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This video sent from middle son to youngest is priceless (and cute)


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I couldn't help but share this.  It's a video middle son sent to youngest for his birthday yesterday. 


Middle is a junior in college in Rochester, NY.  Youngest just started his freshman year in St Petersburg, FL.  The two have been comparing experiences all semester...


It's only a little over 3 minutes long - and you need to listen to the very last line - the words in the song (which comes after the credits).




If you want a cute laugh or two, enjoy!  And if you just wanted pics of my middle son or to know the actual names of my guys... well, enjoy those too!



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(The kids at DS's college can still dress lightly bc most of the buildings are connected underground...nice for bad weather but kinda creepy...they never have to go outside.)


There are tunnels between classroom buildings at U Rochester too, but they don't connect to the dorms.  It's only a short walk, so most don't actually bundle up much.


That is awesome. I only hope my boys are still that close when they are off at schools miles from each other. :)


I love that these two have stayed so close.  I really hope it stays that way for the rest of their lives.  And I'll secretly admit I wish oldest would return to the closeness they all had when they lived here.  Maybe he will someday.

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Aw, what a great video! And what a great brother! Those Rochester scenes bring back memories. :)  Happy holidays to your family!


Happy Holidays to you too!  And when middle son comes home (next Monday) we have asked him to leave the snow there!  I like some snow, but not tons.  He likes snow and the cold really doesn't bother him.  Youngest dislikes cold.  It set up beautifully for the creativity of that video (not that I would have come up with it though)!

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Happy Holidays to you too! And when middle son comes home (next Monday) we have asked him to leave the snow there! I like some snow, but not tons. He likes snow and the cold really doesn't bother him. Youngest dislikes cold. It set up beautifully for the creativity of that video (not that I would have come up with it though)!

I am really one of those "the cold <and snow> never bothers me anyway" people. I'd much much much MUCH :D rather have below freezing weather and snow than cold rain. Blech.


I guess I live in the right place!

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I am really one of those "the cold <and snow> never bothers me anyway" people. I'd much much much MUCH :D rather have below freezing weather and snow than cold rain. Blech.


I guess I live in the right place!


I prefer cold to hot.  I'll take < 30 over 90 any day (except maybe a beach day).  But my comfort zone is 50 - 80.  When I lived in far upstate NY, winter lasted too long for my preference.  When I lived in FL, summer lasted way too long and was way too hot.  Where we live now seems to be a happy medium - esp if we can head south for a bit in Feb or so and north for a bit in August.  ;)

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