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how do I get rehydrated quickly?


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I just got back from our first Nutcracker weekend and I am soooo dehydrated. I feel terrible. I haven't eaten enough or properly and I feel so thirsty and my lips are cracked. My skin feels dry and tight. I spent 2 days in a very dry theatre and one night in a hotel that had a fan blowing constantly.  I have also had too much caffeine, enough to add to the problem. my throat actually feels a bit sore from feeling dry. Yuck!


Yes, I am drinking. I have had 24 ounces in 90 mins. I am trying to space it out because I want to gulp but then my stomach gets too full of water.  How do I get more hydrated without bloating up my belly? Its like there isn't enough room in me for the amount of water I need to drink, lol.


I can't stand sports drinks and I am not convinced they actually hydrate. If they do I will totally get some for the next performance weekend. I will need it when we are done and prob so will the boys. At least we can sleep in our own beds for that one.


Any suggestions for getting rid of that too much weird food, not enough water, thirsty yet too full feeling?


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When I need to rehydrate, I just keep drinking. I keep a bottle of water with me and just keep sipping. I know what you mean about that bloated feeling, but typically for me it passes really fast. In part because once I've really done it, I pee a lot.  :001_rolleyes:


I don't like sports drinks either. You can do pedialyte if you want. It's a sports drink sans sugary weird additives basically.

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Sorry, this doesn't address the acute problem, but hydration takes several days.


Plan to drink extra fluids all week before your next performance. Drinking the day before, or the day of, is actually too late. (Although, of course you should continue to drink on those days also.)


If you are truly dehydrated after the fact, consider an IV. Seriously.  :)

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Internally: Good broth or chicken stock, water with lime or lemon juice. Externally: You could pour boiling water into a pan and hold your head over it and inhale to rehydrate airways. Use good chap stick on lips and moisturize several times a day until normalized.

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If you really think you need an electrolyte solution, you can whip one up at home using 1 liter of cool clean water, 8 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt. You can then add half a cup of orange juice to improve the taste and add potassium or, since you're just thirsty during performances and not actually sick, whatever flavoring you prefer.


It's a heck of a lot cheaper than pedialyte or gatorade, and no icky food coloring.


But water is cheaper still, and that's the solution. Bring a huge bottle of water with you for each person. Drink water every time you have a chance, every time you go to the bathroom, as frequently as you can manage. Do that, yes, in advance of the weekend and also during it. Don't let yourselves get dehydrated in the first place.


Edit: And yes, bringing food next time that has a high water content will also help. Less chips, more soup.



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Sorry, this doesn't address the acute problem, but hydration takes several days.


Plan to drink extra fluids all week before your next performance. Drinking the day before, or the day of, is actually too late. (Although, of course you should continue to drink on those days also.)


If you are truly dehydrated after the fact, consider an IV. Seriously.  :)


I  had a feeling that was the answer.  Ok, I am going to be working on this for a few days. And I will make a point of dealing with the hydration before we have our next hard weekend. It's just so hard because there is no room backstage and we aren't really supposed to have food or drink in the dressing rooms beyond the dancers having enough to get through a performance. If the costume master thought she could ban water she would, lol. Plus, there isn't really any time to pee or privacy when you do so I have avoided it. And there was just so much forced air heat everywhere we went.


I don't feel ill, like an IV is necessary, but I don't feel like myself, and I bet my kids feel the same. DH worked the flys and he is about the same as me.  We are a sad lot, lol.

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If you're doing this again next weekend - 


See if you can bring some of your own food so you eat better.  Cut up fruit, yogurt, nuts, hummus, good bread or crackers, carrot sticks; these should all survive in a cooler for a weekend, and are perfect for little snacks for your dancer(s) too.  Obviously you'll want to bring some water bottles too.

And put on a double dose of lip balm and moisturizer for your skin before you head to the theater.

For next year, for the hotel, consider hanging or draping a wet towel near the fan, to make a DIY humidifier.  It can make a huge difference.

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If you're doing this again next weekend - 


See if you can bring some of your own food so you eat better.  Cut up fruit, yogurt, nuts, hummus, good bread or crackers, carrot sticks; these should all survive in a cooler for a weekend, and are perfect for little snacks for your dancer(s) too.  Obviously you'll want to bring some water bottles too.

And put on a double dose of lip balm and moisturizer for your skin before you head to the theater.

For next year, for the hotel, consider hanging or draping a wet towel near the fan, to make a DIY humidifier.  It can make a huge difference.


I had all of this in the car to eat as lunch. We were supposed to have an hour break for lunch between run through and the actual performance. Of course the run through ran long and we had less than 10 mins for 'lunch'. I ended up feeding the boys each an 'emergency' protein bar and a drink box of chocolate milk. And of course I skipped lunch. No food allowed during rehearsal or performance or back stage so no snacking. We ate it in the car on the way home, lol. DH had a few french fries, lol. Lunch of champions.


and I am so doing that towel on the heater in the next hotel. I tried turning off the heat, but then the room immediately got cold. You could feel that cold just seep in the room.

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Our doctor has said that just drinking water won't help much if your electrolytes are low. You need to get the electrolytes up so mix juice or sea salt into your water. Just a punch of salt into cold water will go it.


For the backstage time, what about a Camelback hydration system? Spill proof.

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still dragging. Dh says he feels like he did 4 workouts in a row. Neither one of us is particularly hungry or thirsty but we are trying to force fluids. The kids feel 100% fine, of course. A good meal and a good night's sleep and they are back in the game.


Getting old sucks.


I am picking up some electrolytes and maybe some probiotics at the store tonight. We need something, that is for sure. We aren't sick, nothing like that. Just feeling sort of used up.

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I found some coconut water powder? It is the electrolytes from coconut water. I just got back from the store and we are having some now. You add a tablespoon per 8 oz of water. I got it because I knew I was not going to like the taste of coconut water. I mixed in some of those dasani drops and it is almost drinkable, lol.  I am choking it down like a good girl. I can tell I need it. DH is having some also.


I liked the idea of the powder because I will toss it into smoothies


it is this, but I actually got a better price than on amazon



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