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Would you get a tetanus shot for this?

Miss Peregrine

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Dd was vacuuming the car and she swept her hand under a seat. She was stabbed by a bobby pin and had to pull it out of her finger. It was in there a full centimeter, judging by the blood on it. Who knows how long it had been in the car. It is pretty dirty-looking.


She has not had the dtap booster. I am a selective vaxer and could go either way.


ETA she is 14

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Dd was vacuuming the car and she swept her hand under a seat. She was stabbed by a bobby pin and had to pull it out of her finger. It was in there a full centimeter, judging by the blood on it. Who knows how long it had been in the car. It is pretty dirty-looking.


She has not had the dtap booster. I am a selective vaxer and could go either way.


ETA she is 14

Yes. It is not a risky vaccine for a teen, and tetanus is deadly.

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My DS has a severe reaction to the DTaP shot so we stopped getting them for him.  When he got a deep puncture wound on his knee we talked to his doctor who recommended we give him the Td shot rather than the whole DTaP or Tdap.  You may want to look into that as an option if you are uncomfortable with the combo shot.

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My DS has a severe reaction to the DTaP shot so we stopped getting them for him.  When he got a deep puncture wound on his knee we talked to his doctor who recommended we give him the Td shot rather than the whole DTaP or Tdap.  You may want to look into that as an option if you are uncomfortable with the combo shot.

Urgent care will give Td.

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When they had a shortage of the Tetanus shots, they started telling people they didn't really need them after injuries like this. When the supply went back up, suddenly, they started claiming people needed them. IF people really did need them, they would need them even when supply is low. No one died from tetanus during that period of time. I do not recall the years, but it was before 2006. It was mid that decade sometime.

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When they had a shortage of the Tetanus shots, they started telling people they didn't really need them after injuries like this. When the supply went back up, suddenly, they started claiming people needed them. IF people really did need them, they would need them even when supply is low. No one died from tetanus during that period of time. I do not recall the years, but it was before 2006. It was mid that decade sometime.


I know someone that died from tetanus. It's not something to be messed with. It's not like treating it with some antibiotics makes it go away once you find out you are sick.


As for the shot, you get TIG not the DTaP immunization.


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Oh, fun, a Gardasil lecture.

Oh, I heard nasty reports on that one! Don't be pressured into it. Do some research first for your daughter.


When my son cut the top of his finger off, I declined when I found out it wasn't on its own. It had other vaccines mixed with it etc... They didn't have a single tetnus shot for children. That was here in Australia though.

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Yes. I had the booster after a sewing machine needle went through my finger, and that would have been pretty clean, I imagine. Of course, I'm

I'm not sure it's necessary, but I'd put it in the better safe than sorry category.

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No. It will not help after an injury. After the injury she needs tig, not a tetanus.

Tetanus boosters do no good if you're already exposed. The treatment is tetanus antibodies.



Tetanus shots have their place, BUT they do no good after the injury. You need the other stuff, not the vax!


I don't understand why they say otherwise.

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It is puzzling to those of us who have children who would be dead if not for intense ongoing medical intervention and who are at a children's hospital or doctors office weekly. Insurance or not, a life is at stake and the money will come from somewhere because the alternative is the death of our child. There are resources, many areas specific to help families with an acute medical expense. This forum is not the place to find that information. Coming here will not help a family. Getting over to Google and seeking information and resources and then doing the footwork and making calls and contacting people to get services for an acute medical issue will help. 


Google is not an elite service and this is not something so rare and unique as to make finding information difficult. I can see getting support and commiserating with others on a forum, but medical advice should be directed to a medical professional. There are options. Oddly enough Google will help someone find the resources and information. 




As for off hand criticisms, I cannot tell you have many times people on this board have flat out said that a gluten free diet is The Answer without even knowing what my son has and that unless I have tried it how will I know if it will magically cure my son. How is that for idiocy, pushing a fad off as a cure when they do not even know the disease? And I was not even asking for advice just seeking support.





Not everyone has a doctor, or insurance or money to access one.


That is not puzzling.


It is frustrating and heartbreaking when you do have to rely on strangers for medical advice because the alternative is often this


*my entire food budget for my children for the month* or *a trip to urgent care*


I know that first hand.


Off hand criticisms don't help hurt and sick kids. And it really  is hard on a stressed parent.

Links to valid medical sites and if you are lucky enough to know one a phone number of a free clinic that does give over the phone advice or treatment would be great.


That and you know universal health care...


hope your dd is doing alright Miss P.


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I am sorry QGoD if you felt attacked personally by my statement and that you have not always felt supported by the board. I do understand your frustrations first hand. Any harshness in my post should have been directed at the medical system that makes these kids of conversations necessary and I apologize.

I do not think we are that far off in views. I should have been more mellow in my reply.  :grouphug:

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Dtap formulation is very safe and for older teens and also adults many ER's give straight tetnus which outside of slghtly sore muscle has just about zero side effects. Meanwhile, even with moder medical intervention, once one is symptomatic with tetnus it is extraordinarily difficult to pull a patient through.


Tetnus is an old, reliable vaccine that has been around for a long time and since it is not a communicable disease doesn't mutate so it remains effective as long as immunity does not wane thus the booster shot.


I selectively vax, no gardisil, hepatitis, or flu vaccine but yet for us the tetnus vaccine is a no brainer. Our kids help out at my friend's farm , help their dad work on the car, work with power tools, and assist with home repairs so we try to be very vigilant about keeping tetnus vaccines current.

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