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Ugg, I have to talk to my neighbor AGAIN--vent


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I talked to him about a month ago about his dog pooping in our yard.  They kept him out for about a week.  I was out there today and noticed many poo piles in my flower bed.  Ugg.  It really pisses me off.  I hate dogs and crappy dog owners.  Follow the laws!!  Keep your dog in your own yard or move to a farm!!  Get an invisible fence!!  If I could fence my yard I would!!  Stupid neighbor.

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bag it and leave it on the porch. Every time. I do that with my dog neighbors who just don't get it. they eventually learn they are going to have to do something about the poop. Why should I figure out how to dispose of it? I leave it for them to figure that out.

Bag it and empty the bag in their yard.

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Wow--- y'all are way nicer than I am.  Bagging it and placing it on the stoop? I wish I had all of you sweethearts as my neighbors! :thumbup1:


If your flowerbed is close to the line, I would probably get a shovel and flip it back onto their yard.




OP, if you are *positive* it's the neighbor's dog, I would grab a shovel and toss it back. I have done so on more than one occasion. Don't worry where it lands (flowerbed, grass, or driveway), just toss away. Let the owners deal with it.



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I'm just so bummed.  In our last house (terrible, poor, run down neighborhood), we dealt with the crazy cat lady across the street. 


I imagined when we moved to a really nice neighborhood that the people would be more considerate of their neighbors and take better care of their pets.  I'm so naïve! 

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I'm just so bummed.  In our last house (terrible, poor, run down neighborhood), we dealt with the crazy cat lady across the street. 


I imagined when we moved to a really nice neighborhood that the people would be more considerate of their neighbors and take better care of their pets.  I'm so naïve!


Aaw, don't feel bad. It isn't your fault that you expect some of common courtesy from your neighbors.

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I know an elderly lady that lives in a sort of retirement village with semi detached units. she had trouble with a dog  coming and weeing on her car tyre every day. she tried everything. eventually she set a rattrap. She heard a click and a yelp and the dog never ever came back again. I wouldn't go as far as a rat trap ,but would a whole line of mousetraps work? they would only cause a little bit of pain and no permanent damage and might teach the dog to keep out of your area.

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If you are 100% sure it is from the neighbor's dog, I'd not bag the poop and leave it on his doorstep, but take a shovel and scoop it up and dump it on his yard where it should have been deposited in the first place.  Then set a few rat traps out in your garden area.  A few SNAPS will startle Fido into not wanting to go there.


I see I am not the only "fling it back" advocate.  If the neighbor says anything, remark calmly "Oh, I know. Poor little Fido just doesn't seem to understand which is HER yard when she does her business."  Act as if of course he'd want to be taking care of his own dog's poop on his own yard, and you are just helping.



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