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I HATE my kitchen


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We knew when we bought this house that we would gut the kitchen. I thought I could deal with it for a few years while we save the money. I'm not sure I'll make it.


This thing is so ugly I don't even want to keep it clean. The laminate counters are chipped and peeling off. Even if they were in good shape, they are a blotchy cream color. Gross.


The cabinets are the worst. The hardware is this giant gold 70's stuff. I took one off to try to replace them but there are big marks in the cabinets in the crazy ornate shape. The old owners were trying to fix the place up on the cheap so they painted all the doors and drawer fronts ugly IU red. I really hate red!!


It used to have a double oven but one broke and they took it out. Now I only have the one tiny oven with one rack. It is shockingly hard to find replacement oven racks!! It takes an hour to cook enough pizza for the kids for dinner.


Just venting. I looked at some model homes with a friend today and now my kitchen is making my brain itch.

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Could you paint the counters, just to make them bearable until you do your proper remodel? I know there are fancy counter-covering paints (I tried the Rustoleum one), but I actually had better luck with regular paint and a poly coating on top. It didn't look half bad...at least it was better than the chipped orange laminate I covered up.


I feel you on the color, though. The previous owners of our house loved orange (and clowns, but that's another matter entirely). Oy.


Maybe somebody here has an inside track on oven racks? 

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Could you paint the counters, just to make them bearable until you do your proper remodel? I know there are fancy counter-covering paints (I tried the Rustoleum one), but I actually had better luck with regular paint and a poly coating on top. It didn't look half bad...at least it was better than the chipped orange laminate I covered up.


I feel you on the color, though. The previous owners of our house loved orange (and clowns, but that's another matter entirely). Oy.


Maybe somebody here has an inside track on oven racks? 


Clowns?  I'm horrified!

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there are lots of things you can do with the counters.  I was looking at refinishing a counter for a corner desk so I read up on it.  there are products that can be used to make them look like granite or other stone. (which was my focus for this particular counter - which turned out to be actual oak veneer. shows how much I paid attention.) with several layers of sealer, they're fairly durable.  you still can't set hot pots - but  you can't with formica either.  some are relatively inexpensive - under $100 for all counters


sand the cabinets (to rough the surface), then repaint them.  (why on earth would they think red to make it attractive to buyers?)

there are even stainless paints that people have used on their vents, fridges and dishwashers to make them look like stainless.  it's better than avocado green.  (mil painted mahogany furniture avocado green. she wanted them to match.)


there are lots of ideas on pinterest and just general internet searches.

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Could you paint the counters, just to make them bearable until you do your proper remodel? I know there are fancy counter-covering paints (I tried the Rustoleum one), but I actually had better luck with regular paint and a poly coating on top. It didn't look half bad...at least it was better than the chipped orange laminate I covered up.


I feel you on the color, though. The previous owners of our house loved orange (and clowns, but that's another matter entirely). Oy.


Maybe somebody here has an inside track on oven racks? 


:svengo: :ack2:

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Can I vent too?  I rent, so there is nothing I can do to fix my kitchen, and we can't afford to move into a different, snazzier unit in this area.  It doesn't sound as awful as yours, but its not fun to check out all the nice new kitchens my friends have while I am stuck with this thimble sized mismatched cheap looking POS.  Anyway....



Re: counters... my mom tried the rustoleum thing and they looked terrible.  Waste of time and money.  :/



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I'd be tempted to repaint and replace counters with butcher block from IKEA. If cabinets were super gone, no saving them, I'd try something fun, like covering doors in a pretty fabric or paint with chalk board paint. Remove doors and add curtains on bottom, open shelves up top.


I'm pretty sure i would have murdered those red cabinets a longggggg time ago :p

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We have recycling centres at the refuse station. That is where I would look for oven racks.


My kitchen is actually ok just small - as in the only bench space is about 1.5 feet on either side of the sink. I have added a temporary bench but I would love to redo it.

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I am the same as you as far as when things are just so ugly, I don't even feel like cleaning. I am enjoying this blog very much right now, and she has a book too that might be interesting. I like her attitude, and reading her stuff helps me think it is just possible to make things "nice enough," instead of waiting for perfection.



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A friend covered the counters in her house with vinyl - the flooring stuff that comes in a roll. I don't think they glued it down, just laid it on top of the counter (it was a rented house). It looked fine - I think it was a marble pattern. Obviously you wouldn't want to put a hot pot down on vinyl flooring, but we don't put hot pots down on our counters anyway, just to be on the safe side.

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I've thought about painting the red. But, there are so many doors and drawers!! Plus, they painted all the trim (doors and windows), the vent cover, EVERYTHING, this ugly red color. Maybe I could paint it all black? That would be the only color that wouldn't take multiple coats of paint.


Plus, this isn't the only ugly room (again, we bought this house knowing it was a project) we have. I have limited time and need to spend it on things that won't get ripped out ASAP. But, who knows, one day might just snap and do so ethi g crazy!

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We knew when we bought this house that we would gut the kitchen. I thought I could deal with it for a few years while we save the money. I'm not sure I'll make it.


This thing is so ugly I don't even want to keep it clean. The laminate counters are chipped and peeling off. Even if they were in good shape, they are a blotchy cream color. Gross.


The cabinets are the worst. The hardware is this giant gold 70's stuff. I took one off to try to replace them but there are big marks in the cabinets in the crazy ornate shape. The old owners were trying to fix the place up on the cheap so they painted all the doors and drawer fronts ugly IU red. I really hate red!!


It used to have a double oven but one broke and they took it out. Now I only have the one tiny oven with one rack. It is shockingly hard to find replacement oven racks!! It takes an hour to cook enough pizza for the kids for dinner.


Just venting. I looked at some model homes with a friend today and now my kitchen is making my brain itch.

Look up "craft paper counters" or Floors.  Very cheap and should do alright for a couple of years.  Now, that IU red?  You mean Indiana University "Crimson"?  I can see where you might have a problem with it on your cabinets.  You could repaint?  Or if pulling the doors and hinges is to much how about painting just the door fronts while still in place.... Replace the pulls with something in a brushed nickle.

Do you have pics? Especially of the cabinets?

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I would paint the cabinets. It would be a pain, but it would help. I would also replace the countertops. I'm considering this project for my home, inexpensive pine countertops to suffice until... 


Our last kitchen was horrid, 70s cabinets with green appliances (at least the green was the least offensive 70s color to me), never was happy with it. We were there for 5 years, I wish I had painted more. 

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I hate our kitchen as well. 1991 mobile home kitchen... You know the really cheap particle board cabinets, not enough storage and no dish washer. I think our counter where the sink is at is beginning to slope and they are horribly stained (our home was a rental) dh had the not so wonderful idea of covering the stained, ripped, butt ugly, glue coming up linoleum floor with carpet. The brass coating is coming off the knobs and we are missing 2 drawers because they were broken by previous renters. One burner doesn't work on our stove and the oven doesn't work right, and the hood vent is loud.

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First, we need a picture. It does sound pretty hideous, but you also say you have lots of doors and drawers, so perhaps painting it would be worth it? If painting it and addressing the countertop wouldn't leave you with a semi-functional space, then it's not worth doing. If spending a week painting and fixing up the counters would leave you with a space you could stand for the next couple of years, then I'd think it's worth it. Personally, given your description of it, unless it's scheduled to be remodeled in the next month or two, I'd start painting.


It might also be worth playing around with what you'd do if you could remodel it. For example, if you'd basically keep the same layout, or if the ovens would be in the same place or the same size, then it might be worth ordering a new one (or checking out the ReStore for a used one). Spending an hour baking pizza sounds miserable! If you have a ReStore around, you can get some amazing deals on appliances. It's pretty shocking what some people will rip out. I had a friend who worked in one, and she said they'd regularly get in new-ish, great-condition appliances.


If you're up for posting a picture, I'm sure I'm not the only Hive member who'd love to give some suggestions for how to make it livable!

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will your landlord allow you to paint?  it can make a huge difference.

Can I vent too?  I rent, so there is nothing I can do to fix my kitchen, and we can't afford to move into a different, snazzier unit in this area.  It doesn't sound as awful as yours, but its not fun to check out all the nice new kitchens my friends have while I am stuck with this thimble sized mismatched cheap looking POS.  Anyway....



Re: counters... my mom tried the rustoleum thing and they looked terrible.  Waste of time and money.  :/


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You guys are really evil! I was looking for "suck it up" and "it's just a few years". Now I'm actually considering painting!


So, what color could I paint over IU crimson (sorry, we're ND fans)?? I assume I have to prime so it won't chip? Black is all I can think of.


I do have a ton of pictures but I've never been able to get pictures to post. Boo.

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Here's some inspiration for painting: http://www.bloglovin.com/viewer?blog=3914813&post=1065873317


The after is still a tiny, tiny kitchen, but I'd much rather work in it than in the original!


Hold the phone!! She said she used Rustoleum Door Paint in Satin Black and only had to do one coat?!?  Is that for real??  Where do I buy this magical substance??

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How extensive will be the kitchen remodel?  Will it be DIY?  

If things are going to stay about where they are, and you will DIY, you could maybe do it a piece at a time.  

I did my kitchen in 5 waves.  

  1. Appliances, because they were the ugliest, least functional part of the kitchen.  Actually, about half I replaced as they died.  
  2. Upper right cabinets.  I hadn't planned on that, but one day one upper cabinet just became unsecured from the wall.  Good thing half of it was filled with light-weight non-breakable cereal.  
  3. Upper Left cabinets.  Because the right side went so well.
  4. Lower right cabinets.
  5. Lower left cabinets and sink.  

Doing it in waves meant I was never without a functional kitchen.  

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Three Words: IKEA Kitchen Planner.  I drool but the kids' bathroom comes first--someday.


I would start planning your new space and grab some black paint in the meantime. the red trim might not be so bad if the cabinets, etc. are black.

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Thanks, ladies!


I mentioned my plan to DH last night. He's fine with it but he reminded me that our upstairs hallway is still orange with bugs stenciled (badly) on it and he requested that we fumigated those critters first.

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