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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

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Make a plan for decorations for Ana's grad. party. DONE-ISH?

Send online photos.  DONE

Clean/clear the landscaping around the garage and backyard. DONE

Call Lowes - schedule carpet  DONE

Meeting @ 10AM.  DONE

Order any necessary decorations from Amazon.

Put up blinds / window treatments. 

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- dishes- done

- wipe out fridge and microwave- done

- fetch trash can from across the road- done

- tidy house- done for now

- call dd1's school- done

- transfer money- done

- get money from CU- done

- get dd1 from school- done

- dd1 eye doctor at 245- done

- get a few groceries- done

- dinner- chicken and dumplings using leftovers- done

- bedtime routine

- plan summer school and activities- done for the day

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Good morning everyone!


Morning chores all done.

Fed feathered and furred.

Made chicken salad and packed lunch for dh.

Two rounds of pills done already.


12:15 taking youngest back to Dr. for game plan with her Lyme flare


School with youngest, only 3 subjects to finish.





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Good morning! I may have to add a doctor visit in my day because I'm still very sore in the back of my head. I feel like it's even down into my neck and my ear feels a little full or something.




coffee and computer time

call and make an appointment

take ds to dentist appointment to have 3 baby teeth removed

haircut appointment

late lunch

clean something??

take dd to play practice while dh takes ds to swimming

all of us meet afterward to go clean the office


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:grouphug: Amy!


I'm a slacker this morning---I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep for 90 minutes :eek: Darn cloudy morning! I need the sunshine to keep me awake.


Today looks like

--school (soooo winding down)

--exercise, most likely inside


--more history reading and planning (last three library books are in transit now so I have almost all the resources at hand)

--check fruit garden

--front bed weeding if weather cooperates

--dd ballet 6:30-8

--look at next week's schedule to determine when to go pick strawberries :D

--read some fiction!

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Oh Amy, it sounds like you should get that checked out. Prayer appreciated for our youngest grandson, Cade, he will be 14 months 6/2. He was bitten by a tick last week, he is on antibiotics since last evening but his fever spiked at 105 during the night. My son and daughter-in-law were able to bring it down to 102. Praying for a much better day!


This is my first day this week that I've been home all day and able to get much of anything accomplished. And here I sit in my robe and jammies talking with you all;)


Clean up breakfast


Master Bedroom sheets, towels, dust and quick clean bath


Clean boys bathroom


Work on portfolios




Pick up car from inspection and possibly make a Target trip


Cool and rainy here today; I'm thinking pasta for dinner


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Good Morning Y'all  :seeya:


:grouphug: Amy and definitely get this checked out..and hope you feel better asap! 


Kelly---hope your grandson will have a better day ...ticks are definitely abundant this year and scary!



  • quick tidy of the house
  • plan dinner and execute 
  • school--lots of little projects to work on there
  • hit WM for supplies for next week

Have a great day! 


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Good morning all! Prayers for all you this morning.


Back from picking up dd1, read the paper and am still sipping on my coffee. We are still going along for school, but next week switch to our summer schedule for the younger ones. Ds2 and dd1 will go through until they are completely done. Dd1 took nearly a month off in March, so she will finish up at the end of June. Ds2 is doing Biology this summer, so he will work everyday.


To do:

clean master bath

laundry (started)



chores for kids

pick up downstairs

sew some summer skirts for me

PM practice and judo pickup


Have a great day!

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UGH.  I am getting tired just reading what you all have to do!  :lol:


We have a social this afternoon so I need to get ready to go.


When we get back I want to try and see if I can get my espresso machine working again.


I should clean......but I won't.

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Well, I am in a serious brain fog here. I think it's allergy induced. I just need to get the kids done with school and figure out what needs to be done in the house and do it. DS's birthday party is Saturday and I just can't get organized. I feel mentally paralyzed and all I want to do is be in the computer because then I don't have to think. Not a good place to be.

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Hope all your allergies get better, Jean and Krissi!


Well, I did it. I cut my hair off. I have enough to send to Locks of Love or the Pantene donation. Summer should be much cooler this way. It still touches my shoulder, so hopefully hubby won't be too disappointed. 


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Hope all your allergies get better, Jean and Krissi!


Well, I did it. I cut my hair off. I have enough to send to Locks of Love or the Pantene donation. Summer should be much cooler this way. It still touches my shoulder, so hopefully hubby won't be too disappointed. 



You need a new avatar so we can see your new cut:) Is your head feeling any better?

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Kelly, I'll try to do that, but it will have to be later.  I don't have a smart phone or iphone, so I can't do that kind of stuff on the go. Thanks for asking about me!  Ibuprofen definitely takes the edge off, but I still have a very tender spot a few inches from the back of my ear and that whole side of my head feels a little more tender. 



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Well, I am feeling better and have been accomplishing a few things...

** a couple loads of laundry done (while watching my new addiction -Suits. I've decided after I'm done raising my kids I'm going to become a high powered lawyer at a prominent New York law firm and make a gazillion dollars a year)

** baked DS's birthday cake

** read a couple books to my little girls


Now, I need to figure out what to make for dinner.

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Thursday is almost over and it tackled me!  And so did Wednesday!  I'm sick yet again!  This time I just feel entirely run down and achy.  Something is messed up with my immune system and its time to figure out what.  I'll be making a doctors appointment tomorrow.

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Major insomnia last night.  I did not shut my eyes. 


Ds to summer school.

I cleaned out my classroom; talk about major purge!  I should be done by tomorrow.

Dh is gone this evening, coaching baseball.  Leftovers for dinner.

I'm going to relax the rest of the evening. 

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Evening update :D


Today looks like

--school (soooo winding down)

--exercise, most likely inside


--more history reading and planning (last three library books are in transit now so I have almost all the resources at hand)

--check fruit garden

--front bed weeding if weather cooperates

--dd ballet 6:30-8

--look at next week's schedule to determine when to go pick strawberries :D

--read some fiction!


If it wasn't for that rain...

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