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Other John are you out there?


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I'm not the boss of the forum....but I AM the boss of you!

*pulls hair and runs*


(Boy, am I glad I have an only....)

*sobs loudly*


Why, why, why is Dana picking on me?


She is so meeeeeeeean.


*looks around to see if any mod is paying attention*


Well damn.

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*sobs loudly*


Why, why, why is Dana picking on me?


She is so meeeeeeeean.


*looks around to see if any mod is paying attention*


Well damn.

And just for that, I'm going to one star you. So THERE!!


(I've always told my son, "I teach math; of COURSE I'm mean!" ;) )

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You mean you would stifle your cherubs by refusing to give them the hacksaw to practice Civil War era limb amputation, create a video entitled "Jackass the New Generation", or see if it is possible to saw through jail cell bars a'la Mythbusters?


What a fascist.











Nobody in a jail cell has a hacksaw to use, so they'd better get working on an alternative. Creativity is important. In fact, maybe I'll give them a list of all the items they would have access to in a cell, and let them go at it.


And if they can mock up (a la Mythbusters) a limb on which to attempt amputation, well, they may find I'm more generous with the hand tools than they think.


And Jackass? I got nothin'. They don't even know what that is.


:eek:  ZOMG. I AM a fascist.


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And just for that, I'm going to one star you. So THERE!!


(I've always told my son, "I teach math; of COURSE I'm mean!" ;) )


You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes have had all likes stripped.


Keep it up and they'll take our stars too!


(Although I could actually get on board with that. The combination of those of us with fat fingers and those of us who need hugs is pretty middle school some days.)

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Nobody in a jail cell has a hacksaw to use, so they'd better get working on an alternative. Creativity is important. In fact, maybe I'll give them a list of all the items they would have access to in a cell, and let them go at it.


And if they can mock up (a la Mythbusters) a limb on which to attempt amputation, well, they may find I'm more generous with the hand tools than they think.


And Jackass? I got nothin'. They don't even know what that is.


:eek: ZOMG. I AM a fascist.


There, there.


We have a support group that meets twice a month.


Although we tend to spend half the meeting calling home to crush the dreams and spirits of our children.


But, hey, there is booze and chocolate.

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OT- there is at least one Mythbusters episode with jail breakout myths available on Netflix.


We have Grumpy Cat for Cultural Studies and Mythbusters for Science. Now how can I teach spelling without leaving this thread?

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Speaking of fascism- DH says I have to go to bed while I am still lucid enough to walk down the hall.


Goodnight thread.


Goodnight mods.


Goodnight little grumpy poster who needs a cupcake.


Goodnight and good rest.


Let's hope the morning brings visible likes.


(And visible dislikes cuz Dana has it coming!) :P

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Speaking of fascism- DH says I have to go to bed while I am still lucid enough to walk down the hall.


Goodnight thread.


Goodnight mods.


Goodnight little grumpy poster who needs a cupcake.


Goodnight and good rest.


Let's hope the morning brings visible likes.


(And visible dislikes cuz Dana has it coming!) :P

Good night! We won't talk about you in your absence. Really.

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Suddenly I am reminded of:


"Luke luck licks lakes. Luke's duck licks lakes. Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke luck takes licks in lakes duck likes."


OtherJohn, take pity on me. I am dreaming about likes and now Fox in Sox shows up to haunt me in my sleep!


ETA: D:. Fox in Sox wears a kilt and the duck licks cupcakes that Luke Luck lovingly lavished so I am really cracking up here. It's a dire situation.

A like and 5 big stars for you!

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You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes have had all likes stripped.

Keep it up and they'll take our stars too!

(Although I could actually get on board with that. The combination of those of us with fat fingers and those of us who need hugs is pretty middle school some days.)


Speaking of fascism- DH says I have to go to bed while I am still lucid enough to walk down the hall.

Goodnight thread.

Goodnight mods.

Goodnight little grumpy poster who needs a cupcake.

Goodnight and good rest.

Let's hope the morning brings visible likes.

(And visible dislikes cuz Dana has it coming!) :P

Well hmpf...here I was going to give you a :grouphug: and you're angling for dislikes for me.


Well I've had it.


Go to your room and don't come out until morning.

I mean it!


(Although I'd enjoy a cupcake)

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It just makes you stingy.




See how I liked your post there? We both have to admit it was semi-special at best, but I still liked it.


Think of it like a cell phone plan, where if you don't use your minutes, they're gone forever. Only with likes, the extra ones disappear at the end of each day. By not using them, YOU'RE LETTING THEM DIE. :crying:


Don't let your likes die.


Likes DIe!?! :crying: :crying:


That is now part of my signature. I am officially pro-like.

 Love this!  I may steal your idea and add it to mine. :hurray:


I looked at my notifications and beheld a wondrous sight....the rare triple like! A high degree of difficulty!


Stars for faith manor!


Uh, feeling dumb here. What's a triple like look like?


I have liked, invisibly, 123 posts today. What is the limit? My guess if I've been a like tramp, but haven't been caught by the vice squad because of the problem. If you can't see the tramp, she must not be a tramping! There is almost something disheartening about knowing vice is not chasing you!


So, is this like the whole "if a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around to hear it, does it still make a noise....?"



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OK. Maybe I have been watching too many paranormal shows or something, but am I the ONLY one who wonders if poor OtherJohn is actually posting on this thread and we can't see him because he caught the same virus that attacked our Likes and he's also .... INVISIBLE!?!  :scared:


ETA: spelling

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I've tramped them out...155...I a pretty certain the quota is not supposed to be this high. Otherjohn and Charlie are really messing with me because if you increase the dose of an addict to avoid the dt's, they only beg for more. Shame on them!


So I may as well be controversial. I cooked dinner in a crockpot, did not return my shoppimg cart to the corral last time I was forced to shop at Walmart, am serving cupcakes Sunday afternoon - store bought too - and did not like "Frozen".


There. Insult at will. Make it good so someone will finally pay attention to our plight before we all have to go therapy!

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I've tramped them out...155...I a pretty certain the quota is not supposed to be this high. Otherjohn and Charlie are really messing with me because if you increase the dose of an addict to avoid the dt's, they only beg for more. Shame on them!


So I may as well be controversial. I cooked dinner in a crockpot, did not return my shoppimg cart to the corral last time I was forced to shop at Walmart, am serving cupcakes Sunday afternoon - store bought too - and did not like "Frozen".


There. Insult at will. Make it good so someone will finally pay attention to our plight before we all have to go therapy!


Well bless your heart. God love you.


(I'm Southern, so that's a pretty damning insult.)

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I'm starring people left and right! And to think I used to be anti-stars! (I still don't star threads.)

I never knew, until now, that we could star people on the forum! I still don't know how to do it, or why one would do it. :tongue_smilie:

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I was surprised also. I can understand with the threads, but who gives a person one star?

Ha ha! Probably feels like middle school when one gets "one starred", doesn't it? :)

I suppose people are using the stars to "dis"like others? (If so, how childish!)

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Uh, feeling dumb here. What's a triple like look like?





My notifications looked like this:

FaithManor liked a post you made in Other John are you out there?

FaithManor liked a post you made in Other John are you out there?

FaithManor liked a post you made in Other John are you out there?


:D  :D  :D

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I read pages 1-2-3, then skipped ahead to 6 and completely missed the stars conversation.  Unfortunately my computer is about to reboot itself and it's late and I've got to go to bed.  I'm a little worried that in the morning, this thread will be invisible, I'll miss finding out about what the personal stars mean and how to do it, BUT in exchange the likes will be back!  At least hoping.

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I have five starred Jean, and it appears that she is back to five stars.


I am expecting the Batphone to arrive via FedEx any minute now...

Jean in Newcastle has 4


Nansk has 4 -- why?! She never gets into dumb threads


Alte Veste Academy has 4


betty has 4


Cammie has 3

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Good Morning thread!


Please note that I am still medicated.


The drowsiness will wear off totally before lunch but I will be checking up on y'all between naps!


Also note that I am perturbed that no one can be bothered to at least respond to one of these invisable star threads with so much as a "boo". I will go drink my coffee and hope it soothes the savage beast.

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Puddles is still at 4 stars, he/she must have been very bad....


I'm a she. Must have been very very bad. However, I'm getting better. I was at a three forever. Now I'm at a four.  I'll start behaving myself I promise. At least I will try. Sometimes being good is so very difficult.

Thank you Azalea for noticing me. It makes me feel very special. 

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