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I am so PLEASED with the change in DD13


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between last year and this year. In a just the few short months since she's been out of the horrific school situation, her entire demeanor has done a complete 180.

No longer do we have a sullen, sad, withdrawn child who thinks so little of herself... instead we have the opposite - a bouncy, happy, laughing child, who is our "shadow" again! She shares everything... boy do I mean everything... we know the ins and outs of her bowel movements (*insert cringing emoticon*), every single movement of her instagram (and not because we're checking it - no, because she can't help but share, lol!); she comes bouncing out in melodramatic flare because a favorite book or movie character was killed off; she puts her arm in mine while we shop, she apologizes when she is rude, she reminds her brothers to be grateful, and she is just sincerely (most of the time) a pleasure to be around. She wants to take walks with us, play outside with her brothers, watch Harry Potter marathons, asked about co-op...

I regret not listening to the hive sooner about the school situation. I was so sure she NEEDED the school. I can't be sure that was the issue (we were sure it was only puberty), but it's the only thing that has really changed.

In the past few weeks we have heard,

"I'm pretty"

"I know I'm smart"

and even... "when I grow up..." (something we stopped hearing for far too long)


She's still a bit scatterbrained, and her ADD is working overtime (she has a million things to do and only 24 hours in the day, after all, lol), but I missed her (more than just physically) and I'm so freakin' HAPPY to have her back.



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