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Walking Dead finale thread


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I won't have to wear black today. 


I'm glad no one got a plate from Mary. 


I said F*** an A at least twice during the episode, it has been a long time since I used that particular statement. 


I'm glad the members of our party have not lost their skills of observation. 


I don't want to grill anything for a long while. 

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Gah...that scene with the biker gang attacking Rick, Carl and Michonne was INTENSE. I didn't think you could top the prison attack, but I was so stressed out about what was happening to Carl. I had a bad feeling about those guys all along - Jeff Kober always creeps me out, so he gave me a bad vibe anyway. I'm glad Daryl was able to find Rick.


And finally - someone was smart enough to be cautious about Terminus. I nearly vomitted when I saw the pocket watch, and the woman wearing Maggie's poncho. And did anyone else see the butchered remains of a person when Rick and Co was running through Terminus?! I knew they were cannibals! Was that candle room like a memorial to everyone they'd eaten?


I hate that they left us like that - everyone trapped in a train car, waiting to be eaten. But Rick is back in the game, so I hope they all survive. And where is Beth?! Daryl is just accepting that she's gone? Who took her? Why has Maggie not asked a single person about her sister? I'm worried about Tyreese and Carol showing up at Terminus with the baby. Would they eat a baby? I hope they're smart enough to not just stroll in like the first group.

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Gah...that scene with the biker gang attacking Rick, Carl and Michonne was INTENSE. I didn't think you could top the prison attack, but I was so stressed out about what was happening to Carl. I had a bad feeling about those guys all along - Jeff Kober always creeps me out, so he gave me a bad vibe anyway. I'm glad Daryl was able to find Rick.


And finally - someone was smart enough to be cautious about Terminus. I nearly vomitted when I saw the pocket watch, and the woman wearing Maggie's poncho. And did anyone else see the butchered remains of a person when Rick and Co was running through Terminus?! I knew they were cannibals! Was that candle room like a memorial to everyone they'd eaten?


I hate that they left us like that - everyone trapped in a train car, waiting to be eaten. But Rick is back in the game, so I hope they all survive. And where is Beth?! Daryl is just accepting that she's gone? Who took her? Why has Maggie not asked a single person about her sister? I'm worried about Tyreese and Carol showing up at Terminus with the baby. Would they eat a baby? I hope they're smart enough to not just stroll in like the first group.


They were being herded and I saw the remains, yuck! Those people are ill. The candle room was creepy, creepy...


I thought Daryl was dead, we know Farmer Rick is gone and Sheriff Rick is back in town!!


I didn't sleep enough last night, got up early to watch, and now I'm going back to bed for a few. 

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I was disappointed with this episode. All that build up and they gave us nothing. Seems like it's been that way since they came back from the mid season break. The storyline has been moving SO slowly since then.

I didn't really learn anything new. I don't read the comics but I did read about the comics before last nights episode. It told everything about Terminus being run by cannibals and about the brutality Rick had to show to protect Carl....so the show followed the comic pretty well last night, so it seems. I really really wish they'd reunite Rick and Carl with the baby!

I love this show and I hate that we have to wait until October now to learn more. Glad Daryl is back with Rick! Loved when he called him his brother and that they are having Carl act more child-like now.

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Yes, I was so glad to see them not walk in the front door like dopes. But, why didn't Daryl notice the footprints of all those men outside the fence? And how do that many people decide that it is ok to kill people for food? Maybe the people who took Beth were trying to save her? And if the painting in the house was a warning, why not just write the word "cannibals" on the way to Terminus?? Agh!! So many questions!

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Yes, I was so glad to see them not walk in the front door like dopes. But, why didn't Daryl notice the footprints of all those men outside the fence? And how do that many people decide that it is ok to kill people for food? Maybe the people who took Beth were trying to save her? And if the painting in the house was a warning, why not just write the word "cannibals" on the way to Terminus?? Agh!! So many questions!


The painting may actually not truly be part of the story.  I was talking to DH last night about it and he said it is totally possible the set designer set that up without it being from the writer' script/plans (he is a TV writer and produces his own episodes on set, hence why he knows this stuff).  I hope it is planned because I want to know who painted it! :)


ETA: I don't know if those people were outside with guns when they arrived - that was likely a result of them sneaking in with weapons. 


And I think (not that I agree with them) that they got to the point of killing people for food because they have this relatively safe town area but going on runs is dangerous and you can only grow so many veggies there to feed people.  So they got creative...

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Where's the scientist? Did I forget something with him???


I think he was just in the back, in the shadows.  Probably saved the show some $ not having him show his face.


Rick's, ahem, neck moment is DH's favorite moment from the comics (he hasn't read them all yet, though).  He was a very happy viewer last night.  LOL

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Rick has been my idealism anchor over the past few seasons. Just to be sentimental for a moment, the chaos in my personal life has made certain episodes poignant for many real and quite personal reasons. I am the mother of a son who is becoming more of a man each day, sometimes through circumstances I would never choose for him. I totally get that uber protective vibe and conflict Rick has with Carl. 


I'm not sure I could bite someone in the neck although I'd go to great lengths to protect my child. That was wicked. I'm glad neither one of them died because I need to cling to that idealism a little longer. 

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I think I need to go read the rest of the comics now. I stopped right at the prison getting destroyed. Personally, I have a hard time with comics - I find the artwork distracting - it's like my eyes don't know where to look. But I'm kind of dying to know what happens.



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Favorite positive moments:

  1. Rick offering Daryl "brother status".
  2. Daryl offering Glenn/Maggie's new people friend status.
  3. Michonne disclosing to Carl the details of her son, boyfriend and relatives
  4. The gun stash Rick has behind Terminus

Favorite moments that I can't call "positive":


  1. The jugular kill by Rick
  2. Rick's last statement of kick-ass intention
  3. That Daryl was relieved of the group that wanted him to be like them, but he's not

Icky moments:


  1. Candle room
  2. Bone/carcass pile
  3. The violation of Carl
  4. The intensity of the beatings
  5. The statement of sexual threat to Michonne and Carl

Queries and Potentialities:

  1. Will Carol and Tyrese appear to save the Terminus prisoners?
  2. Is Beth alive? Will she be an assist to save them?
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Some thoughts...


I liked the flashbacks with Herschel; it showed the side Rick wanted to develop, but in the end realized that this is not possible in the new zombie world.


Loved all of the allusions once they got to Terminus.  Ds made me shut up because I kept commenting on them. 


Ds commented on the music at the end...the close of Rick's face going dark, then the music associated with the Governor started playing. 


October  is too long to wait.  Unfortunately, if true to the books, some key characters will be killed off. 

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October  is too long to wait.  Unfortunately, if true to the books, some key characters will be killed off. 


Honestly, there is no way for any to escape without some dying. (*admitting the premise is already flawed) - There is no realistic way a pile of unarmed people unfamiliar with Terminus can "win" over armed, well-fed, trained people who have home court advantage.


Key players have to die.

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I really fear for Glen and Maggie - her burning of the picture in the last episode seemed really foreboding. I don't think both of them will die, but I definitely thing one of them will. I just hope it's not Carl. For some reason, his presence has always felt like a hope for the future. If he dies, it'll be like there isn't any hope left and everyone is doomed.

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I was annoyed with the flashbacks only because I wanted more new information/show. This whole half of the season has moved so agonizingly slow! Why can't they give us a 2 hour finale!!! 


I have no idea how they are going to get out of the mess they are in.  

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I really fear for Glen and Maggie - her burning of the picture in the last episode seemed really foreboding. I don't think both of them will die, but I definitely thing one of them will. I just hope it's not Carl. For some reason, his presence has always felt like a hope for the future. If he dies, it'll be like there isn't any hope left and everyone is doomed.


Barring an actor leaving the show, Rick and Carl will not be killed.  In the end this story is their journey and everyone else is just a role player (and fair game!)

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I was annoyed with the flashbacks only because I wanted more new information/show. This whole half of the season has moved so agonizingly slow! Why can't they give us a 2 hour finale!!! 


I have no idea how they are going to get out of the mess they are in.  


Time to go all A-Team and/or MacGyver on the Termites.  #1 rule that should have been learned from 1980s TV villains: Never lock your enemies together where you can't see them.

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I think I need to go read the rest of the comics now. I stopped right at the prison getting destroyed. Personally, I have a hard time with comics - I find the artwork distracting - it's like my eyes don't know where to look. But I'm kind of dying to know what happens.


My son reads manga, I can't. I'm like you, my eyes feel like there is no place to land. I tried and my brain felt it was going to short-circuit. 

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:ohmy:  and EW!!!!


I'm glad no one was ON a plate from Mary.  LOL!


I thought it was a great episode (finally).  I wasn't expecting anything amazing to be revealed after all the build-up.  It was a season finale so of course they are going to build up and then leave us hanging. 


Nice little foreshadowing of Terminus with the rabbit snare.  


I'd like to think that Tyrese and Carol can come in and save the day.  But you can only fight so much with a baby on your back.  Maybe they'll be added to the train car and the bad boys will come up with a plan.  I'm also nervous for Glenn and/or Maggie.  


The Talking Dead was interesting when they were talking about filming the neck bite scene.  I can share if anyone wants to know but I don't want to be redundant and type it all out if most of you saw it.  

Thankfully I have other shows to occupy my time until October.  :)




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:ohmy:  and EW!!!!


I'm glad no one was ON a plate from Mary.  LOL!


I thought it was a great episode (finally).  I wasn't expecting anything amazing to be revealed after all the build-up.  It was a season finale so of course they are going to build up and then leave us hanging. 


Nice little foreshadowing of Terminus with the rabbit snare.  


I'd like to think that Tyrese and Carol can come in and save the day.  But you can only fight so much with a baby on your back.  Maybe they'll be added to the train car and the bad boys will come up with a plan.  I'm also nervous for Glenn and/or Maggie.  


The Talking Dead was interesting when they were talking about filming the neck bite scene.  I can share if anyone wants to know but I don't want to be redundant and type it all out if most of you saw it.  

Thankfully I have other shows to occupy my time until October.   :)


I would be curious to know about the filming of the scene. 


I'm also nervous for Glenn and Maggie, 



I feel like singing, "The boys are back and Terminus is in trouble... Hey, now, hey now...." Okay, off to teach school. 

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Lincoln said that he was asked, "Beef or chicken?"  He replied, "Chicken."  And then he was asked, "Cooked or raw?"  He thought if they were going to do it then they should *really* do it so he said, "raw".  So basically when they did that scene he had a mouth full of raw chicken and fake blood.  

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Lincoln said that he was asked, "Beef or chicken?"  He replied, "Chicken."  And then he was asked, "Cooked or raw?"  He thought if they were going to do it then they should *really* do it so he said, "raw".  So basically when they did that scene he had a mouth full of raw chicken and fake blood.  


EW Raw chicken.... :ack2:

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I missed last week's thread, but I think the scientist is a poser. If he's a real scientist, then I'm a princess. He speaks oddly for an 'educated scientist', but what finally made me go "huh?" was when he just gave up on the idea of getting to D.C. If he was who he said he was, it would seem like he would keep plodding along, enlisting help wherever he could.


Lincoln said that he was asked, "Beef or chicken?"  He replied, "Chicken."  And then he was asked, "Cooked or raw?"  He thought if they were going to do it then they should *really* do it so he said, "raw".  So basically when they did that scene he had a mouth full of raw chicken and fake blood.  

 Don't forget he said it was also shot at 4:30 in the morning. Raw chicken would have been bad enough, but at that hour, I think I would have forgotten my lines and started to heave!


I enjoyed the finale. I found it weak in ending, but powerful as a whole. I loved the last line! Not only is Rick "back", but I think he has finally accepted what it takes to survive in the 'new world'. The phrase "nice guys finish last" comes to mind. It's a brutal world, and to survive, one has to accept they will be forced to do brutal things. That's why I hated Lori's character. I understood the intense desire to protect Carl, but I just wanted to slap her every week and say she needed to wake up and teach him how to survive!


Everyone has pretty much covered the things I saw/thought about last night's show, but there was one thing I wanted to ask about/mention. Beth ~~ both here and on 'the internets', people are saying she was 'taken'. Am I the only person who thought she just found a car outside and drove off by herself? It seemed to me the frantic driving was the act of a 17y/o girl in a panic (thus, she wouldn't have thought to look in the rear view mirror while driving away and see Daryl running after her), so I was surprised to read all the comments about her being taken. However, I haven't read any comments about her just driving off on her own. Anyone?


I don't want anyone to die. Unfortunately, I worry about Maggie. Glenn's character has potential for incredible growth, as does a possible Beth/Daryl story line, but Maggie's time seems to be over. Maybe Carol & Tyrese's time, too. Carl and Judith represent 'hope', so I can't see them being killed off. Maybe Judith down the road, but not now. I'm not sure how they'll continue to keep Judith safe, though, as kids make noise, and Rick's gang isn't in a secure location.


I'm both anxious and nervous for next season. (Do we have a 'biting my nails' emoticon?!)

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-Maybe they should have staked out Terminus for longer than five minutes!


-As soon as I saw all those hipsters making...what were they doing anyway? Assembling Vespa seat covers? Anyway, they should have turned and walked out as soon as King Hairgel (Garett?) starting speaking.


-I'm glad the Internet rumors were wrong and Glen didn't die. 


-A candle room? Really?


-Also, I was completely annoyed at Darryl for his half arsed explanation of what happened to Beth. Kidnapping is a wee bit more intense than "she's just gone man."

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-Also, I was completely annoyed at Darryl for his half arsed explanation of what happened to Beth. Kidnapping is a wee bit more intense than "she's just gone man."


Part of me wonders if that's exactly how it's going to be - she's just gone.  I mean, it makes sense that *someone* would get separated one way or another and their group would never know what actually happened to them.

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Part of me wonders if that's exactly how it's going to be - she's just gone.  I mean, it makes sense that *someone* would get separated one way or another and their group would never know what actually happened to them.


Yes, except the mortuary was a set up and a trap and I can see them using that as a story line picked up in Season 5.

I wonder, too, if they weren't trying to convey the shame Daryl might feel at not being successful at protecting Beth.

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I wonder, too, if they weren't trying to convey the shame Daryl might feel at not being successful at protecting Beth.


She's just gone is layer 1, layer 2 "I lost her" will happen in a moment of drinking or trauma.

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Everyone has pretty much covered the things I saw/thought about last night's show, but there was one thing I wanted to ask about/mention. Beth ~~ both here and on 'the internets', people are saying she was 'taken'. Am I the only person who thought she just found a car outside and drove off by herself? It seemed to me the frantic driving was the act of a 17y/o girl in a panic (thus, she wouldn't have thought to look in the rear view mirror while driving away and see Daryl running after her), so I was surprised to read all the comments about her being taken. However, I haven't read any comments about her just driving off on her own. Anyone?




No...Beth would never have just up and left Daryl, even in a moment of panic. I don't think, at this point in the apocalypse, that they panic in the same way that we would. She'd been in situations like that before - and she knows not to just take off on her own.


I also saw the mortuary as a trap - that house had been lived in, was full of food, it was almost like the gingerbread house in Hansel and Gretel. Someone wanted them to be there. So I definitely think she was taken. I imagine we'll find out something about her fate in the first half of season 5. At least I desperately hope so. I doubt they'd just write off her character as "just gone."

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The mortuary made no sense to me. So, you want to kidnap someone. You have tons of food available for a trap (really?). You set the house up and then hope they survive when you let the Walkers in and you hope they run out of the house and in your direction. There has got to be a better way!

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I missed last week's thread, but I think the scientist is a poser. If he's a real scientist, then I'm a princess. He speaks oddly for an 'educated scientist', but what finally made me go "huh?" was when he just gave up on the idea of getting to D.C. If he was who he said he was, it would seem like he would keep plodding along, enlisting help wherever he could.

Don't forget he said it was also shot at 4:30 in the morning. Raw chicken would have been bad enough, but at that hour, I think I would have forgotten my lines and started to heave!

I enjoyed the finale. I found it weak in ending, but powerful as a whole. I loved the last line! Not only is Rick "back", but I think he has finally accepted what it takes to survive in the 'new world'. The phrase "nice guys finish last" comes to mind. It's a brutal world, and to survive, one has to accept they will be forced to do brutal things. That's why I hated Lori's character. I understood the intense desire to protect Carl, but I just wanted to slap her every week and say she needed to wake up and teach him how to survive!

Everyone has pretty much covered the things I saw/thought about last night's show, but there was one thing I wanted to ask about/mention. Beth ~~ both here and on 'the internets', people are saying she was 'taken'. Am I the only person who thought she just found a car outside and drove off by herself? It seemed to me the frantic driving was the act of a 17y/o girl in a panic (thus, she wouldn't have thought to look in the rear view mirror while driving away and see Daryl running after her), so I was surprised to read all the comments about her being taken. However, I haven't read any comments about her just driving off on her own. Anyone?

I don't want anyone to die. Unfortunately, I worry about Maggie. Glenn's character has potential for incredible growth, as does a possible Beth/Daryl story line, but Maggie's time seems to be over. Maybe Carol & Tyrese's time, too. Carl and Judith represent 'hope', so I can't see them being killed off. Maybe Judith down the road, but not now. I'm not sure how they'll continue to keep Judith safe, though, as kids make noise, and Rick's gang isn't in a secure location.

I'm both anxious and nervous for next season. (Do we have a 'biting my nails' emoticon?!)

I think he's a real scientist, but one with something like aspergers. I read a true book about mathematicians who have aspergers/autism/something and live in the walls of a college. I can't remember which was--was it UCLA? MIT? They live where the piping and plumbing are in the walls in tiny little alcoves with a bed and a computer screen. They are absolute geniuses and work all day on their equations away from the rest of the world. The scientist in Walking Dead reminds me of those guys. Completely socially awkward, but pure genius.

And I did see the scientist in the box car on the left of my screen behind everyone else.
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She's just gone is layer 1, layer 2 "I lost her" will happen in a moment of drinking or trauma.


My irritation with the "She's just gone" scene was Rick's lack of response.  I understand that he had just gone through an extremely traumatic encounter...but he was not even curious as to how Daryl of all people could just lose someone...someone who was pretty important to a lot of people. How long (and hard) did Daryl search for Sophia?  Wouldn't you be curious as what kind of extreme situation had occurred for Beth to be "just gone" and Daryl not be out there looking for her? 

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My irritation with the "She's just gone" scene was Rick's lack of response.  I understand that he had just gone through an extremely traumatic encounter...but he was not even curious as to how Daryl of all people could just lose someone...someone who was pretty important to a lot of people. How long (and hard) did Daryl search for Sophia?  Wouldn't you be curious as what kind of extreme situation had occurred for Beth to be "just gone" and Daryl not be out there looking for her? 

:lol:  Oh yes, a whole season looking for a girl in the barn, now we're down to one passing comment about dear Beth. 

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