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Is it okay?

Night Elf

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That I'm going to really miss my dd16 who is away this week on a mission trip? I didn't feel this much anxiety when she went to the beach with her best friend, probably because I know their family. This group that dd16 is with is new. They are doing a local week long mission trip to form relationships and get used to working together in preparation for their week long trip to Costa Rica at the end of this month. My anxiety is working overtime about this week. We dropped her off at a church where they'll be staying for the week. They'll be bused to the local YMCA each day. I know she's going to have a good time but she was really nervous about this. She has her phone but I told her to keep it off as much as possible because we aren't sure if she'll be able to charge it. I was expecting a late night text telling me she was settled for the night but she didn't text. I'm sure she was just tired as they had the kids out at a party until 11:00 at night. They were going to bed at 11:30 and have to wake up at 6:30am every morning. I'm trying to picture a group of teens operating on little sleep all week. Anyway, I just needed to vent about my anxiety. It's such a nuisance at all times but really kicks into overdrive with big things like this. I'm going to be on my emergency anxiety meds all week!

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Yes, it's okay!


My dd went on a missions trip, her first, when she was 16. It was through a new (to us) church where we knew virtually no one except for one dad who was going on the South American trip.  While they had preparation days for a few weeks beforehand, she went with two dozen people whom we did not know, plus they picked up another dozen adult interpreters in the foreign country on their way to their destination city


This was so unlike me to let her go, and my friends were shocked I'd send my girl off with strangers to a foreign country.  But I knew it was right, and I clung to the encouragement that the other dad on the trip gave me. He said, "The safest place for her to be is in the center of God's will."  I knew she was in God's will, and that was enough to give me peace for the two weeks she was gone.  I'm praying that same peace for you!

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Of course it's okay, and normal to feel anxious and to miss her. :grouphug: Anxiety stinks. It can kick those normal feelings into overdrive. Hang in there. I have friends who travel to Costa Rica, and they say it is beautiful and safe. Your dd is going to have a blast and learn a ton.





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Completely normal. Also, are you sure she's allowed to use her phone? When my dd went to El Salvador, the kids were not able to make phone calls or get online. We had to rely on the adults to post updates on FB and send e-mails--and event that was not a daily occurrence.


Since this is preparation for a foreign country, is it possible that they are trying to create similar situations?

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Completely normal. Also, are you sure she's allowed to use her phone? When my dd went to El Salvador, the kids were not able to make phone calls or get online. We had to rely on the adults to post updates on FB and send e-mails--and event that was not a daily occurrence.


Since this is preparation for a foreign country, is it possible that they are trying to create similar situations?


They said phones were okay for the local trip (which is in our city so she didn't have to travel far) but no other electronics. But I'm assuming they're going to be way too busy to use them. Besides working with children during the day, they have evening outings every night. Like they're going to a Braves baseball game one night. We've already told her that if she even carries her phone to Costa Rica, she can't use it unless it's an emergency. No texting friends. I'm hoping she clicks with at least one new friend so she won't feel lonely. This trip is actually through the YMCA, not a church, so the group is picked from all over Atlanta. As far as we know, none of the teens knew one another. This is a new experience for all of them.

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I always get a little panicky when my kids first leave for a trip.  Once they are arrive, the concern subsides. I think it's OK, and pretty 'normal'. We want our kids to have interesting and thoughtful experiences, at the same time we want them to be 100% safe.  Pat yourself on the back for encouraging her adventures. :)

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Absolutely okay to miss here. It wouldn't be "okay" to never let her do anything due to your own issues, since our children need to experience new things in order to "grow". Instead, you didn't let your own issues get in the way of her experiencing life....... You are doing great as a mom!!!

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