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Flying with bad head colds?


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How bad is it going to be? We have a five hour flight in less than 24 hours and we are all sick. The flight is to take us back home and we really need to be on it. No fevers; just cough, congestion, and sore throats. I have trouble with my ears on flights any way due to scar tissue so I am scared it is really going to hurt. Any ideas on medications or something else to make it easier?

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You can breathe through a damp washcloth as well.


I rarely give my kids cold medicine--actually, maybe once--but it was for a situation like this: unavoidable travel. Provided your children don't react to much, I'd go for an OTC all-in-one drowsy medication to reduce discomfort.


I am sorry you have to fly sick!

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I flew once with a massive sinus infection. As the plane was landing, I thought my head was going to explode. It was fine before and after, but the descent--yowza. Load up with Sudafed, the real stuff, before and during. My family swears that only the little red ones work, that the twelve-hour version does not.

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I remember one awful flight when I was congested where my ears hurt horribly.  But I really, really hate the way decongestants make me feel and I wouldn't want to combine that with a 5-hour flight. So I'd take ibuprofen before boarding and again before landing if I were flying with a bad cold.

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I think I'd be just doing anything to keep myself liquid. I like saline for that.


I've also had the my head is going to explode sinus flying thing. It's miserable. Though I will say, I've had it, um, loosen up some gunk too. Not as good as a swim in the ocean, but still.

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I flew once with a massive sinus infection. As the plane was landing, I thought my head was going to explode. It was fine before and after, but the descent--yowza. Load up with Sudafed, the real stuff, before and during. My family swears that only the little red ones work, that the twelve-hour version does not.

You may even feel pressure in your teeth. I would take a decongestant and ibuprofen, just to get through the flight.

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I used to travel for work constantly, and I have trouble clearing my ears.  This is what I learned.  Don't take any decongestants for a couple of days before the flight.  You need to get them out of your system before hand.   They make your passages bigger, but that allows them to fill up more. You need the decongestant to expand the space, not just keep it the same.   Then take a short-acting powerful one two to three hours before landing.  


There was one day that my ears Did Not Clear.   I stayed in the hotel room and moaned in pain for almost a day.  Then I realized that what I really needed to do was get back up in the air.  Fortunately, I wasn't home yet.  So, I got back on a plane, and Oh My!, The relief when my ears cleared going up!   Then I took the decongestant, and all was well.  

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I spent several years of my life with a woman who was an airline Flight Attendant. Your post brings back this memory, but I don't remember what symptoms, if any, she had, before she began the trip. She went from Dallas to New York, but instead of returning to Dallas with the aircraft and her crew mates, she went (by bus) to her mothers home in CT. I think the problem was intense ear pain. GL



Medications can cause different reactions at cruising altitude...   Ask your ENT doctor...

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