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Flowing Brook

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Oh, no, not Daisy!  I hope she feels better soon. 


IMO, things like family illness are a priority.  Your mom and yes, Daisy, are family.  Feel disappointed, feel frustrated, but don't feel guilty because you chose them over a job.  Maybe he should pick up a rag and some spay and clean his own damn house.

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I wonder if you can't clean a full day for him on Mondays, could you give him a few hours, even if your Mom isn't able to clean with you?  I know that for me, having something done would be better than nothing.  Would he be OK with your bringing her with you and letting her stay in the yard?


I'm sorry things are so stressed for you right now.  I will be keeping you and Daisy in my prayers.

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Does you mom need you to care for her when she has migraines?


Instead of totally canceling I would do the best I could and either come another day and finish or do the most I can with one person. If you are delivering a baby there is no reason for both of you to cancel. If I were the client I would have fired you after the second cancelation. I understand things come up, but three times in a row nope, no way. I'd rather have no one than someone who only comes when they feel like it. (And from a clients perspective, that's what it seems like.)

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I used to clean houses with dh, unhappy customers are not good for your psyche. Honestly, I would find to find other jobs that you could handle on your own if possible and refer him to someone else. If that's not a possibility - I know we had those big jobs that paid well enough to do one a day sometimes - I would work on rearranging others. If you do it once to each person, it's less likely to get you fired. 


I'm sorry about your dog.  :grouphug:

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The reason I don't just do what I can in one day by myself is because the guy won't understand why I can do it in six hours by myself when it usually takes two people six hours. He won't notice all the stuff that is usually done is not and expect me to do it like that all the time. Then when he notices stuff not done he will get upset that I did not stay and finish. I could work ten hours in a day but I have some health problems that makes it difficult. although if it was not for the facts above I would.


I was pregnant when we cleaned, there were days I couldn't work and dh worked alone. He's the better cleaner and moved a little faster on those days. It makes a different whether the client is home during the cleaning too. 


It is hard to justify 12 man hours for the same price as 6. You could either negotiate with him that when you're alone you do less for less money or see if you could hire someone on standby for those days. 


Dh did the huge house we had a couple of times by himself, but it did take him double the time. 


If these issues that pull you away from the work are happening more often, I would seek to replace his job with something you could do on your own. It also depends on how well connected he is, we got all of our referrals from word of mouth. One unhappy customer can cause you to miss out on other jobs. From what I've studied about sales, a bad customer service report is 14 times more likely to be spread around than a good one. 

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I was pregnant when we cleaned, there were days I couldn't work and dh worked alone. He's the better cleaner and moved a little faster on those days. It makes a different whether the client is home during the cleaning too. 


It is hard to justify 12 man hours for the same price as 6. You could either negotiate with him that when you're alone you do less for less money or see if you could hire someone on standby for those days. 


Dh did the huge house we had a couple of times by himself, but it did take him double the time. 


If these issues that pull you away from the work are happening more often, I would seek to replace his job with something you could do on your own. It also depends on how well connected he is, we got all of our referrals from word of mouth. One unhappy customer can cause you to miss out on other jobs. From what I've studied about sales, a bad customer service report is 14 times more likely to be spread around than a good one. 


I don't mean I would charge him the same amount I would deffinetely charge less If it was six hours instead of tweleve. Just that he would expect me to be able to do it like that all the time then get upset when after a while the house did not look the same.


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some people are more able to be flexible than others, for a whole host of reasons.


i tend to be very matter-of-fact about these things.  "I'm training to be a midwife.  Approx, one in seven babies is born on Mondays, and every other day of the week, so occasionally I will have to cancel to deliver a baby.  On those days, i could come for two hours and do the kitchen and the bathrooms if you'd like."


then its his call.


so sorry about your dog.... she looks so very much like my dear daisy....






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I don't mean I would charge him the same amount I would deffinetely charge less If it was six hours instead of tweleve. Just that he would expect me to be able to do it like that all the time then get upset when after a while the house did not look the same.




You would have to make it clear that in 6 hours you wouldn't be able to do everything you could in 12. How big is this house? How many people? I would prioritize kitchen, baths, and living areas. Then I would put the adjustments in writing and allow him to choose which level of service he wanted on days you had two people. 


We had a wealthy older woman we cleaned for. No matter how quickly we cleaned (she lived alone and was never messy) she kept us for the same amount of hours. We polished silver, made bed (which we normally did not do), did deep cleaning. She was a gem about it though, so it was an experience. 

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Honestly, and this is not intended to be snarky, it really doesn't sound like you have the capability to do the amount of work you are trying to do right now. If I were your client, I would understand the first cancellation without being upset (if it had not happened before), be annoyed with the second, and tell you that you no longer worked for me when you canceled the third time. You are running a business. You need to have a back up plan to meet your customers needs. That is the only perspective a customer is going to have. They don't care about your personal problems or other jobs. They may understand once or twice, but three times, no.

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some people are more able to be flexible than others, for a whole host of reasons.


i tend to be very matter-of-fact about these things.  "I'm training to be a midwife.  Approx, one in seven babies is born on Mondays, and every other day of the week, so occasionally I will have to cancel to deliver a baby.  On those days, i could come for two hours and do the kitchen and the bathrooms if you'd like."


then its his call.


so sorry about your dog.... she looks so very much like my dear daisy....





I agree. Be very straightforward about it. I can't do the full 6 hours today, but I can do xxx and xxx for $x. If you tell him up front that you will only be doing a limited amount he should understand the hour and price difference and also have an appropriately adjusted expectation of how clean the house will be. He may still be unhappy but at least you are trying to work with him.

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The reason I don't just do what I can in one day by myself is because the guy won't understand why I can do it in six hours by myself when it usually takes two people six hours. He won't notice all the stuff that is usually done is not and expect me to do it like that all the time. Then when he notices stuff not done he will get upset that I did not stay and finish. I could work ten hours in a day but I have some health problems that makes it difficult. although if it was not for the facts above I would.


The other problem is between baby calls, midwife training meetings, and me getting a cold or flu everytime I turn around. I do juggle my other clients around quite a bit. So far no one else seems to mind. I am just afraid something is going to snap soon. and I promise I don't mean me.


Sounds like having someone on call to help you would be worth it. Even if you have to pay that person more than your or your mom's share, you wouldn't risk losing a client over it. You or your mom would be there to supervise and make sure the work is done to your specifications and standards. 


What would you do with the dog if there were a baby delivery?

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Does he know that both you and your mom clean his house? Because if he does and you let him know only one of you will be there, surely he'll understand that he'll get half the work done for half the price.   And he can tell you what the priorities are- certain areas or rooms. 


I'm not convinced house cleaning is the right job for you, though. Between your mother's migraines, you getting a cold or something quite often, and the unpredictable midwife duties, I think it adds up to a recipe for disaster. Your clients will start to bail.  Occasionally missing an appointment is ok but it sounds like this could turn chronic (or maybe already is) and when people book you, they need you to be able to do the work. 


So sorry about your dog!

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I used to clean houses too.  I would have still gone if my mom had a migraine and charged 1/2 the price along with leaving a list of what was not done so that he could be sure to do those things himself or as the focus of the next cleaning.  I would not cancel for a sick pet.  Yes it is sad but there is nothing you can do for the pet at this time, jobs should not be tabled for pets imo.  If I was the home owner hiring someone to come clean, I would have fired you when you cancelled for the 3rd time in a row on me.  Flexibility is one thing but if you hire someone to do a job you expect them to have the commitment and work ethic to complete it as agreed.

In future I would go even if my mom couldn't, with the explanation that you are on your own so only 1/2 can be done, perhaps ask which areas he wants you to focus on. I would not cancel for a sick or dying pet ever, very sad but not enough to throw away money imo.  Apologize to him and make it right for this time.  Even if you and your mom do a combine 12 hours when you go, give him a 15% discount as an apology for having to make him wait so long.  That will go a long way to restore his faith in you and not find someone else.  

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Honestly, and this is not intended to be snarky, it really doesn't sound like you have the capability to do the amount of work you are trying to do right now. If I were your client, I would understand the first cancellation without being upset (if it had not happened before), be annoyed with the second, and tell you that you no longer worked for me when you canceled the third time. You are running a business. You need to have a back up plan to meet your customers needs. That is the only perspective a customer is going to have. They don't care about your personal problems or other jobs. They may understand once or twice, but three times, no.




I would be very annoyed too.  If I've hired you to do your job, I want you to be able to do it and it sounds like you are not able to fulfill that job anymore.  You either need to go alone with your mom is ill, or have an alternate day that you can show up.

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I would have fired you after the second cancellation.  


If your mom can't clean with you make a list of the top priorities as well as a list of what you can't get to that she would have done and charge him half your fee for half the work.  Give him the lists so he understands what is being done and not done.  


I do understand having a baby to deliver but you should have been upfront with him that you are working as a midwife and may occasionally miss days to deliver babies.  Give him something that makes accepting that possibility worthwhile (maybe if you miss to deliver a baby you clean later in the week and he gets a $25 discount that week).


When it comes to the dog, I'm sorry but I would have left the dog with someone and gone to work.  I understand loving your pet but if you need the job you need to do the job.

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I would be very annoyed too.  If I've hired you to do your job, I want you to be able to do it and it sounds like you are not able to fulfill that job anymore.  You either need to go alone with your mom is ill, or have an alternate day that you can show up.

But as a client an alternate day isn't acceptable. Once in awhile ok but not 3 weeks in a row. I do prep work for my cleaner. Sometimes I plan things for the day after my cleaner comes because I know I won't have to do much to have friends over or play dates. If you are supposed to come on Monday and then tell me you can't come till Wed. I'd be pissed. Once in awhile I'd be understanding, but more than twice a year you'd be gone.


OP. You really need to figure out a job that is flexible so that it doesn't interfere with delivering babies. Or have a backup.


I'm still trying to figure out how it takes 12 hours to clean a house. I have a large house and it's never taken a cleaner more than 4 hours.

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First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your dog.


I think you need to either come up with a backup plan, or find a new line of business.  It's really unfair for your cleaning clients to always come last.  You should inform them of how often, statistically, you expect a baby.  And how often your mom has migraines.  If your mom has a migraine you should go in by yourself and charge significantly less.  If a baby comes you should offer a make-up day that week and a hefty discount, and also not expect them to be okay with it more than once or twice a year, because re-organizing one's schedule around a professional's personal life is a major pain.  I'm sorry, but I'd have expected you to leave the dog and work.  Especially if the scenario were ever baby vs dog.  I use midwives and if one missed a birth for a sick dog I'd look into reporting them (yes, I know midwives try to have back-ups.  That doesn't change how unprofessional it is).  I'm not saying you would do it this way.  I'm just pointing out that you need to seriously consider your choices and your personal life when you're any sort of professional, especially medical.

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But as a client an alternate day isn't acceptable. Once in awhile ok but not 3 weeks in a row. I do prep work for my cleaner. Sometimes I plan things for the day after my cleaner comes because I know I won't have to do much to have friends over or play dates. If you are supposed to come on Monday and then tell me you can't come till Wed. I'd be pissed. Once in awhile I'd be understanding, but more than twice a year you'd be gone.


OP. You really need to figure out a job that is flexible so that it doesn't interfere with delivering babies. Or have a backup.


I'm still trying to figure out how it takes 12 hours to clean a house. I have a large house and it's never taken a cleaner more than 4 hours.


Maybe not to you.  I would be ok with an alternate date if they had one ready to suggest to me when calling to cancel.  

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Maybe not to you.  I would be ok with an alternate date if they had one ready to suggest to me when calling to cancel.  


I would be too, if I didn't have something happening at home that I needed the house clean for (like a party). If I'm hiring someone, it does mean that I do not have the time to do it myself. I would be more fine with it if it only happened once or twice a year. More than that, might be a nuisance, as it does impact my own schedule.

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I would be too, if I didn't have something happening at home that I needed the house clean for (like a party). If I'm hiring someone, it does mean that I do not have the time to do it myself. I would be more fine with it if it only happened once or twice a year. More than that, might be a nuisance, as it does impact my own schedule.


Agreed.  We had hired a housekeeper many years ago.  They had a set day that they (2) came every other week.  We had hired them because I was having some major health issues and could not stay on top of house cleaning, cooking, homeschooling, etc.  


They are the ones that quit on me -- the week of my son's birthday party.  I was LIVID!  

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Maybe not to you.  I would be ok with an alternate date if they had one ready to suggest to me when calling to cancel.


If she calls the day before or later after I've done the prep work it's not ok to me. If she calls me 2-3 days in advance, and I don't have something planned I'm flexible as all get out. But I purposely schedule housekeepers for Monday/Tuesday so that the kids have the weekend to get their rooms and playrooms picked up. It's not fair for me to expect them to keep their rooms housekeeper ready till Friday, so the work falls on me which defeats our purpose of having a cleaner.

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  Maybe he should pick up a rag and some spay and clean his own damn house.


This is pretty a pretty harsh comment directed at someone who is expecting a service. By the same token the mechanic could tell you to 'change you own damn oil' or the dentist could tell you to 'fill your own damn tooth' when they are having a bad day.


Surely you are trying to help the OP feel better but I don't think the solution is for her to tell her customer to 'clean his own damn house' if she has any hope of being invited to remain in his employ.


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This is pretty a pretty harsh comment directed at someone who is expecting a service. By the same token the mechanic could tell you to 'change you own damn oil' or the dentist could tell you to 'fill your own damn tooth' when they are having a bad day.


Surely you are trying to help the OP feel better but I don't think the solution is for her to tell her customer to 'clean his own damn house' if she has any hope of being invited to remain in his employ.


I don't really care it it's harsh towards someone that is angry "the help" is not hopping to. He can hire another person, if he likes. His house is not more important than her family, IMO.


We all make choices. He is pacified that she'll clean his house another time. I'm sure he'll live with an internet stranger's lack of concern about his angst.

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