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Is cable nothing but reality TV anymore?


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I havent had cable in years but I'm at work doing an overnight (its about 10pm) and my client is out cold so I've been quietly flipping channels for 2 hours. I am bored out of my mind! 90%+ have been reality shows which bore me. 5% stuff from the 50s and then a mix of sports/news/south park/Arrow. Tomorrow night I will make it a point to come in early so I can get the wifi password from the lobby lol at least then I can watch netflix on my phone. I was thinking maybe I was missing some good stuff but it looks its all available online anyway so why waste my money?


So outside of sports and reality tv junkies, why do you pay for cable?

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I think you're right.  And I think we're getting to the end of it.


When I was a kid the genre du jour was game shows. They seemed to be on every channel, every hour, every night.


And then it was talk shows, remember?  I'm curious what the next wave of shows will be. 


I actually enjoy bad reality tv, but it really is time to see what else the puppet masters in Hollywood have in store for us!

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I wouldn't have it if it were up to me. Yes, it is all just junk. I don't like tv at all though. Even news casts are worthless these days. You are better off just reading the Yahoo front page. I have found it to be a day or two ahead of tv news...That is so very sad. And not really news... I must say though, dh tends to watch the old shows from the 70s. The only problem I have with that is that I really dislike watching something twice, much less 20 or 30 times. I already know what is going to be said next.

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The worst offender is the History channel.  In what universe does the History channel have reality shows.  Ours, apparently, but there is something very wrong about that.  I could maybe even understand a couple of history based ones.  Like PBS did one awhile back where they had people living authentically in a past time period.  Victorian city life, and frontier homesteaders were two I remember.  

I haven't noticed until lately.  We Tivo everything and we watch enough new shows that we are just watching the series finale when the next season starts.  But most of our shows have been cancelled.  So, like the OP, I went searching for new shows.  History channel used to be my Go-To channel for live TV .  

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The worst offender is the History channel. In what universe does the History channel have reality shows. Ours, apparently, but there is something very wrong about that. I could maybe even understand a couple of history based ones. Like PBS did one awhile back where they had people living authentically in a past time period. Victorian city life, and frontier homesteaders were two I remember.

I haven't noticed until lately. We Tivo everything and we watch enough new shows that we are just watching the series finale when the next season starts. But most of our shows have been cancelled. So, like the OP, I went searching for new shows. History channel used to be my Go-To channel for live TV .

My beef too, history 2 has all the good stuff :(
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I can't stand reality tv but I usually manage to find something to watch.  We DVR most of our shows so we don't have to watch commercials.  I guess we lean toward the exact opposite of reality - mostly science fiction stuff.  Dh watches sports - especially football and college basketball, and poker.


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I think it's really cheap to produce most reality shows. You don't have to pay writers, you don't have to get decent actors. You just follow people around with cameras, tell them what to do, etc. So of course there's an explosion of reality shows. I really hope this trend goes away soon but as someone who doesn't have cable, and never has, it doesn't make that big a difference to me.


Though I recently had a couple hours to kill and watched a Real Housewives of somewhere or another. Every now and then I check to make sure I still hate reality TV. Yep, I do. :)

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I watched a Monk marathon this weekend while I was down with the stomach virus. I'm not a reality tv fan either. Monk was the first thing I had watched in a long time that wasn't recorded- I hate commercials! - but I ran out of recorded stuff.


Mostly we use cable to get recordings - Mythbusters, Phineus and Ferb, Doctor Who, that sort of thing.

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And that channel doesn't come with medium-level package. I'd be perfectly happy with a digital antennae and paying for 10 channels. But, noooooooo.

Nope, and be damned if I'm going to pay more just to get the 10 or so channels we would actually watch in the more expensive packages (like AHC, diy, cooking channel, h2, science, national geographic, animal planet, FYI, and the kiddie channels for the girls.) If they could have interest based packages I would be all for that. Besides the fact that most of the channels are either infomercials or some sort of home shopping crap.
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No cable here. We had no premium channels and it was all junk. Now, we have cable for internet only. We are saving over $100 per month. We get netflix, which had before we dropped cable. We added hulu.


Many, many years ago I had an overnight shift at a group home for persons with disabilities. Even though the home had cable there were only 2 channels that ran all night. One channel was the very new MTV, which actually was Music Television. The other was a local station that showed horror movies. I watched music videos from 2 am on(the time when all the other channels signed off.


I wonder how many people here were around and actually remember when TV stations signed off nightly.

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I'm not fond of reality tv outside of the cooking competitions (Hell's Kitchen, Masterchef, etc). I never have a hard time finding other things to watch. We love Bones, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, Bill O'Reilly, Royal Pains, Big Bang Theory, etc.

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The worst offender is the History channel.  In what universe does the History channel have reality shows.  Ours, apparently, but there is something very wrong about that.  I could maybe even understand a couple of history based ones.  Like PBS did one awhile back where they had people living authentically in a past time period.  Victorian city life, and frontier homesteaders were two I remember.  

I haven't noticed until lately.  We Tivo everything and we watch enough new shows that we are just watching the series finale when the next season starts.  But most of our shows have been cancelled.  So, like the OP, I went searching for new shows.  History channel used to be my Go-To channel for live TV .  



The History Channel..I think that is what was on here the other day...Did you know Jesus was a vampire? Inspired a great conversation though. It wasn't all that long ago that Jesus was an alien. That must mean that vampires are aliens, right? 


Maybe it was the Discovery Channel...I think it was HIstory though...

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I watched about ten minutes of some survival show with naked people this weekend and turned it off. Then I caught the last few minutes of The King of Queens on... TV Land! What happened to that channel? Last I knew, The Mary Tyler Moore Show was the most recent thing they put on that station.


I have cable at home, but haven't watched anything but sports and Doctor Who on the non-network channels the entire time.

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Who knows?  I don't get cable; never have.


We get tons of free TV over the airwaves.  Y'know, with an antenna like in the olden days.  We get all the major networks, and since the advent of digital we also get bonus stations like PBS Kids and Create, Me TV (old shows), Wish (Movie channel), and quite a few more.


We also have Netflix streaming, and a bunch of cable shows are on there (sure wish the Disney ones weren't - youngest dd has recently discovered them.  Ewwwww).  


I can't imagine what I would want to pay for on cable that I can't get already... :confused1:

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We only pay for internet. We have cellphones and no landline.


We don't get cable. If we did it wouldn't do us any good because the channels we would  want would be in a bigger package. I won't watch reality tv on the History channel nor will I watch alien shows on the history channel, I won't watch drunk women slap one another, and I won't watch people fight over a guy. (or a girl) I don't want to watch hillbilly shows and I don't like fake, staged shows about people buying storage units or junk. 


We pay for netflix and hulu. I would pay for a cable package where I could choose which channels I wanted but I won't pay for garbage. I would pay for BBC (even multiple BBCs) I would pay for AMC and HBO, I would pay for channels making quality programs but anymore Netflix is making better shows than *most* of the networks.





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I should caveat that I answered this post, but we no longer have cable - we have Direct TV (so satellite). My husband finally got angry with the cable company, kept it for internet, and picked up Direct instead, lol. It is so much  better than the cable we had :)

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The History Channel..I think that is what was on here the other day...Did you know Jesus was a vampire? Inspired a great conversation though. It wasn't all that long ago that Jesus was an alien. That must mean that vampires are aliens, right? 


Maybe it was the Discovery Channel...I think it was HIstory though...



I think it does mean that.  Vampires are aliens.  That makes more sense than Jesus as an alien.  


I think I know the series.  It had an interesting title, at least you when are string to think that there isn't ANYTHING on TV.  

I actually watched the one that said the Viking gods were aliens.  There was one expert that was quoted over and over and over.  Back in the dark ages when the History Channel was about history, the shows had more than one expert.  Every other show might have been about WWII, but they had experts. Plural.   

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I think it does mean that.  Vampires are aliens.  That makes more sense than Jesus as an alien.  


I think I know the series.  It had an interesting title, at least you when are string to think that there isn't ANYTHING on TV.  

I actually watched the one that said the Viking gods were aliens.  There was one expert that was quoted over and over and over.  Back in the dark ages when the History Channel was about history, the shows had more than one expert.  Every other show might have been about WWII, but they had experts. Plural.   


The alien shows always have the same guy



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