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I really don't try to...

Plateau Mama

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Hang out with serious criminals. Ugh. It the last two years I've known two people who have committed murder. Seriously? I'm just a quiet homeschooling housewife. How do I know these people?


The first I didn't really know. I was childhood friends with his wife, met him at our HS reunion and 6 months layer he went on a killing spree. Really nice guy. Totally didn't see it coming.


The second is just a kid really. I knew his parents fairly well. We all went to church together. I knew the boy was troubled. My husband had tried mentoring the boy for a few years. He is now suspected in the first homicide ever in our city. Like I said he was troubled. Knowing his history doesn't shock me, other than in a how could anyone, let alone someone I know, way. I so feel for his parents. I know they tried everything they could to help him.


They haven't released the name of the victim, but we are now wondering if we knew him too. Sad, sad day.

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Yeah, I get it.  My entire family went to the wedding of a couple not six months before he stabbed her to death and then shot himself.  Sweet, low-key wedding with the best wedding cake I've ever had.  Her parents were our neighbors at the time, and we got to know the future victim when she moved back in with her parents for a year or so.  the parents sent over leftovers from the reception.  The victim brought my kids souvenirs from her honeymoon.  My former neighbor, the mom, is the one who found the bodies.  Can you imagine the scene that greeted that poor woman?  The murderer stabbed her something like thirty times before shooting himself.  But I had those same thoughts--what are the odds that I would ever know the perpetrator and victim in a murder-suicide?  That I would have smiled and shed a little tear at their wedding?


As my grandmother used to say, "There is so much meanness in the world."

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I am sorry to hear that and I hear ya. Two of my good friends from school had brothers that harmed their children. One killed his child and girlfriend and the other shook his baby and she died. Both had severe mental illnesses. Very sad and weird to actually know someone who committed such horrible acts.

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I am sorry to hear that and I hear ya. Two of my good friends from school had brothers that harmed their children. One killed his child and girlfriend and the other shook his baby and she died. Both had severe mental illnesses. Very sad and weird to actually know someone who committed such horrible acts.

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:grouphug:  I continue to think there is more good than bad in this world though.


The only murderer I met IRL was a guy who shot a bunch of people in his workplace in Tampa, FL, then went to a park.  I heard about the shooting, worried about my hubby who was at that area (working), then put my son in his stroller and took a walk in the park to get my mind off what was going on at the workplace.


The two of us walked right past the guy.  He was sitting on a picnic table looking obviously stressed - still in business attire.  I almost went up to him and asked him if he was ok, but my mind was stressed already (and NOT connecting the two as we weren't all that close).  We finished our walk and I turned the TV on to see how things ended at the workplace.  The guy had shot himself in the park where we saw him - in front of another mother and child.


I still have haunting memories of what could have been even though my stroller child is now quite grown up, completed college, and married.  I was worried about hubby and we were within 6 feet of the murderer.


But still,  :grouphug: and I continue to think there are more good folks in this world than bad...

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Wait...he's a suspect and you've already concluded he's a murderer?


Does anyone internalize "innocent until proven guilty" as a worthy truth, or does everyone just see it as formality and accept the judgment of the court of public opinion?



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Well the evidence I've seen/heard so far is pretty damning. 


I have known this young man for 6-7 years.  I know his past, I know his problems.  My husband mentored him for several years as a young teen.  Him doing this is would not be a huge shock. 


He may be innocent, but I don't hold out a lot of hope.

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Wait...he's a suspect and you've already concluded he's a murderer?


Does anyone internalize "innocent until proven guilty" as a worthy truth, or does everyone just see it as formality and accept the judgment of the court of public opinion?

In Plateau Mama's defense, she does personally know the family and the young man in question, so it makes sense to me that she might have strong feelings about the situation and the suspect.


She didn't call him by name or even mention the location, so she's not exactly making a public accusation here. My impression was that she just learned about this horribly shocking incident and needed to vent about it.

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Wait...he's a suspect and you've already concluded he's a murderer?


Does anyone internalize "innocent until proven guilty" as a worthy truth, or does everyone just see it as formality and accept the judgment of the court of public opinion?


Okay. This makes me nuts. 


"Innocent until proven guilty" is a legal presumption.  For in a courtroom.  It does NOT mean "suspend your reason and common sense"  or "exercise no independent judgment."


:rant:   :leaving:

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Wait...he's a suspect and you've already concluded he's a murderer?


Does anyone internalize "innocent until proven guilty" as a worthy truth, or does everyone just see it as formality and accept the judgment of the court of public opinion?

FTR within hours of being caught he confessed to police. He supposedly called a couple if friends before that and told them what he had done.


My husband is really upset about this whole thing. He's upset because this easily could have been him or one of our friends who have tried to help him over the years.

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FTR within hours of being caught he confessed to police. He supposedly called a couple if friends before that and told them what he had done.


My husband is really upset about this whole thing. He's upset because this easily could have been him or one of our friends who have tried to help him over the years.


:grouphug:  I'm glad he confessed and I'm glad he's off the street.  Too bad it was AFTER the crime though.  Glad your dh is ok.


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FTR within hours of being caught he confessed to police. He supposedly called a couple if friends before that and told them what he had done.


My husband is really upset about this whole thing. He's upset because this easily could have been him or one of our friends who have tried to help him over the years.


I feel so sorry for your dh. He must have so many conflicting feelings about the whole thing. And really, even if we know someone has some serious issues, it's still hard to imagine them murdering someone. What a shock.


Thank goodness the guy didn't hurt your dh or any of your family or friends.

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I feel so sorry for your dh. He must have so many conflicting feelings about the whole thing. And really, even if we know someone has some serious issues, it's still hard to imagine them murdering someone. What a shock.


Thank goodness the guy didn't hurt your dh or any of your family or friends.

This is it exactly. You never imagine someone could do this. The behaviors he engaged in were self destructive. I would have predicted something happening to him not by him.

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