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Lizzie in Ma

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I had a few folks asking so I am sharing an update since my daughter's birthday and your precious card shower for her.


We had a fair few issues with her central line at first, turns out she is allergic to almost every surgical dressing that exists.  Finally settled down with gauze, paper tape and hypafix but it was pretty scary getting blisters and hives so close to the wound.  It's healed up well now.


She still can't drive most of the time, so that's a bummer, between panic attacks and vertigo, she just knows it is not a good idea for her right now.  Summertime fun like swimming is out, you can't submerge with a central line but nice, cooling outdoor showers are refreshing.


She has had a few good days since starting IV meds in May for her tick borne diseases but we understand this is a marathon, not a sprint.  Some days are more discouraging than others and it seems to be a trade off situation, if she is having a "good head" day, then her legs won't support her and she is back in the wheelchair.  But she says the pain, she can take, it's the not having control of thoughts and emotions that scares her the most.  She is on a new med to help with the head games, but it hasn't kicked in yet.


Two year anniversary plans with her boyfriend had to be wheelchair modified too, but we pulled it off for them.  Picnic on the beach and a movie.  Dh helped and played chauffer.


Praying she might be well enough to finish her last three classes and graduate this year, time will tell.


Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, emails and pm's, they mean so very much to us.

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