motivation!



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Jean I hope you manage to survive the day, I am sorry you are tired and in pain. 


Liz I hope your dog is doing better!


Creekland, hang in there, rest and heal.


Tammy 5am phone calls are scary, glad everything is all right.


hjffkj, sounds like a good day for a muscle relaxer and a long hot bath.  Can you at least take some advil?


momtoc&j, I hope your migraine lets go soon, that stinks.


Hugs all around :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Not much on my plate other than school with youngest.


Hang in there everyone!




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Good morning! I hope everyone feels better today. I, too, have been in a slump this week and really need to snap out of it. Dh's car is still not ready, so he rented one. Money is flying out of the account at an alarming rate. Not a good way to start off the year. I had am practice this morning, so I probably need a second cup of coffee. 


To do:

computer stuff

school for all

oversee teens


motivated moms stuff (definitely taking the quiet time today!)

study is better, but needs a bit more work

sports administration

PM practice/judo


Have a great day!

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Happy Thursday!   :grouphug:  for everyone today!


After repeatedly calling my doctor, I got some interesting news yesterday.  Apparently I'm having surgery and I was the last to find out!  Don't know a lot of details yet. 


To do:

Work on budget

Pay bills

Attempt to do laundry

Sign up dd for softball

Make grooming appointment for our very fluffy, shedding retriever

shop for new vacuum (very fluffy shedding)



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hjffkj - sending hugs your way and hoping you feel better - not worse. Every muscle hurting doesn't sound right - or is that normal stress relief for your body?


It's normal for my body. After stressful days where I need to hold it together for my kids or whatever my body responds by giving me flu like aches. I'll feel better by tonight most likely as long as I get a nap and a soak in the tub.

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Evening Everyone....we survived another crazy day.  The side of the tire blew out and there was nothing in it.  DC roads are horrible on cars as this is the second tire on our new Passat this has happened too.  


I'm counting my blessing that we have been able to pay or fix all emergencies, but I sure hope the crazy stuff slows down now.  I just want some quiet boring days.  


Hope everyone is doing well this evening and everyones day has improved!! 

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All 3 of my children fell asleep at 3:30!!!! 2 are still asleep and it's almost 6! No chance of a 7:30 bedtime or dh and I getting any actual one on one time to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.  I suppose we'll just celebrate  by enjoying dinner made by someone else and a yummy dessert.  


On the plus side I'm feeling much better physically!  

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We survived the pediatrician, thanks to my mom and a trip to lunch at the arcade after. My 6 yo said the shots were not better than all the worrying he had built up but were actually worse. Poor kiddo, that is saying something. 



We are ditching. I'll ask them to read later.



Do 1099s

Call Aftercare director

Get chamber music & concerto parts

Arrange 3 new classes with email


Before Trip on Saturday:

Pack & mail cello

School: prepare/bring the majors + music history workbooks, Bible curric?,

Empty Fridge

Packing: Special sunscreen, goggles, sunshirts, hats, water shoes, scuba gear, sunglasses, piano books, ipads

Change our sheets

Bleach toilets
Set up iPads 

Get box to send trunki

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All 3 of my children fell asleep at 3:30!!!! 2 are still asleep and it's almost 6! No chance of a 7:30 bedtime or dh and I getting any actual one on one time to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.  I suppose we'll just celebrate  by enjoying dinner made by someone else and a yummy dessert.  


On the plus side I'm feeling much better physically!  


Happy Anniversary!  I hope you were able to have a special moment or two.

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Happy Anniversary!  I hope you were able to have a special moment or two.

Thank you!  Dh brought an awesome dinner home for everyone, then we read to the kids for a long time.  They were all asleep by 9 so we got to at least relax a bit together before I fell asleep.


Best part of the night was dh voicing that he wants to take an additional week of when the baby comes, he is already getting 2 paid weeks off. The additional week would be unpaid.  This is a man who used to hate being off of work so I jumped at the opportunity and said I'd figure out a way to make it work financially. It comes at the perfect time since we'll be getting a hefty tax refund a week or so later as long as I file before Feb.

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