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When did your son have his first crush?


When did your son have his first crush?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. As far as you know, when did your son have his first crush?

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    • 8
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My oldest had a cute little boy crush on a little girl in his preschool. It was enough that he came home crying in Kindergarten when she cut her hair. He LOVED her wonderful thick, long hair. He still has a bit of a crush on her and now he only sees her at town celebrations or things like that.


My youngest hasn't had a crush of any sort yet. He is a super friendly little guy, but seems to have other things on his mind then the little girls around him.

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My son informed me quite young that he wanted a family and to have kids.  He wanted to get married.  He is still in this place now that he is 10.  My husband seems to think this is drastically going to change once he is 14, but I have my doubts.  I think some kids are just hardwired to wanting to settle down. 

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I have three boys but only voted once, as my youngest and oldest have not really had a first crush yet.


My middle ds declared after his first choir concert, with a little sigh, "Mom, I think I love her." Of course, I asked who, and he told me, "I don't know her name, but I love her. She stands next to me in the choir."


He had a crush on her for 2 years. He even made her a very sweet valentine on Valentine's Day.



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Both of my boys were 10-11. Oldest boy kept it a secret for months. Younger son came to have a private chats because he was worried he was sick (heart palpitations, sweating, couldn't speak). If it makes any difference, my oldest daughter was the same age. Now Blondie? She's 8. I lost count a long time ago, and Boo is probably following her lead.

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My oldest boy still hasn't had one. He thinks that "tea" is GROSS and wants nothing to do with that and is fully aware that boy-girl relationships are meant to end up that way (as in marriage). He says he's going to be single for life and work as a bicyle mechanic. lol. I'm just waiting for puberty to change his mind.


DS and DD also mercilessly tease each other about who they are each going to end up marrying. It's pretty funny. I think that there may be more going on in DS's mind then he's letting onto.

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Simon had a crush on the niece of a good friend. She is about six years older than he. He proposed marriage to her in a letter when he was about eight. (FTR, I had no idea he was writing the letter until he gave it to her at a party. He kept coming to me and asking how to spell words, but I didn't pick up on what was going on.). She is now a high school junior and has a boyfriend, but Simon still admires her from afar. He has good taste; she is kind, intelligent, and beautiful.


Alvin had a crush on the niece's best friend at the same time. He didn't propose, though. :). He has now moved on to the daughter of a friend from church. It took him a long time to decide if he could call her his friend or not. He made a huge step when he shook her hand one day. He also blew her a kiss once. She didn't see it, but I did!


Theodore and Faith have said they were going to marry each other since Faith was about 3.5. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as Theodore was adopted, so there is no biological reason why they couldn't get married. I shudder to imagine what their therapy sessions would sound like! They already bicker like an old married couple sometimes.

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My son had what I would call a baby-crush on his 16-year-old babysitter at age 18 mo. to 4. He said something quietly about her being his girfriend then blushed and changed his wording to "my friend who I like so much." It was the first time he ever showed embarrassment and it was adorable. He still ends all his prayers with "and thank you for Miss A & Miss B (her sister) and Miss A and Miss B's mom and dad, AMEN!"

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Eldest boy is 17.5 almost 18 and has not had one yet.


Middle boy, 16, has had a mild, mild, mild one. Might possibly have considered asking the girl out, but knew she was interested in someone else and moved on without angst.


Youngest boy, 14, wants to be a bachelor because he does not believe a woman exists anywhere in the world that will put up with his robotics, physics, engineering, astronomy pursuits and passions to the degree he wants to pursue them, and has no intention of giving them up. He is Mr. Spock.

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When ds was around 3.5 yo, there was an older little girl with blond curls who we saw regularly in our playgroup circles. He spent about a year following her around everywhere when we saw them. He would just trail around after her looking like a little smitten puppy dog. She was about 5 yo and I don't think she noticed him much at all. I don't even know if they're still homeschooling... I wonder what happened to her.


But now at age 10, I haven't heard anything else. Though there is a tough looking little girl who only he, not his twin, hangs out with at the park. But I don't think it's a crush. His twin has never had a crush that I could see.


I think the crushes kids get when they're really little are sort of different from the ones they have later though...

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Two boys, only answered once.


DS7 met his future wife when they were 4, in preschool. They do not date; they are not boyfriend/girlfriend. They are just simply getting married when they are older. It's the fourth year of this, and neither has wavered. C'est un fait accompli.


DS9... He is in a class of 20, with 6 boys in the class. I think he's just overwhelmed and outnumbered!

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