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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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So hot here today. Reached 40 oC at my place and I live right on the beach. way hotter inland. it is still 38oC after 8 pm.


My body shuts down after 37 oC and I go into a semi awake state.


 I Spent just about the whole day supervising the twins on the veranda. I decided to speed up the toilet training. I gave them heaps of drinks, a bucket of water to play with ( to keep cool) let them run around naked and sat a potty within 2 meters of them.


Success twin 2 now has 17 stickers on his chart and twin 1 who had no idea of how his body functions and could not connect the toilet with anything finally clicked just before tea and rapidly got 5 stickers on his chart.

guess what I will be doing for the next few days..... supervising toilet training with naked twins on the veranda.

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2 more days of dh's christmas break and I'm dreading getting back into our normal routine. So aside from picking up my dad's truck and having dh and my brother load it and take stuff to the dump I'm not making a list. We'll do whatever fun and/or relaxing thing the family wants to do.

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Thank you all for your prayers!


The visitation and funeral is late this afternoon and evening. The burial is tomorrow afternoon. We are going to stay that night, too. She lives in TN about 3.5 hours from me. I wish so much I was closer. 


We know more now because my sister was brought his things which included a journal written very recently and that day. He had actually questioned if he should end all 3 of their lives, so we are beyond thankful that didn't happen. 




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kids' breakfast

started laundry

farmers' market

glass recycling dropped off


to do:

take down and put away Christmas decorations (11:00, about 2/3 done. I made DH help.)

prep for church tomorrow


lunch: ???

dinner: chx nachos


watch Downton Abbey tonight :) Rewatching last season's finale so I will be ready for tomorrow!

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:grouphug: Amy, praying for you today.


I am up to take the girls into practice. Ds1 will take ds3 to his practice later. I have to go to the post office, bagel shop (yum!) and Joann's to spend a bit of my Christmas money on a new cutting mat. Might need some fabric as well. :lol:


The rest of the day is pretty low key, football playoffs, quilting, maybe a bit of cleaning.


Have a great day!

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Praying for you Amy.





discussion of day with children

finish working on bills and transfer money to dd account

shred papers

sort apples and set aside bad ones for pigs

fill bird feeders

boil beef for broth

help ds fix waterheater

write out January on dry erase calendar


take bulk to front

check mail and pick up packages


To do:

put wheels on toolbox and fill with kitchen stuff

grade last of schoolwork and make assignment sheets for this week

bind three workbooks

scan receipts

clean out black refrigerator

family meeting

organize schoolroom

name goat

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Amy, praying for you and family on this difficult day.   :grouphug:


Today's list:





sort and toss bathroom cabinet items

set up binder for household for 2015 (I've never done this before so it may take some time)

lesson plan for the week

meal plan for the week


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Things have been taken to the dump and I can now rest and allow the house to remain in this chaotic state until Wednesday when the plumbing job is done! Then I'll have to figure out when my family can come over for a drywall party and finishing the bathroom floor party. I'm truly blessed to have a family who so willingly helps each other out with no strings attached!


For the rest of the day I will be finishing The Stand, playing board games with the kids, and ordering dinner out.

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Happy Saturday everyone!

SO don't want to go back to real life on Monday.


Lesson planning


Went to my sister's for brunch, put 10 years of photos from my backup hard drive to her PC, put my entire Calibre library on her PC and showed her how to use it with her Paperwhite.  Showed her how to upload with Shutterfly Express Uploader, installed her webcam for her and fixed her blu ray player.  (which technically wasn't broken, she just had it set to MUTE!!)


Came home and filled the woodstove, fixed supper for later, filled this weeks pill containers.


Now heading out to grocery shop, which I also don't want to do.


Nephew's Christmas present finally arrived from Australia, so I need to get that to him also, but probably not today.


Find a credit card with low rate to transfer our Care Credit balance to.  The interest is insane on it and I needed dental work last year that ran it up.

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I've finished all the chicken dishes - chicken enchiladas, chicken divan casserole, and Indian butter chicken.


We are currently figuring out how to play 7 Wonders, and afterwards I'll work on taco meat, beef & broccoli, and maybe tuna casserole if there is time.


I think being around all this food has made me forget to eat today. I'm hungry!

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I've finished all the chicken dishes - chicken enchiladas, chicken divan casserole, and Indian butter chicken.


We are currently figuring out how to play 7 Wonders, and afterwards I'll work on taco meat, beef & broccoli, and maybe tuna casserole if there is time.


I think being around all this food has made me forget to eat today. I'm hungry!



How many meals do you freeze and how often do you spend the day making a freezing meals.  I really want to get into the habit of doing this again since it is a time saver, money saver, and all around daily sanity saver for me.  I don't do it consistently enough anymore but will do a freezing day if I find a particular protein on deep discount.


I got 7 Wonders for Christmas!  WE haven't played it yet because we got many games for Christmas that we couldn't pick them all last night at our game night with friends.  Can't wait to try it out though.

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How many meals do you freeze and how often do you spend the day making a freezing meals. I really want to get into the habit of doing this again since it is a time saver, money saver, and all around daily sanity saver for me. I don't do it consistently enough anymore but will do a freezing day if I find a particular protein on deep discount.


I got 7 Wonders for Christmas! WE haven't played it yet because we got many games for Christmas that we couldn't pick them all last night at our game night with friends. Can't wait to try it out though.

We gave up on 7 Wonders...littler ones were getting impatient while we try to figure out what was going on. Played Farkle instead.


For meals, I usually make a big batch before each semester starts. I try to make about 50-60 meals (dinner main dishes and soups) and I usually spend one day shopping and food prep, and two days cooking. We do have a large deep freeze, so there is space to keep it all. I am trying several new dishes this time around, to accommodate more low carb eating for me (i.e. For chicken enchiladas, I will skip the tortilla and just eat the chicken filling, and have extra salad and veggies.)


Having meals in the freezer definitely helps keep me sane. We are gone all day on Tuesdays, so that is our soup day. I guess I will use 3-4 freezer meals per week, and other days have easy things like baked chicken, chef salad, pasta, etc.

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We gave up on 7 Wonders...littler ones were getting impatient while we try to figure out what was going on. Played Farkle instead.


For meals, I usually make a big batch before each semester starts. I try to make about 50-60 meals (dinner main dishes and soups) and I usually spend one day shopping and food prep, and two days cooking. We do have a large deep freeze, so there is space to keep it all. I am trying several new dishes this time around, to accommodate more low carb eating for me (i.e. For chicken enchiladas, I will skip the tortilla and just eat the chicken filling, and have extra salad and veggies.)


Having meals in the freezer definitely helps keep me sane. We are gone all day on Tuesdays, so that is our soup day. I guess I will use 3-4 freezer meals per week, and other days have easy things like baked chicken, chef salad, pasta, etc.

Yes we'll certainly be trying 7 wonders with adult friends.


That sounds like a great system! Money is too tight to do a big upfront purchase for us this month since we're paying for our entire plumbing to get redone but I plan on implementing the big cook and freeze days again after I recover from my csection in Feb. We have a second freezer too that isn't being used at the moment since it used to store our 1/4 of a cow we would get. We'll probably be purchasing that again soon so when that order comes in I plan to revolve my cooking day around when we get it.

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I'm sorry, Amy.


We bought plumbing supplies, dh hung hall shelves, I ripped out the old shelves from the front closet to prep for painting next week. Went to church tonight.


Tomorrow, finish the hall shelves (had to go back for more special screws...had 6 holes, sold screws 5 in a pack, lame). Spackle the front closet. Maybe do more basement demo too.

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