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Essential Oils Questions


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I did a search, but nothing popped up... which is weird, and must be wrong, because I *know* I have read some threads on this.... unforunately, I wasn't paying attention.


So, are they worth it, or not?


For my purposes, I don't believe that oils can "replace my medicine cabinet" nor do I want to try and do that. But I love, love, *LOVE* scents. I love my house to smell nice. I love to take baths with scented products. And I am moderately interested in using that Thieves Oil stuff to ward of germs (in addition to flu shots, etc.) or whatever is presumed it does.


BUT, I hate all of the bad chemicals that are used in most scented products. I use Yankee Candles right now, knowing full well that they are releasing harmful chemicals into my house, and it really bugs me. But I also desperately want my house to smell like Cinnamon and Apples! LOL!! I have used some "natural" candles and stuff, but they don't work very well, in my opinion.


Does putting essential oils in a diffuser work to scent the whole house, or even a whole room? Could I add them to my epsom salt that I use for my baths?


All my friends are into DoTerra, is that company good? If not, what is better?

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You can add essential oils to a diffuser as well as your bath and they will smell great. You can use essential oils to make room sprays as well.


1 part water to 1 part high proof alcohol (booze, not the rubbing alcohol) to a spray bottle and add some essential oils.


I don't know if they will be as strong as artificially produced fragrances,  those are specially formulated.


The MLM essential oil companies such as DoTerra and Young Living aren't any better than some other companies. Their oils are significantly more expensive and they make some claims that simply aren't true. 


IMO taking essential oils internally is a bad idea.


I like making bath bombs




There is no apple essential oil. :(

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I am not a big believer in pendulum swings one way or 'tother (only conventional medicine or only holistic care) however we have seen some differences after using a few oils.  Could some be a placebo?  Maybe. Others?  I don't think so.  Dh has had a shoulder injury since high school.  He has done physical therapy and chiropractic care.  It will work for a bit, but always comes back. Since he has been using a certain oil topically it has all but gone away.  I know dh and I know he is not prone to hypochondrism.  This oil *is* working for *him.* 

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I am not a big believer in pendulum swings one way or 'tother (only conventional medicine or only holistic care) however we have seen some differences after using a few oils.  Could some be a placebo?  Maybe. Others?  I don't think so.  Dh has had a shoulder injury since high school.  He has done physical therapy and chiropractic care.  It will work for a bit, but always comes back. Since he has been using a certain oil topically it has all but gone away.  I know dh and I know he is not prone to hypochondrism.  This oil *is* working for *him.* 


I don't disagree about topical uses of essential oils or aromatherapy. Certain plants have been used topically for centuries for such a purpose. I just don't think ingesting essential oils is a good idea.

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A neighbor gave me Clary Sage to help with my heavy cycle a couple months ago.  For the first time in YEARS, I had a light cycle.  I've had one ever since.  Except when we went away and I didn't take the oil with me.  It was heavy again.  


Since then, I've dabbled in oils.  I bought a Young Living starter kit and we are LOVING it.  The kids have been enjoying certain scents and I swear my daughter was getting sick and thieves kept it at bay.  


I'll put something in the diffuser and not tell the kids what it's for.  My depressed, Eeyore kid?  He loves the oil called Joy.  My anxious kid?  He loves the one called Peace and Calming.  They did NOT know the names before they loved it.


I'm using Frankensence on my face at night.  It helps with wrinkles!!!!  


I swear I don't sell the stuff.  These are just things I've seen happen in the last couple months. 

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I like EOs. They smell nice. They can help minor stuff.


Skin cancer? Um maybe not.


I don't know about skin cancer in humans, but my mom put EOs on a skin cancer on her dachshund, and the cancer diminished in size and eventually went away.  (Too expensive to do surgery.)  I'm pretty sure it was not a placebo effect.  ^_^


Several of my parents' older friends in a CAM group have used oils on cancerous or precancerous spots instead of having them removed.  They seem to be having great results, because I know I've heard them talk about multiple people going back for 6 month checkups and the spots are gone.  In those cases, I would not discount a placebo effect because of the hard core commitment to alternative treatments in this group. 

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I did a search, but nothing popped up... which is weird, and must be wrong, because I *know* I have read some threads on this.... unforunately, I wasn't paying attention.


So, are they worth it, or not? 


For some things, yes.


For my purposes, I don't believe that oils can "replace my medicine cabinet" nor do I want to try and do that. But I love, love, *LOVE* scents. I love my house to smell nice. I love to take baths with scented products. And I am moderately interested in using that Thieves Oil stuff to ward of germs (in addition to flu shots, etc.) or whatever is presumed it does.


BUT, I hate all of the bad chemicals that are used in most scented products. I use Yankee Candles right now, knowing full well that they are releasing harmful chemicals into my house, and it really bugs me. But I also desperately want my house to smell like Cinnamon and Apples! LOL!! I have used some "natural" candles and stuff, but they don't work very well, in my opinion.


Does putting essential oils in a diffuser work to scent the whole house, or even a whole room?


Yes, absolutely.



Could I add them to my epsom salt that I use for my baths?


Yes, someone in my household (not me) loves using the lavender oil and sea salt combo that I mix up.  I don't think there is any magic to it, though, you could just as well put your Epsom salt and a few drops of lavender into the bath water.


All my friends are into DoTerra, is that company good? If not, what is better?


I prefer YL because I trust the quality.  We do take a very few things internally, medicinally.  I have not looked  into DoTerra.  There may be other companies that are just as good, but I use what I know works for us and what I trust.


I put a glass mug or bowl onto a candle warmer, put some water in it, and then drop a few drops of lemongrass or lavender, or another yummy smelling oil just for the scent.


For healing, our "go to" oils tend to be topical oils:  Thieves, Melrose, lavender, peppermint, oregano.  For really bad external wounds--the kinds of things you'd take to the ER--I've used helichrysum with some truly remarkable results.




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Are we talking about moles or freckles? 


Skin cancer diagnoses requires a biopsy, did they do a skin cancer biopsy on a dog?


I do have first hand knowledge about the dog, not about the people.  :-)  It was not a freckle or a mole, the vet told her it was cancer and it would have to be removed surgically.  I have a dog with fatty tumors under the skin which *could* also be removed, but what mom's dog had was not the same thing.

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I make a room and fabric freshener with cheap vodka (it evaporates and is scentless) and EOs. I came up with a combo I liked and would add it to Scentsy wax that had lost its scent.


I just ordered some Calm Child EO from amazon and am wondering if I can dunk my toddler in it... (Not serious!)

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What is the name of the company?


It does not sound legit.


You know, one of the experimental treatments for cancer that is being used is having a vaccine for cancer made from the patient's urine, and then the vaccines are given once a month.  It is helping in some patients who have nothing to lose anyway. 


My mother had something similar to that done probably twenty-five years ago to treat allergies. It was the only thing that brought her any relief from absolutely miserable allergies.  But who knows, it is hard to tell how much is due to a placebo effect or whether it is efficacious on it's own merit.


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I make a room and fabric freshener with cheap vodka (it evaporates and is scentless) and EOs. I came up with a combo I liked and would add it to Scentsy wax that had lost its scent.


I just ordered some Calm Child EO from amazon and am wondering if I can dunk my toddler in it... (Not serious!)


I would double check to make sure certain essential oils are good for candles before using them in wax...some can act funny. 

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As I said I don't know how legit it is. I am a bit skeptical myself. But I found the link. Please spare me unnecessarily rude comments as my family has a couple people that feel like they have limited choices they are comfortable with for dealing with their current health problems and I prefer to give their choices some benefit of the doubt.





My grandmother died because an alternative practitioner kept talking her out of visiting a regular MD, by the time she saw one her cancer was too advanced.


Everyone has good reasons for feeling the way they do.

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A neighbor gave me Clary Sage to help with my heavy cycle a couple months ago.  For the first time in YEARS, I had a light cycle.  I've had one ever since.  Except when we went away and I didn't take the oil with me.  It was heavy again.  


Since then, I've dabbled in oils.  I bought a Young Living starter kit and we are LOVING it.  The kids have been enjoying certain scents and I swear my daughter was getting sick and thieves kept it at bay.  


I'll put something in the diffuser and not tell the kids what it's for.  My depressed, Eeyore kid?  He loves the oil called Joy.  My anxious kid?  He loves the one called Peace and Calming.  They did NOT know the names before they loved it.


I'm using Frankensence on my face at night.  It helps with wrinkles!!!!  


I swear I don't sell the stuff.  These are just things I've seen happen in the last couple months. 


Jennifer, one of my second or third cousins (?), a nurse herself and the daughter of a retired dermatologist and nurse (my mother's cousin), had a little boy who is impaired or disabled in some way, maybe on the spectrum--I can't remember quite what the diagnosis was.  But this sweet little guy was just beside himself quite a bit, but it was worst at bedtimes.  Mom sent her cousin, the nurse, a bottle of Peace and Calming, and it was like the little guy was a different child at bedtimes.  I have no idea how the mom used the oil, but it was a pretty wonderful help to them.


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I do use the Meyers Lavender scented cleaner around the house- I still use bleach for the toilets. So I don't need cleaning stuff.

I just like nice aromas wafting through the house :) And if those aromas could magically keep my kids from whining and stuff, bonus! ;)

I have tried putting spices and citrus in simmering water... it just doesn't seem to work as well as I would like.

I asked about doTerra because several of my friends were talking to another friend (who sells it, but doesn't push it- I didn't even know she sold it) about them and they were saying they wanted to buy some oils and I was like, "Well hold up now! If you guys are buying this stuff anyways, I'll host one of them tupperware like parties and get me some free stuff!"

I don't like having MLM parties, and have never had one- but hey, if they are all into it anyways.... maybe I should? I am usually the one who schedules all the Moms Night Outs and stuff.

I dunno. I just don't want to buy any more yankee candles after I finsih the ones I have, and I am curious about them. But I don't need *another* thing to waste money on, ya' know?


But those bath bombs look neat! I love bath bombs, but they are so stinkin' expensive! I just bought a 20 lb. bag of epsom salt on Amazon, which is awesome- but it's unscented (which is awesome- no nasty chemicals!) and I would prefer it to smell yummy :)


ETA: Regarding the placebo effect... DH says I am the perfect candidate for placebos :) I excel at mind over matter, I can *will* things into existence with my mind- promise ;)

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Jennifer, one of my second or third cousins (?), a nurse herself and the daughter of a retired dermatologist and nurse (my mother's cousin), had a little boy who is impaired or disabled in some way, maybe on the spectrum--I can't remember quite what the diagnosis was. But this sweet little guy was just beside himself quite a bit, but it was worst at bedtimes. Mom sent her cousin, the nurse, a bottle of Peace and Calming, and it was like the little guy was a different child at bedtimes. I have no idea how the mom used the oil, but it was a pretty wonderful help to them.


I'm trying a cheaper (and amazon prime available, see other thread...) version first, but what I've read is that mixing it in coconut or some other carrier oil and massaging the child is soothing.

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For the OP, I have no dog in this fight, please get whatever you want to; if you have a bunch of friends who want to buy DoTerra products and you can be the beneficiary of their largesse, go for it.  :-)


Just know that there are a lot of companies out there (I don't mean DoTerra) that cut the essential oil with other oils, so they are not 100% the real deal.  Be sure you do your homework before you buy something.  (I don't want an adulterated oil vaporized throughout my house any more than I want volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from candles.)  


In some cases, this may be a "you pay for what you get" kind of a deal.

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Here is a link to a very informative website about the use of EOs. The part I linked to is third party testing, she's only done 3 tests so far because it's expensive but it should give you an idea of what brands to use and what to steer clear of. I use DoTerra and Aura Cacia, honestly the only reason I use DoTerra is because I bought their starter kit and the membership came with it, so technically I'm a consultant but I don't sell it. I do like some of their blends a lot, and we've used some oils for specific purposes with a good bit of success. I make cleaning supplies, personal care products (face wash, body wash, face serum, lotion, scrubs, shampoo and lip balm), I diffuse it, we use a concentration one during school. I like oils but some companies (YL and DoTerra) make some outrageous claims, so much that the FDA sent them a a letter telling them to knock it off. So it's important to look into the SAFE use of them and not believe everything you hear, and then enjoy them. :)

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Here is a link to a very informative website about the use of EOs. The part I linked to is third party testing, she's only done 3 tests so far because it's expensive but it should give you an idea of what brands to use and what to steer clear of. I use DoTerra and Aura Cacia, honestly the only reason I use DoTerra is because I bought their starter kit and the membership came with it, so technically I'm a consultant but I don't sell it. I do like some of their blends a lot, and we've used some oils for specific purposes with a good bit of success. I make cleaning supplies, personal care products (face wash, body wash, face serum, lotion, scrubs, shampoo and lip balm), I diffuse it, we use a concentration one during school. I like oils but some companies (YL and DoTerra) make some outrageous claims, so much that the FDA sent them a a letter telling them to knock it off. So it's important to look into the SAFE use of them and not believe everything you hear, and then enjoy them. :)


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I think oils can be soothing and calming in a variety of ways. I think they can help when applied topically for many minor ailments, just as they have been used in the past. However, I do have two problems with supporting these types of companies and MLM businesses.


1) most of them are not honest to goodness practitioners of holistic medicine. They are basically Tupperware ladies dispensing questionable medical advice.


2) I have seen *many* who are opportunistic. There is an acquaintance I see a lot on Facebook who will offer "helpful" advice on just about any illness you can think of when someone is in the hospital or has just been diagnosed with (or has had a child diagnosed with) a major medical issue. It bothers me a lot. It's very tacky.

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I think oils can be soothing and calming in a variety of ways. I think they can help when applied topically for many minor ailments, just as they have been used in the past. However, I do have two problems with supporting these types of companies and MLM businesses.


1) most of them are not honest to goodness practitioners of holistic medicine. They are basically Tupperware ladies dispensing questionable medical advice.


2) I have seen *many* who are opportunistic. There is an acquaintance I see a lot on Facebook who will offer "helpful" advice on just about any illness you can think of when someone is in the hospital or has just been diagnosed with (or has had a child diagnosed with) a major medical issue. It bothers me a lot. It's very tacky.


I, too, have experienced this, and not just in this arena.  It's almost as though some people are programmed to be *helpers* and they think that my "news" gives them license to jump right in and help, invited or not.  When you combine that trait with someone's source of income, it can be really obnoxious.


Yesterday, I shared some news in a group, and boy, did I get an earful from the newly minted counselor!  Sheesh. At least I didn't pay for it.

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For me, it's the non-stop Facebook feed about how great EOs are, and in particular, DoTerra. All of a sudden, acquaintances who have been stay at home, hsing moms have become "experts" in curing everything from the common cold to cancer using DoTerra. Seriously, I'm sure there is some legitimacy to EOs in general, and I am more holistic as a way of life than most. But I just can't get behind what I'm seeing these days. It really is like the Tupperware/Pampered Chef/MaryKay women have found a new avenue of making a little side money. And I LOVE and use all those products, so I'm not bashing them. It's just that when those acquaintances start filling my feed with their questionable claims, I get irritated. Of course, they sign on to the company, and within a few days they're hosting their DoTerra "classes". I have a background in science and medicince, so I'm sure if I attended a class I'd have to restrain myself from a scientific inquiry that can't be explained away by a few anecdotal stories. Again, I believe in alternative and holisitic therapies---COMPLETELY. I just happen to think you need to be an educated, trained professional to dispense advice and products, not just a person looking to make some money for curriculum purchases.

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I am not a big believer in pendulum swings one way or 'tother (only conventional medicine or only holistic care) however we have seen some differences after using a few oils.  Could some be a placebo?  Maybe. Others?  I don't think so.  Dh has had a shoulder injury since high school.  He has done physical therapy and chiropractic care.  It will work for a bit, but always comes back. Since he has been using a certain oil topically it has all but gone away.  I know dh and I know he is not prone to hypochondrism.  This oil *is* working for *him.* 

Which oil?

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I stayed up way too late reading about this stuff, lol!!


Holy cow- I read all about that Gary Young guy who started Young Essential Oils- all about how he insisted on delivering his wife's baby via water birth and he left it under water and it died!?!?!? How in the world does someone not land in jail for that???


I definitely won't be using Young, and since it seems that doTerra was started by a group from Young, and they are MLM, I won't be using them either. I just don't want to be involved with MLM stuff.


So now I'm looking at the Eden one, Heritage, Essential Oil exchange and Plant Therapy. At this point, I really just want to get some oils and a diffuser to make my house and baths smell good. I really have no desire to use them for health purposes.

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I stayed up way too late reading about this stuff, lol!!


Holy cow- I read all about that Gary Young guy who started Young Essential Oils- all about how he insisted on delivering his wife's baby via water birth and he left it under water and it died!?!?!? How in the world does someone not land in jail for that???


I definitely won't be using Young, and since it seems that doTerra was started by a group from Young, and they are MLM, I won't be using them either. I just don't want to be involved with MLM stuff.


So now I'm looking at the Eden one, Heritage, Essential Oil exchange and Plant Therapy. At this point, I really just want to get some oils and a diffuser to make my house and baths smell good. I really have no desire to use them for health purposes.

Go to Amazon and get the Now brand. Most are on prime. Mountain Rose Herbs is sldo great but their shipping $$ stinks.

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I use them mainly for scent, sometimes for cleaning-citrus oils are used in many household cleaners as a disinfectant and greaser cutter- and for symptom relief-Vicks Vaporub is a eucalyptus balm. Essential oils do have time tested uses, they smell nice and they are less toxic than many commercial products.

I also infuse my own oils from food-quality herbs and spices. I don't know how much they help, but they smell nice :)


I'm not one to run to the doctor or pharmacy for every little ailment. For the most part, I treat stuff at home ( D and I have medical training and have worked in the medical field. We aren't winging it), and let illnesses run their course. If the natural, herbal, whatever remedies aren't working, we see a regular doctor. 



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I would not recommend NOW oils. I bought some (lemon, orange, clove) and blech. They were not potent and smelled just a little off. Edens is better and also at a similar price point. I got pan away and it is awesome for tendonitis for me. I have also used thieves for cleaning. My son did a science fair project and found that thieves cleaned better than tea tree oil though not quite as well as bleach. Given that it's way less toxic and much safer on more surfaces, I think it's a good trade off.

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