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Anyone else starting the school year super early?

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We started early too because we plan on taking the latter half of September through after Christmas off. I am having a baby in oct, my inlays will be here for weeks, then we are going home for several weeks around thanksgiving, then it's Christmas. DS will still do math, Latin and Spanish reviews and his reading on his own, but I am not teching anything new duringnthat time. Our goal for the summer is to get through SM 4a, and half of our writing lessons. It's good too as it's super hot at the moment, and we have no desire to go outside!

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We're about to start week 3 ... we only took a week off between preschool and preK, because we need to be done before an international move next spring, and we know we'll take off about a month for vacation in Sept/Oct, as well as a couple of weeks at Christmas. So far it's going well ...

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We started early too because we plan on taking the latter half of September through after Christmas off. I am having a baby in oct, my inlays will be here for weeks, then we are going home for several weeks around thanksgiving, then it's Christmas. DS will still do math, Latin and Spanish reviews and his reading on his own, but I am not teching anything new duringnthat time. Our goal for the summer is to get through SM 4a, and half of our writing lessons. It's good too as it's super hot at the moment, and we have no desire to go outside!


I started super early last year for the same reason (baby in September). It definitely helped to see that we had already got something done when we finally got started back up for real in January.


I'm just now wrapping up from that. So my plan is to start "next year" the first week of August. But the local school district also starts then, so I guess that's not early here.

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We start in 2 weeks. The kids are going to go to karate camp the week before that, and they'll all be gone 8am-3pm for 5 days. Time to purge toys and declutter my sewing room! :D


I'm ready to start now, but trying to give them a bit longer for their break (plus starting one week and taking off the next week would be silly).


We technically school year round, but our start date is end of June and finish date is end of May (when local schools end). Sometimes I end before that even, as we technically did this year. We had a lot of cultural literacy (movies) going on that last month.

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In my state the new school year doesn't start until July 1st so anything we do know would count towards last year. Last year we started at the beginning of July but I'm not sure this year, we have 2 weeks of camps in July so it seems a bit silly to start before they start just to have a 2 week break so it is looking like it will be the end of July for us.

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We started this past week as well. I am having a baby at the end of August so I wanted to have a head start so I don't feel overwhelmed if we decide to take a break when she comes. Our week went great as well. I'm only schooling my almost 5 year old (he will be 5 in August so would be starting K this year, just starting a few months early), while I try to keep my 1.5 year old occupied. He loved everything and I can see the schedule I originally made for him is not going to apply at all. He loves learning and has already gotten ahead in our curriculum compared to what I scheduled for him. I'm hoping he will continue to love it as much as he did this week. We took the weekend off and he got mad because he didn't know why we couldn't do school on the weekends too. 

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Well usually we go through the month of June and take two months. BUT for whatever reason we're all a bit....tired, so we've sort of just stopped most things.  


So instead of July/August and starting in Sept....I may just take June/July and start in early August. 


I'm not quite ready to stop what we were doing, but not quite ready to start anything new either. So I need a break and some thinking time.

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We school year round. Our first official day on paper for school year was June 1st but we took a 2 week vacay. We were following a jan-dec calendar but since we school year round, we finish our lessons way before then and just keep rolling....so we just pick June 1st for reporting purposes.

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We haven't really "stopped," as I'm due with our 4th in 5 weeks and plan on giving myself a break then.  We finished up 1st grade with our 6 year-old and have moved on to 2nd grade math and language arts with him and basic reading/writing instruction with our 4 year-old, but with history and science we've pretty much stopped until the fall.  I'm hoping to be halfway done with 2nd grade math by the time baby comes.  At this point I don't know that I would have stopped these subjects either way, and I may have my two oldest continue math and language arts even after the baby is here, because we use CLE which makes it very easy to get their lessons done in less than 45 minutes a day.  With the baby here, they will probably want some one-on-one time with me anyway, and I like having something for them to do.  But my husband is taking the bar 2 weeks after my due date, and we may have to move a few weeks after that if he gets a job offer out of town, so I will not feel like a failure if we have to drop everything for a couple of months :).



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Guest glamorganic

Wow. I just got done last week! We take off the bulk of it for the summer, but continue in math, reading, and Bible year round. They also ask for me to read history to them, but it doesn't feel like work.


When do you end if you are just starting?

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Wow. I just got done last week! We take off the bulk of it for the summer, but continue in math, reading, and Bible year round. They also ask for me to read history to them, but it doesn't feel like work.


When do you end if you are just starting?

We officially "finished" first grade the last week of May and officially "started" second grade the next week (first week of June).  We're going year round, just doing a little every day we can, so that our daily workload is small and we can take days off guilt-free.  So it wasn't a huge deal for us, but dd was excited to call herself a second grader.  :-)


Also, this is made easier on me because I don't plan much; and what little I do plan, I really enjoy.  So it's not stressful.

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