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Exercise 8/20

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No running for me today. I'm going to the pool and sitting in a lounge chair. Is that enough of a cardio workout, do you think? ;)


My calf and left knee are killing me. :glare: I'm thinking I need to just go to the doctor and see what's what. Hopefully, a day of rest and some ice will cure what ails me and I'll be running again tomorrow. If not, I'm calling the doc.


Have a great day, ladies!!!

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None today. I was up all night with a 2 1/2 year old. Not sure why. She's cutting her 2 year molars, so maybe that's why. But, I really needed my sleep this morning. Also, I'm having an extremely painful period! Ack! It's SOOOO bad. So, I'll walk the boys to karate today (2 miles) and then resume working out tomorrow.


Great job!!!

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None for me today- the entire day is scheduled. Ah well.


I have a question though... does anyone know where I can get a poster that displays warm up/cool down stretches in order? (Like what they have at Curves?)


I'm still feeling the circuit I did on Monday, which is amazing since I didn't use very much resistance at all. I think proper stretching would help a lot!

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Did you have nice weather? It is beautiful here.


I looked at our post times and they were exactly the same. I guess great minds think alike:001_smile:

The weather here today is beautiful. Very blue sky which means like lower humidity. I opened up the house this morning too. We had the AC on for a little less than 2 days(we are really trying to use the AC a lot less this summer) It was a bit windy here which is one reason why my walk was a bit shorter than usual. I put as much gel in my eyes as I could before I went out. I had to slow down about 10 times to put drops in my eyes. (I have a auto-immune disease called Sjogrens and one of the symtoms is that my eyes make very little tears.) As we have started school so I will be splitting my workout up more I hope to do 3.2 miles in the morning and another 3.2 in the evening. I was 165 pounds on Mother's Day of this year. This morning I weighed 140. I hope to get to 135. I am so thrilled with my progress.

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I looked at our post times and they were exactly the same. .


I saw that when I came looking for the thread. I was :eek:I can't choose one!!! So I went on to other threads until someone else made the decision...LOL Yes, I need therapy.



I was 165 pounds on Mother's Day of this year. This morning I weighed 140. I hope to get to 135. I am so thrilled with my progress.



Oh MY! This is awesome! I am so proud of you! HOW did you loose so much so fast? Mothers Day is in...? May something? Wow. Just wow.

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Dh and I walked 45 minutes on this cloudy, cool, and moist morning. Fabulous!


It felt sooooooooo great to walk strong this morning. We missed yesterday and I really had missed the physicalness of the workout.


This morning I weighed 160. Last spring, I weighed 173+. A combo of walking watching what I eat. Yippee!


My goal is ten more pounds off by Halloween.

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HOW did you loose so much so fast? Mothers Day is in...? May something? Wow. Just wow.

I have lost about 21/2 pounds a weeks. I have been walking/running 5-8 miles a day. I have also started biking a bit. I have been tending a nice size garden. Also doing a bit of work with weights. My eating has just been healthy. I could out sweets, am eating lean proteins, and eating whole grains. Also hardly ever going out to eat.

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I was 165 pounds on Mother's Day of this year. This morning I weighed 140. I hope to get to 135. I am so thrilled with my progress.







I logged a crappy 4 miles. Sore knee, side cramp, sore neck, humidity. Blech! I should have eaten brownies instead.;)

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One hour running - probably around 6 miles. Dd has X-country practice this morning and so I ran while they trained. This week I'll log 20 miles and then next week is a "taper week" since we have a 4-mile race the following Saturday (Aug 30).


Congrats on the steady weight loss progress, Karen! I've dropped ~ 22 pounds since February with the same basic plan that you've been following. I'm down to my last 10 (or so) and anticipating that it will be VERY slow at this point. I have gotten off track a couple of times due to trips, stress, etc., but am excited that I've been able to get back on.



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I ran 6 miles this morning. Once again, I didn't pace myself well. I thought I was running slowly but did my first two miles in 17 minutes. Then I was tired and had to walk for a couple of minutes. Started running again, forced myself to slow down and aimed for a 10 minute mile, but ran it in 9 minutes. And so on. I so want to work on my stamina but I just can't when I go out too fast. (Again, keep in mind "fast" is a relative term, LOL!) It's amazing to me how far some people can run; they aren't fast by any means, but they go out there and log long distances at a slower pace.


Example: A woman I know recently ran a marathon and I was actually so surprised to know she did that. I mean, I just didn't realize she could run that distance! There's honestly no way on God's green earth I could put in 26.2 miles now or in the near future. And one big reason why is because I run too fast (for me) and tire out too soon. This woman took about 5:15 to complete the distance, which is a 12/min mile pace. I don't know that I can run at that pace, to be honest; I just end up walking or stopping altogether.


I had a question in here somewhere; what was it?:tongue_smilie: I guess I'm just wondering if anyone's found a way to deal with this. Or read some good advice you can pass along.


Meanwhile, my stomach pain is still coming on every day. I need to make an appointment because it does seem my abdominal hernia is coming back/getting worse. I hope I don't need more surgery.

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Oh man Colleen. I hope you don't need surgery too!


It sounds like you need a watch! Can you plot out a 1/4 mile? Try to do it in as close to 2.5 minutes as you can. Note your pace and keep it up. Or you could buy one of those really neat Nike things that will tell you your pace as you're running!


I have the opposite problem! I keep getting comfortable in a 10 minute/mile pace and have to really push myself to go any faster. I don't know how you went on at ALL after the 17 minute/2 mile start you had!!! When I did that the other day, I about fell over!!

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It sounds like you need a watch! Can you plot out a 1/4 mile? Try to do it in as close to 2.5 minutes as you can. Note your pace and keep it up.


I have a sports watch and have certain distances I know are a mile or half mile. But when I check my pace at a half mile I realize I'm at running faster than I thought. And when I try to slow down, I feel like I may as well walk.(Btw, I really do feel silly to keep using the words "fast" and "faster". It's not like I'm blazing out there, by any means. It's just that I need to go slower in order to be able to put in more mileage.)


Maybe what I need to do is actually run on a track so I can really focus on getting the pace I want.

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wow, you runners are very inspiring. I hula-hooped/hoop danced for 25 minutes today. Worked hard on left-hand and arm coordination of lift-off tricks and some other tricks plus trying to keep it in time to different songs. anyone else hoop?

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I have a sports watch and have certain distances I know are a mile or half mile. But when I check my pace at a half mile I realize I'm at running faster than I thought. And when I try to slow down, I feel like I may as well walk.(Btw, I really do feel silly to keep using the words "fast" and "faster". It's not like I'm blazing out there, by any means. It's just that I need to go slower in order to be able to put in more mileage.)


Maybe what I need to do is actually run on a track so I can really focus on getting the pace I want.



The track is a good idea. What about running with someone who runs a 10 minute mile? I hate running with someone, but if I needed it for a run or two to learn how to pace myself, I think I'd do it.

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I'm so impressed with everyone.


I thought about running this morning, but when I woke up to rain, I decided not to. I had my dr. appt today about my sciatica pain. I have to go get an x-ray (to be safe) but it is most likely from the running. She suggested a PT and gave me an anti-inflammatory. I have a good friend who not only runs, but happens to be an OT so she understands the problem well. She suggested extra hamstring stretches and some ab work to help get things in balance.


I did tkd class tonight, so I did get in my exercise.

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Hello I hope know one else has started the thread today.

I did search for one.

I did 3.2 miles walking outside


That's what I did today too with my two dogs. We were back home in under 1hr which is a nice, stiff pace. And today is my day off from a vigorous workout.


And I had a great surprise this morning; down 1-1/2# Total surprise. That brings this week's total to 3# lost, not counting the 2-1/2# I gained due to my birthday last Thursday, and then lost by Monday morning. I have never, ever lost that much in one week, ever.


Total since Jan 1, 34#



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Very happy considering that all this week I've been waking up between 4:45 - 5:30 a.m., which is early for me (I'm usually a 6 a.m. riser.) But on top of my run I've been fitting in a daily stretching/strengthening program which I already feel is improving my flexibility and posture.


Now I'm ready for a cup of tea.

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That I didn't gut out my usual hour. I did 40 minutes of cardio yesterday and 30 minutes today. It's that time of month and I haven't been sleeping well the past couple days. On top of it, I have been hitting my chocolate stash, this is the only time I do that. Errrr.


Just remember it's one day at a time and tomorrow is another day to reach your goals. The other thing (and I often have to remind myself of this) is that doing 30 minutes is still doing something. Don't negate the value of this exercise even if it wasn't exactly what you hoped to do.

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wow, you runners are very inspiring. I hula-hooped/hoop danced for 25 minutes today. Worked hard on left-hand and arm coordination of lift-off tricks and some other tricks plus trying to keep it in time to different songs. anyone else hoop?


Trust me you wouldn't want to see me do that.:tongue_smilie: Of course you don't want to see me do the 'sexy slim down' either :D It's not sexy! But I did get back on the horse today. cycle seems to be over and hip/back is slightly better. I aim to get up tomorrow and do it again. In the hopes of some day being either sexy or slim;).

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