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Gifted? - Can I vent


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I hve a genuine question.


What is personality Z? That is not a phrase I have ever come across and I can't seem to parse it into anything useful.

Oh, I know this. It's Personality Zed which is Canadian but I understand it because I live by a Tim Horton's.


Because it's metric, we have to do some conversions but after that, we just apply our figurings to the matrix. The matrix being the confluences of the Provinces (excluding the Maritimes, which I'm sorry if that offends but please remember I'm just the messenger, and truly believe that for the Prince Edward Corollary alone, we ignore it at our very own peril. Sigh.)


So once you have your first sums, you interact those with the Sault, where we lost Big Fitz, and you resolve the Three Archetypes: Orphan Black, The Touque, RinkRat and Personality Zed. Flowchart those down, with poutine until the only cessation possible is Personality Zed!


LMK if you have questions!

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My first reply was labeled as "Personality  A", second as "Personality B", third "Personality C".....Since some have decided not to accept anything that I write, no matter how many replies I could give, I said that.  If one continues to label my replies, they have to be creative to go beyond the "Personality Z" label.  I am sure gifted minds would come up with ideas.  I am sorry it wasn't easy to figure out.


Thank you for clarifying... this mind was confuzzled :-)  Good luck with your new support systems. 

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Oh, I know this. It's Personality Zed which is Canadian but I understand it because I live by a Tim Horton's.


Because it's metric, we have to do some conversions but after that, we just apply our figurings to the matrix. The matrix being the confluences of the Provinces (excluding the Maritimes, which I'm sorry if that offends but please remember I'm just the messenger, and truly believe that for the Prince Edward Corollary alone, we ignore it at our very own peril. Sigh.)


So once you have your first sums, you interact those with the Sault, where we lost Big Fitz, and you resolve the Three Archetypes: Orphan Black, The Touque, RinkRat and Personality Zed. Flowchart those down, with poutine until the only cessation possible is Personality Zed!


LMK if you have questions!


HAH... I live in a "metric country"... you forgot to allow for the influence of the prime minister factor divided by the waning influence of the commonwealth.  Otherwise your calculations are immpecable. 


except I don't know what a Tim Horton's is.  Now I will google again :-)

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Serious answer - a Gardner's Multiple Intelligences test will not tell you if you are gifted or not.  I really really hope that you didn't pay any money for it since you can find them for free on multiple internet sites.    The real way to find out if you are gifted or not is to have a  neuro-psych evaluation which costs thousands of dollars and takes hours of testing using actual intelligence tests like the WISC plus a whole ream of paper.  It's ok to think of yourself as gifted.  By Gardner's definition we are all gifted in some way.  But please know that isn't what most people think of as an actual diagnosis of giftedness which would be matched to an actual IQ above 130 (for moderately gifted).  A psychotherapist is not the specialist who does such testing.  They have their place for counseling but a neuro-psychologist has a different degree and training.  Perhaps your psychotherapist might have some ideas of places where you can get online as well as in person support for your daily needs.  

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Serious answer - a Gardner's Multiple Intelligences test will not tell you if you are gifted or not.  I really really hope that you didn't pay any money for it since you can find them for free on multiple internet sites.    The real way to find out if you are gifted or not is to have a  neuro-psych evaluation which costs thousands of dollars and takes hours of testing using actual intelligence tests like the WISC plus a whole ream of paper.  It's ok to think of yourself as gifted.  By Gardner's definition we are all gifted in some way.  But please know that isn't what most people think of as an actual diagnosis of giftedness which would be matched to an actual IQ above 130 (for moderately gifted).  A psychotherapist is not the specialist who does such testing.  They have their place for counseling but a neuro-psychologist has a different degree and training.  Perhaps your psychotherapist might have some ideas of places where you can get online as well as in person support for your daily needs.  


Well, I wasn't going to say this, cos OP seems like maybe s/he is in a happy place with understanding him/herself now.  But, yeah, what Jean said - except (assuming the OP is an adult) the WISC isn't useful... you want the WAIS in this case.  Or the WJIII.  Or SBV.  Or similar.  I don't charge thousands of dollars though.  Gee, I wish our market would stand for those rates :-)

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Serious answer - a Gardner's Multiple Intelligences test will not tell you if you are gifted or not. I really really hope that you didn't pay any money for it since you can find them for free on multiple internet sites. The real way to find out if you are gifted or not is to have a neuro-psych evaluation which costs thousands of dollars and takes hours of testing using actual intelligence tests like the WISC plus a whole ream of paper. It's ok to think of yourself as gifted. By Gardner's definition we are all gifted in some way. But please know that isn't what most people think of as an actual diagnosis of giftedness which would be matched to an actual IQ above 130 (for moderately gifted). A psychotherapist is not the specialist who does such testing. They have their place for counseling but a neuro-psychologist has a different degree and training. Perhaps your psychotherapist might have some ideas of places where you can get online as well as in person support for your daily needs.

Give her another week. She'll be back with the results. :)

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HAH... I live in a "metric country"... you forgot to allow for the influence of the prime minister factor divided by the waning influence of the commonwealth. Otherwise your calculations are immpecable.


except I don't know what a Tim Horton's is. Now I will google again :-)

Now, are we talking Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice Tangle Incertintude? Because I'm out of my fathoms on that one.
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Serious answer - a Gardner's Multiple Intelligences test will not tell you if you are gifted or not. I really really hope that you didn't pay any money for it since you can find them for free on multiple internet sites. The real way to find out if you are gifted or not is to have a neuro-psych evaluation which costs thousands of dollars and takes hours of testing using actual intelligence tests like the WISC plus a whole ream of paper. It's ok to think of yourself as gifted. By Gardner's definition we are all gifted in some way. But please know that isn't what most people think of as an actual diagnosis of giftedness which would be matched to an actual IQ above 130 (for moderately gifted). A psychotherapist is not the specialist who does such testing. They have their place for counseling but a neuro-psychologist has a different degree and training. Perhaps your psychotherapist might have some ideas of places where you can get online as well as in person support for your daily needs.

Wait, so the IQ test I took on FB isn't accurate? But it said I was a geeeeeenius!

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Now, are we talking Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice Tangle Incertintude? Because I'm out of my fathoms on that one.


just remember to allow for day light saving time too.  Everyone forgets that.  And we're upside down, so run the whole thing backwards. 


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Well, I wasn't going to say this, cos OP seems like maybe s/he is in a happy place with understanding him/herself now.  But, yeah, what Jean said - except (assuming the OP is an adult) the WISC isn't useful... you want the WAIS in this case.  Or the WJIII.  Or SBV.  Or similar.  I don't charge thousands of dollars though.  Gee, I wish our market would stand for those rates :-)

Oh, you're right on the tests.  I just had a child tested and went by default to what they used.   I wish it was cheaper here.  

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I'm curious about what you expected from The Well Trained Mind Forum. I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious and have done a poll before asking people here to explain why they came here. In doing so, I learned that many people are here for very different reasons than being interest in the Classical Trivium Educational philosophy and the book The Well Trained Mind by Bauer.  I was surprised I had so much more to learn than I thought I did about what people expect from this website.  I'm curious what motivated you to be here and what you expected to find, because this one is new to me. Since I make recommendations for this website to homeschoolers for more reasons now than I used to, I'm wondering if there's another group of people who might be looking for something found here?  How did you find out about this website? How long have you read other posts and responses before posting? Why did you pick this particular sub forum to post?


I'm curious what kind of responses you expected from people in regards to your post. Having been here a while I think the responses that offer suggestions are very in keeping the responses to other vents.  Is there another social norm I'm unfamiliar with that I should know about?  I'm not great at social stuff myself, so maybe you can help me know how people very different than me would approach a vent about giftedness at TWTM boards.


I'm married to a gifted person.  When he took his MENSA test at 45 he scored in the top 99.6%.  He's restless, hates driving, etc. My middle daughter is like that too.  But one thing about him is he never stops learning and has adapted to many of the same issues you mention. My daughter has lots of things to keep her hands and mind busy all the time. I was going to make some suggestions, but you seemed upset at the idea of suggestions.


I think people who are familiar with "gifted" people are responding appropriately to you in several ways:


1. Encouraging you to be diagnosed by an expert in these matters.  Self-diagnosis is useful to motivate you to get clarification from an expert, not for self-diagnosis and treatment.


2.  You're getting social feedback that many gifted, genius, Asperger's and autistic people tend to have a hard time reading and responding to.  Often they suffer socially because they're not reading that others find it irritating by what they perceive as bragging or some sort of "woe is me" martyr kind of attitude.  You can say you're not doing that , but not everyone will believe you, so you may need to seek out someone who can help you with social situations that are a struggle for you. This may be particularly true if you are like my husband, slow to catch non-verbal or indirect, humorous negative feedback and incredibly sensitive to real or perceived direct, verbal, negative feedback. You'll need to see someone who is an expert in dealing with the kind of person you are-whatever kind that may be.  Everyone struggles with something, so we're all in the same boat. You seem to be wanting to make your specific situation better, so help from someone who knows best about it may be in order.


3. I would strongly caution people to post something so personal on a public forum visited by thousands of strangers in general and especially when it isn't directly related to the public forum's purpose.  Finding the right forum matters.  Posting in the accelerated learner subforum might have been a better fit, but still isn't really the right place. Our primary focus here is on homeschooling families, not so much dealing with giftedness issues in adults. When you do want suggestions about ways to keep you mind busy with young children at home for people who like: (list the kind of things you've liked) and don't bother mentioning you're gifted and that you've suffered so because of it-that will turn people off. If you ask for suggestions differently you may just find the right thing for you.

4. Also, expect a wide range of responses no matter where you post or what you post.  Some people are flat out nasty and rude. (I wouldn't say that's happening here, but it happens on public forums.) Some people have nothing useful or relevant to say.  Some people are very reassuring, affirming, and nurturing.  Some people are more logical, objective and  precise.  Some people are solution oriented.  Some people are more emotion oriented.  Some people will be automatically accepting and sympathetic.  Some people will be automatically analytical and questioning.  Other people will be other things. Be prepared for all the possibilities. 

Before posting anywhere, I think it's important for people to ask themselves things like:


A. Is this the right forum for this discussion?  Is there a better one that's a better match?

B. What are my expectations of how people will respond to my or any other post? What kinds of responses have I seen other posters get at this forum?

C. Is what I'm saying within the social/cultural norm of this forum or sub forum?

D. If I don't want responses, is posting on a public forum that allows comments the best route to take in my particular situation? Do I have other options?

E. If I only want a particular kind of response did I say so and is it realistic to expect thousands of strangers to obey my wishes? Is that within the social/cultural norm of where I'm posting?

F. If I didn't state specifically what kinds of responses are acceptable to me, is it realistic to expect thousands of strangers to a. know and b. obey?

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Oh, I know this. It's Personality Zed which is Canadian but I understand it because I live by a Tim Horton's.


Because it's metric, we have to do some conversions but after that, we just apply our figurings to the matrix. The matrix being the confluences of the Provinces (excluding the Maritimes, which I'm sorry if that offends but please remember I'm just the messenger, and truly believe that for the Prince Edward Corollary alone, we ignore it at our very own peril. Sigh.)


So once you have your first sums, you interact those with the Sault, where we lost Big Fitz, and you resolve the Three Archetypes: Orphan Black, The Touque, RinkRat and Personality Zed. Flowchart those down, with poutine until the only cessation possible is Personality Zed!


LMK if you have questions!

It is quite clear to me now that I am not gifted in any intellectual capacity. The best I could come up with is "kittens are nice". :D

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I aced it once and haven't tried it since. I figure once not an ignoramoose, always not an ignoramoose.

It only proves your profound giftedness in my eyes.


And we all know the Cracker Barrel test is the gold standard of IQ tests, so you should be very proud.

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Oh, you're right on the tests.  I just had a child tested and went by default to what they used.   I wish it was cheaper here.  


take a holiday, get a test, see the world :-)


I wonder how that would upset norms. 


No, I can use the US norms too!


Hmm... I wonder how much jet lag / accent / cultural differences would make. 


Could be an interesting study. 

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take a holiday, get a test, see the world :-)


I wonder how that would upset norms.


No, I can use the US norms too!


Hmm... I wonder how much jet lag / accent / cultural differences would make.


Could be an interesting study.

Stop getting all science-y.


You're going to make me feel like an ignoramoose. ;)

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Stop getting all science-y.


You're going to make me feel like an ignoramoose. ;)


surely you'd have to be an ignoramouse.  Then you could chase yourself. 


You know, I'm MEANT to be writing an assessment report right now. 


Bad WTM distractions!

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take a holiday, get a test, see the world :-)


I wonder how that would upset norms. 


No, I can use the US norms too!


Hmm... I wonder how much jet lag / accent / cultural differences would make. 


Could be an interesting study. 

Throw in airfare and accommodations so that I can see your true sincerity!  (See, I'm not an ignoramoose, either!)

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Throw in airfare and accommodations so that I can see your true sincerity! (See, I'm not an ignoramoose, either!)

I'll go with you, so I can back up your story.


We can come up with the story on our first class trip back home.


Oh, did I just accidentally hint that we should travel first class? Oops.

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I'll go with you, so I can back up your story.


We can come up with the story on our first class trip back home.


Oh, did I just accidentally hint that we should travel first class? Oops.

But what will you wear? I don't think they let frumpily dressed people in first class. I may have to come along with my Talbots wardrobe.

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Just because I am bored, I actually google Cracker Barrel IQ test.  There is no Cracker Barrel in California but my kids had already played the peg game at the science museum.


Hmm... I wonder how much jet lag / accent / cultural differences would make. 


Its not the jet lag.  Its the long plane ride and being stuck in HK airport while on transit due to typhoons :lol

It is also cheaper and easier to get an appointment to test back home in SG than here :(



But what will you wear? I don't think they let frumpily dressed people in first class. I may have to come along with my Talbots wardrobe.


You'll have to dress like Queen Letizia of Spain (just kidding)

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hah... the assessment is cheap... the air fares are your responsibilty :-P  Although, if you wanted to fly me over (in suitable luxury, of course) I'm sure I could arrange an assessment tour of the US of A. 

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere around here that gifted people can read minds.  And if you test people to see if they are gifted that must mean that you are mega gifted (actual technical term).  And if you're mega gifted then you must be able to really read minds.  So you can do the test right from there while we sit in our living room and cuddle with our stuffed kangaroos.  (We actually have one named Plea Seaweed.  And if that isn't a sign of giftedness, I don't know what is!)  


But I wish that I could hop on an airplane with Catwoman dressed up as Queen Letizia and me as her humble servant Bo.  

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere around here that gifted people can read minds.  And if you test people to see if they are gifted that must mean that you are mega gifted (actual technical term).  And if you're mega gifted then you must be able to really read minds.  So you can do the test right from there while we sit in our living room and cuddle with our stuffed kangaroos.  (We actually have one named Plea Seaweed.  And if that isn't a sign of giftedness, I don't know what is!)  


But I wish that I could hop on an airplane with Catwoman dressed up as Queen Letizia and me as her humble servant Bo.  


ohhhhh the mental images!


OP... sorry to threadjack, I'm afraid this is what happens when we're let out unsupervised.  At least there haven't been any kilts of cupcakes yet.


Good luck on your journey of self discovery. 

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Serious answer - a Gardner's Multiple Intelligences test will not tell you if you are gifted or not.  I really really hope that you didn't pay any money for it since you can find them for free on multiple internet sites.    The real way to find out if you are gifted or not is to have a  neuro-psych evaluation which costs thousands of dollars and takes hours of testing using actual intelligence tests like the WISC plus a whole ream of paper.  It's ok to think of yourself as gifted.  By Gardner's definition we are all gifted in some way.  But please know that isn't what most people think of as an actual diagnosis of giftedness which would be matched to an actual IQ above 130 (for moderately gifted).  A psychotherapist is not the specialist who does such testing.  They have their place for counseling but a neuro-psychologist has a different degree and training.  Perhaps your psychotherapist might have some ideas of places where you can get online as well as in person support for your daily needs.  


Thank you for a serious answer. I would have appreciated if it had been given earlier.  No, I didn't pay for Gardner's MI tests.  I had an appointment with a psychotherapist to discuss my years of struggles trying to "fit in".  I didn't go to get a "gifted" certificate.  I don't need a number to boast but an answer for my struggles.  It did give me an answer to lot of my questions and problems - helps me to position myself well understanding differences.  It helps to gain balance between intensity/meaninglessness and abilities/perfectionism.  I just needed a place a share without being judged.  Yep, I realize I shouldn't have made this post here.  I will sign-off with this one.  I was trying to seek suggestions from gifted individuals but unfortunately I could only reach gifted brains.  Yep, too much to ask a gifted brain to be considerate of one's emotions and give the benefit of doubt. 

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I keep taking the IQ test at Cracker Barrel - and I'm almost always an ignoramoose.



I can do that thing with the golf tees, but my grandfather taught me how to do it.  I don't think that counts.  I was there last week and tried it again just to see if I could remember and I did.  :D


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ohhhhh the mental images!


OP... sorry to threadjack, I'm afraid this is what happens when we're let out unsupervised.  At least there haven't been any kilts of cupcakes yet.


Good luck on your journey of self discovery. 


Kilts of cupcakes...? I am off scouring the internet.


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  I will sign-off with this one.  I was trying to seek suggestions from gifted individuals but unfortunately I could only reach gifted brains.  Yep, too much to ask a gifted brain to be considerate of one's emotions and give the benefit of doubt. 


Are you now looking for suggestions? I am confused again. Oh, since I am not gifted in any way, I just realized that she said she "signed off." We are all alone again. Shall we look for kilts of cupcakes to pass the time?

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I don't need any affirmation.   I don't have to convince you that I was able to get an appointment.  


There are tons of articles on internet that talk about difficulties of unidentified gifted.  If you don't believe, ignore it.  I just gave my reply.  


Consider yourself lucky. It's at least a two weeks wait if I'm lucky if I want to get my kids in with a psychologist who specializes in gifted individuals. There are tons of articles out there. Although if I were to simply follow the articles, my dd would seem MUCH more gifted then my oldest which is not the reality. I didn't have full answers until I had a full neuro-psych eval. I'm glad you are starting to get your answers.


Thank you for a serious answer. I would have appreciated if it had been given earlier.  No, I didn't pay for Gardner's MI tests.  I had an appointment with a psychotherapist to discuss my years of struggles trying to "fit in".  I didn't go to get a "gifted" certificate.  I don't need a number to boast but an answer for my struggles.  It did give me an answer to lot of my questions and problems - helps me to position myself well understanding differences.  It helps to gain balance between intensity/meaninglessness and abilities/perfectionism.  I just needed a place a share without being judged.  Yep, I realize I shouldn't have made this post here.  I will sign-off with this one.  I was trying to seek suggestions from gifted individuals but unfortunately I could only reach gifted brains.  Yep, too much to ask a gifted brain to be considerate of one's emotions and give the benefit of doubt. 


Don't judge everyone by the snarkiness of a few. You seem pretty good at throwing a little little egotism and snark out there too. We all have our moments.

You say you want suggestions, but you got mad at suggestions and said you weren't going to answer them because your original post wasn't asking for them. Really, honestly, I am a little confused by what you are searching for. If you are looking for real suggestions, then phrase that and most the people here will through out suggestions. That doesn't mean that they'll be right, but most of us will try (and most of us did). If you don't want suggestions, then don't act angry now about not getting suggestions.

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You say you want suggestions, but you got mad at suggestions and said you weren't going to answer them because your original post wasn't asking for them. Really, honestly, I am a little confused by what you are searching for. If you are looking for real suggestions, then phrase that and most the people here will through out suggestions. That doesn't mean that they'll be right, but most of us will try (and most of us did). If you don't want suggestions, then don't act angry now about not getting suggestions.


Yes, this. Evidently I am not the only one who is scratching her head.

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I can do that thing with the golf tees, but my grandfather taught me how to do it.  I don't think that counts.  I was there last week and tried it again just to see if I could remember and I did.  :D


Of course it counts. If you remembered the trick, you're a genius.


If you were a sneaky genius, you would have said you'd never seen the little game but you'd try it just this once... and then you would have done the trick and everyone would have said you were brilliant.


You lost a couple of genius points for honesty. :D

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Are you now looking for suggestions? I am confused again. Oh, since I am not gifted in any way, I just realized that she said she "signed off." We are all alone again. Shall we look for kilts of cupcakes to pass the time?

She probably didn't really "sign off." She's probably just waiting for us to beg her to come back.

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere around here that gifted people can read minds.  And if you test people to see if they are gifted that must mean that you are mega gifted (actual technical term).  And if you're mega gifted then you must be able to really read minds.  So you can do the test right from there while we sit in our living room and cuddle with our stuffed kangaroos.  (We actually have one named Plea Seaweed.  And if that isn't a sign of giftedness, I don't know what is!)  


But I wish that I could hop on an airplane with Catwoman dressed up as Queen Letizia and me as her humble servant Bo.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Curses!!! My sash and velvet cape are at the cleaners, and my crown is at the jeweler for polishing. :glare: I could carry the scepter, though, as long as the TSA people let me through airport security with it.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Curses!!! My sash and velvet cape are at the cleaners, and my crown is at the jeweler for polishing. :glare: I could carry the scepter, though, as long as the TSA people let me through airport security with it.


If you are willing to strip down to your fabulous birthday suit and hand over the scepter while they search you, it may just work out.

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If you are willing to strip down to your fabulous birthday suit and hand over the scepter while they search you, it may just work out.

Sadly, my birthday suit isn't quite as fabulous as I'd like, so I'm really hoping to avoid the whole strip search thing. ;)

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Sadly, my birthday suit isn't quite as fabulous as I'd like, so I'm really hoping to avoid the whole strip search thing. ;)


Maybe Jean can hide in you in an oversized suitcase? In that case you may not have to part with your scepter. :lol:  Jean is an honest looking woman (or at least I picture her that way), I am sure she is not getting searched anywhere she goes.

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