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Can we talk about peri menopause?


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I'm still pretty regular, but this last month when I ovulated, I felt like I had the flu- body aches, chills, but no fever. It then progressed into nausea for a day which is now filtering out into just really bloated/ gassy. I also have the emotional ups and downs and can't seem to handle stress as well. Last month had me on the edge of screaming like a toddler. I tell my husband that it would be best to leave me alone for a day or two because I'm on the edge sometimes.


Can I get some feedback about what happens to others during this time? I'm 44.

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I'm 46 and this past summer I experienced emotional ups an downs that weren't typical for me.    The cycle was a little out of whack also.   I felt I could cry at the drop of a hat.  I have found that regular exercise seems to help my mood.  Before I was not regular with exercise.   It's a good time to practice self control which I need the Holy Spirit's help to do.  Lastly, I try to remember to tell my family I'm feeling out of sorts.  This is not an excuse for me treating my family poorly but more so that there is less teasing that is part of our family culture.  I can be sensitive.  I am told by older friends who have been through this that the emotional stuff can hang for a year or so but eventually it levels out.  This woman stuff is also different for everyone.  As for the other symptoms, my guess would be you had a virus that just happened to be at that time...  Hugs to you! 

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I'm 3 weeks away from 47, and for me it's been a nightmare! Last spring I had AF three times in 6 weeks, with a yeast infection that didn't respond to OTC meds between each one. That was lots of fun! I've gained 25 lbs. in the past 2 years and don't respond to diets like I used to. Well, I don't respond to diets at all now, actually. And I've tried. My dr. said unless I really wanted to be consumed with losing weight, I needed to just accept it, and work on being healthy. Oh, and the mood swings... Let's not even talk about those. My dr. put me on The Pill which has helped a lot but obviously not the weight issue. I'm sorry to be such a downer. I don't think all women have it this bad, but for me, it's pretty bad.

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It was pretty bad for me too and I don't think I could have handled it without hormones. I have a low dose prescription and only take half of that....but it keeps me sane.


I guess I was in the fortunate camp in that I began skipping AF completely rather than having extra. It started around late 30s....By the time I was 44 I was completely done.

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I have had that "feels like the flu" thing maybe 4-5 times over the last year.  In my case it is definitely a hormone imbalance of some kind.  Too much estrogen, I think.  I have started to really focus on taking good care of myself.... I take a brisk walk every morning for 30-45 minutes.  I avoid sugar (I can have a little bit.... a few sips of a soda, a couple of low-sugar cookies, a couple of those mini candy canes.... per day, but that's it.)  And I try to be very aware of feeling stressed or anxious and take time/steps to calm myself.  If I stay on top of these three areas, it helps a ton.  Sometimes I can still feel that out-of-whack thing hovering around my edges, but if I'm taking good care of myself then I'm able to keep it at bay.


Good luck!  Sorry that you're struggling, too.  (Oh, and I'm 45, btw!)

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My periods stopped in 2013. I went to the doctor in January 2014. Blood work showed I had no ovarian reserve and such. Sonogram showed my ovaries were smaller and no follicles. I had not ovulated in a good year I am sure at that point. I am 44 yrs old. 


I had hot flashes. I would be turning off the heat in the house basically I was so hot. I was wearing short sleeves outside when others had long sleeves and jackets. And I was a little bit tired and gaining weight. I gained 20 pounds.  And my periods were not coming. On a rare occasion, I would get a little spotting, not enough to use a pad.



ummmm.....then I guess I ovulated in July anyway. 

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I'm about to turn 35, and I'm pretty sure I'm in it.  Either that, or the universe is playing a nasty trick on me.  My mom was in full blown menopause by late thirties and done by 46, so I think there is a good chance I'm gearing up at least.


My periods are heavier and closer together.  I'm actually considering an ablation because I'm also anemic.


I don't have hot flashes but I definitely have mood swings.  I get teary for no reason during ovulation now.  It's weird.


I have an appt on in a few weeks with my GP to talk about it.

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I'm 47 and in this now... it's pretty annoying, esp when the "time" never ends and can be quite heavy.


I've had to warn family - just introduced the boys to the concept (mom's mental state of mind) last night actually.  I figured it was good training for both of them with middle son going pre-med, esp, but considering that both are likely to get married someday.


Have you read the menopause thread of a few months ago?  It was perfect.  There was a good post with a link of 30 some odd things one could expect.  I don't have many, but it takes a load off the brain to find out just how much is (or can be) normal.


Here's a link to it:



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38 here and have been having symptoms for a couple of years.  (My mother began it early too).  I have horrid mood swings, irritability, night sweats, no libido, hot flashes, etc.  My skin is changing (suddenly looking thin and old) My periods are still pretty regular, but the duration and heaviness have been fluctuating like crazy.  In fact my last period lasted almost 2 weeks.  Yay...not.    

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I'm done now, mid-fifties.


Here is what happened to me, if it helps anyone.


In early 40's, periods got heavier and heavier, to the point that I did not go out on day two or three if it could be avoided. There was usually about a 6 hour time period in there when I was changing hourly. In my late 40s, they got closer. Like every 3 weeks. Then they got farther apart and I finally stopped. Hot flashes. Throw on a jacket or robe, then off. Repeat all day.


A couple months went by without periods. Then 6 months. Then done. Hallelujah. Hot flashes still occur now and then though.


It wasn't bad and it is great not carrying tampons!

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I'm done now, mid-fifties.


Here is what happened to me, if it helps anyone.


In early 40's, periods got heavier and heavier, to the point that I did not go out on day two or three if it could be avoided. There was usually about a 6 hour time period in there when I was changing hourly. In my late 40s, they got closer. Like every 3 weeks. Then they got farther apart and I finally stopped. Hot flashes. Throw on a jacket or robe, then off. Repeat all day.


A couple months went by without periods. Then 6 months. Then done. Hallelujah. Hot flashes still occur now and then though.


It wasn't bad and it is great not carrying tampons!

Did you have trouble with weight gain? And when it was all over, is the weight easier to take off? I can deal with this for a few years if I know that once the hormonal thing is stabilized I can take off some of these pounds.
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I started using relora - which is a Chinese supplement.  It helped with some of the weirder symptoms, as well as the whackadoodle mood swings. :svengo:

I also started 5-htp (and have since dropped the relora, which really was helping, but I didn't need both.)

and, I do yoga. :thumbup:  it really does make a difference.  when I tell dh I *have* to do yoga for my health, (even when it might disrupt other stuff), he is completely supportive because he has heard me expound to him so many times the benefits I notice.


oh- I became even more regular than I was when I was having kids.  when I started skipping - if I made a change to other areas of my health care, it suddenly became very regular again.  then, I had only sporadically spotted from april to oct.  but in oct, I started mthf (a very bioavailable form of folate) for a different reason that can totally change my personal biochemistry, and three weeks later . . . . I went through half a box of super plus in one weekend!  and I'm back to monthly.  :glare:  all heavy, but at least they're short. there has to be a benefit . . . . I don't need hormone replacement - whatever I'm doing is prolonging things.


when I was in my late 30's, my PMS symptoms felt like early pregnancy.  it would last a day or two, then stop for the grand finale.  just one reason I was skeptical I was pg with dudeling.

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I started taking an adrenal formula because I have thyroid issues (nodules) and thought my body was telling me something.  Add to my wonky thyroid was stress which was sending me literally over the edge to the point I was crying all the time.  People were telling me to take anti-depressants, put my youngest in school, all sorts of advice on the sinking ship I had going on in me.  And the women helping me deal with the severe emotions did not mention my age even though most of them are over 50.  Maybe they think I'm younger?  Why didn't they say anything?  Even the possibility?  


The adrenal formula has helped - so has sunshine (although that means it's really cold around here).  I'm feeling at peace more often than not.  I've noticed I need to always take my multi with iron otherwise I have such muscle weakness the last half of my cycle I can barely climb stairs.  With iron - no problem.  I have noticed that I get more claustrophobic in crowds and feel the need to get out of the place quickly.  


Also, I always thought irregular cycles meant infrequent.  Mine have been around 24 days of late.  One month, I got it twice.  Fun times :glare:


So, maybe I should just chalk up the severe emotional turbulence I feel sometimes to fluctuating hormone levels instead of true depression.  There are weeks where I get weepy and weeks where I'm at peace with even our stressful circumstances.  

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I'm done now, mid-fifties.


Here is what happened to me, if it helps anyone.


In early 40's, periods got heavier and heavier, to the point that I did not go out on day two or three if it could be avoided. There was usually about a 6 hour time period in there when I was changing hourly. In my late 40s, they got closer. Like every 3 weeks. Then they got farther apart and I finally stopped. Hot flashes. Throw on a jacket or robe, then off. Repeat all day.


A couple months went by without periods. Then 6 months. Then done. Hallelujah. Hot flashes still occur now and then though.


It wasn't bad and it is great not carrying tampons!


Thanks for sharing that. I just had the heaviest period of my life over Christmas - changing even more frequently than hourly. It was awful. I don't know what I would have done if I had to go out of the house and as it was I was having to sit on a towel. I also started spotting/bleeding 9 days early and had a 13 day period if you count that. UGH. I'm glad I make my own cloth pads now or I would have had to run to the store as there is no way a regular stash of store bought pads would have covered things. As it was the pads I have on hand had to go in the wash a bunch of times. I need to sew more so it's not an emergency to have to do a load of laundry.


I've also been starting to have what I assume are hot flashes. The other day I was cutting paper and got completely sweaty and threw off my sweater & wool lined boots and still felt like I was just sweltering. Cutting paper! You know what hard physical labor that is! ;-)Then 30 minutes later I was thoroughly chilled and freezing again. It's totally random and sometimes won't happen for days and then other times will happen like 20 times a day. Yippee.


Anyway, I appreciate all of the posts on this topic recently. They've helped me realize what's probably going on.


I'm hoping this is not going to last for years and years. 

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Thanks for sharing that. I just had the heaviest period of my life over Christmas - changing even more frequently than hourly. It was awful. I don't know what I would have done if I had to go out of the house and as it was I was having to sit on a towel. I also started spotting/bleeding 9 days early and had a 13 day period if you count that. UGH. I'm glad I make my own cloth pads now or I would have had to run to the store as there is no way a regular stash of store bought pads would have covered things. As it was the pads I have on hand had to go in the wash a bunch of times. I need to sew more so it's not an emergency to have to do a load of laundry.


I've also been starting to have what I assume are hot flashes. The other day I was cutting paper and got completely sweaty and threw off my sweater & wool lined boots and still felt like I was just sweltering. Cutting paper! You know what hard physical labor that is! ;-)Then 30 minutes later I was thoroughly chilled and freezing again. It's totally random and sometimes won't happen for days and then other times will happen like 20 times a day. Yippee.


Anyway, I appreciate all of the posts on this topic recently. They've helped me realize what's probably going on.


I'm hoping this is not going to last for years and years.

It won't. It seems like it never ends though. That heavy bleeding gets worrisome but I was just fine and needed no medical attention. I was mid-fifties. Many stop sooner. You will likely do what your mom did. I didn't know, since most women of my mom's generation in my family had hysterectomies.

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I'm only 40 and I started having night sweats and body aches about 3 years ago.  My cycle has gotten heavier and lasts about 10 days (I had thermal ablation so it's not that bad but not great either).  I keep gaining weight and I hate that, I'm tired and moody all the time, some months are worse then others but it's been pretty bad for the last 3-4.  I'm going to be seeing the Doctor at the end of the month for a check-up and to have blood work to see if anything can be done (hormones? Yuck, so am not ready for that). I just wish there was a set course, you know, this happens at this age for this long then the next thing happens.  I've always been good at dealing with "stuff" if I know what to expect.


The only good thing is that we can now set the thermostat at 69 instead of 74 like I used to require.

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It won't. It seems like it never ends though. That heavy bleeding gets worrisome but I was just fine and needed no medical attention. I was mid-fifties. Many stop sooner. You will likely do what your mom did. I didn't know, since most women of my mom's generation in my family had hysterectomies.


Yeah, that's the problem. I have no history for my mom or grandmas as they all got a hysterectomy.

I hope this will all end before my mid 50's. I'm only 42!!! Now I want to cry, lol...

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The only good thing is that we can now set the thermostat at 69 instead of 74 like I used to require.


I have that going on too, lol. My son's internal temp is such that he could walk around in snow in just a swimsuit (a little bit of an exaggeration but not much, lol) so we've hardly turned the heater on around here during the day. I do like that part a lot. Maybe I'll save enough $$ to buy more chocolate to make up for having a period for nearly half a month! ;-)

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Yeah, that's the problem. I have no history for my mom or grandmas as they all got a hysterectomy.

I hope this will all end before my mid 50's. I'm only 42!!! Now I want to cry, lol...

Well, you are not me. I did have increasingly heavy periods throughout my 40's, but it sounds like you are where I was In my late 40s. Maybe you will stop sooner.
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Ok, this may be way TMI, but I am going to ask anyway.  I am starting to think that I may be in the very beginning of peri-menopause.  I really do not have any symptoms...however my AF is NUTS!  I will have a regular AF like normal, but then a week or so later (about the time I would normally ovulate) I have a second AF...but this time it is much lighter and instead of it being a normal flow, it is like it is old blood.  My husband thinks I should see a doctor, and I plan to...but it seems to me that this could be a PM sign?  Any ideas?

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jenn&charles, on 06 Jan 2015 - 11:39 AM, said:

I have that going on too, lol. My son's internal temp is such that he could walk around in snow in just a swimsuit (a little bit of an exaggeration but not much, lol) so we've hardly turned the heater on around here during the day. I do like that part a lot. Maybe I'll save enough $$ to buy more chocolate to make up for having a period for nearly half a month! ;-)

I would have symptoms, then they'd go away, or lesson.  they did that for years. I started having symptoms in my 30's.  I thought I'd be done by now.  (ten years ago, my gyn thought I'd easily be done by now.)  but whatever I'm doing is helping/working because I'm not having any issues, and haven't for more than  a year.  expect my cycle started up again.


I have son's like that - always warm. (I made a deal, they had to wear a jacket if it was below freezing and they were only wearing shorts - and flip flops!  not that it stayed on . . . )


  2dd, always freezing.  her fiancé - always warm.

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Ok, this may be way TMI, but I am going to ask anyway.  I am starting to think that I may be in the very beginning of peri-menopause.  I really do not have any symptoms...however my AF is NUTS!  I will have a regular AF like normal, but then a week or so later (about the time I would normally ovulate) I have a second AF...but this time it is much lighter and instead of it being a normal flow, it is like it is old blood.  My husband thinks I should see a doctor, and I plan to...but it seems to me that this could be a PM sign?  Any ideas?

Sounds normal to me, especially given the ages of your kids.   If you have no illness or infection, and feel ok, it sounds like you just have a wacky period. 

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