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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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There's nothing much left for me to do this Monday other than heat up dinner in an hour or thereabouts, so I'm watching more online lectures. I've been doing that interspersed with by bouts of housework for most of the day because I didn't have to do school. It was a public holiday and dd was with her dad.


3.45am? That is uncivilised.

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-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, Latin, Biology, History, Geography

-dd7: Math, Dutch (test), English, Spelling, Copywork

-dd5: Math, Copywork, Spelling



-lunch: read aloud 2x

-dd10: English, traffic education

-dd7: Geography, Reading, traffic education

-dd5: Reading, traffic education


-study Greek?

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


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Ugghh....Sinus pressure and pain in my forehead last night and this morning, my eyebrows are sore...I'm not sure if it's the change of weather we keep having or the fact that it got warm enough for things to begin blooming out here. 



breakfast and lunch for dh

coffee and computer time

finish school assignment lists for the kids (We rented Catching Fire last night, so I didn't finish.)

breakfast for the rest of us




take dd to Spanish

have tea afterwards


look over chemistry and writing classes to teach Thursday and Friday




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Ugghh....Sinus pressure and pain in my forehead last night and this morning, my eyebrows are sore...I'm not sure if it's the change of weather we keep having or the fact that it got warm enough for things to begin blooming out here. 


I vote 'allergy'!


Yesterday, I needed to start my allergy medication. I have never, ever needed it so soon. Usually I start using it at the end of *April*.


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Working on assignments for the week: 



Writing: finish essay due Friday (write conclusion paragraph, anecdotal opener and closer, revise any more and finish checklist, bibliography)

Math: Continue reviewing fractions (going to make this a Fractions workshop week; looking for some fun activities as well as the nitty-gritty work)

Science: read entire chapter for co-op Friday; electricity is the topic

Reading: do quite a bit of The Bridge (BJU Booklink; It's a favorite of mine from when dd was in 5th grade.)




Writing: finish essay due Friday

Algebra 2: test over chapter and begin next

Chemistry: finish module, lab Thursday, test Friday

History: do next chapter

Bible: look at online course I purchased and decide which to do first

ACT Prep: take another full test (has scored 33 each time thus far!)

Spanish: quiz and translations due today; whatever assignments she has due next Monday

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I vote 'allergy'!


Yesterday, I needed to start my allergy medication. I have never, ever needed it so soon. Usually I start using it at the end of *April*.



Claritin is the only one I can take without being drowsy. I'm out of it, so I'll be stopping and getting some today. I did take a sinus decongestant this morning, so hopefully it will help some. 

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Claritin is the only one I can take without being drowsy. I'm out of it, so I'll be stopping and getting some today. I did take a sinus decongestant this morning, so hopefully it will help some.

Things are starting to bloom here. Definitely time to pull out claritin for us, too. Hope you feel better!

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No signs of spring here so I know what's going on with me isn't allergies! I'd better feel normal by Wednesday---dd has a ballet performance at the children's hospital. I won't be allowed in the door with even a sniffle.



--wake up dd (not sure if she changed her clock the other day)

--facilitate her Science Olympiad needs

--set out everything for this afternoon's practice event; make copies; run the chromatography ASAP

--email Math Olympiad kids re Friday

--exercise???? maybe a gentle walk on the treadmill


This is a non-teaching week for me :D

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I am not ready either Jean. :grouphug:

Trying to do my chores queitly.  Dd and boyfriend on the couch, asleep at last after the mother of all panic attacks last night.  We prayed with her for some time and let them stay in the living room watching mindless sitcoms to calm her down.  Broke my heart.  I don't understand why they are getting worse when we've upped her meds.  Makes me sad too, that I am no longer the one that comforts her most, but I am very glad she has him.


Smelled smoke at 3am, housmate was trying to get the woodstove going, I forgot to tell him I was letting it go out so I could clean it.  Had to open all the windows and doors for a bit.  Always an adventure.


Plus, daylight savings so we are all a bit tired.


School with youngest


Going to go help a friend set up a new computer at 10:30, then help another friend who accidentally deleted photos on her phone.


Need to take the boyfriend to his dual credit classes at the college at 3:00





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Ugghh....Sinus pressure and pain in my forehead last night and this morning, my eyebrows are sore...I'm not sure if it's the change of weather we keep having or the fact that it got warm enough for things to begin blooming out here. 




Feel better Amy!  I used to swear by Drixoral, it was the only thing that helped but they don't make it anymore and I can't find a good replacement.

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Oh my goodness, still haven't been to bed because we are all about to die from horrible spring allergies.  Coughing and hacking all night, so nothing will be done, but I'll pretend.



Do the dishes DH left in the sink last night after dinner, no I don't have to check, they're definitely there

Do yoga to convince myself I actually want to get up

DO NOT TOUCH THE GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, cookies are not breakfast

Eat Salad

Go for a walk or if that's not possible workout inside

Take my vitamins

Drink green tea with honey in it

Pretend I'm not dying from this horrible chesty cough whenever the children are looking.



Write his short story, no it is not as bad as a root canal, stop acting like it is

Read, I don't know, something.  Yes read something.

Go to classes.  Ugh.

Some math clearly needs to be done.



Do our reading, he's up to reading a few simple words himself now.  Must not slack off.

Give the poor kid a paint brush.  He just wants to create, why am I always stifling him?  Oh right, because it's a mess.

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work 730-11am at the daycare

work 3-6 at the daycare

in between shifts:

school with all 4


after work:

dd6 sparks 6-7 (need to take $30 for camp)

go through my 15 minutes per room again, I don't like that no room is finished at the end of the night, but at least a chunk is being done and it is more manageable.  Tomorrow I will be back to normal scheduling I hope and working 8 hours a day will be done until the weekend.

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Good Morning....


Allergies this year are going to be horrid I hear.  Hope everyone dealing with them will get some relief soon.


Jean, good luck on your MRI and I hope you get a nap today.



exercise--short loop 2.5 miles


tidy the house 

tidy up the yard



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Lets hope dd2 has a good day today....

- dishes- done

- fold and put away one load of laundry- done

- college stuff- done decorating, might work on math some more later

- dinner- bacon, eggs and probably pancakes- done

- get dd1 off the bus- done

- bedtime routine- done

- tidy house- done

The baby carrier my mom bought me is a sanity saver!!!!

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Good morning!



Core lessons:  DD14, DD12, DS9, DS5

Language lesson DD14

Writing and language lessons DD 12

Afternoon lessons for DS 9 and DS 5



Wipe sinks and toilets

Collect and wash towels

Change DS5's bed

Wash sheets

Fold/put away sheets and towels

Clean fish tank

Make muffins

Pick up floors & vacuum carpets

Shampoo LR corner and DR

Make pumpkin pancakes for tomorrow

Pack away consignment items for next sale

Clean cat carrier and carpet shampooer container



20 min Tabata exercise

read 2 chapters HOAW and 2 of Getting Things Done

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Good Morning, everyone! Allergies? Yes, right here! Got my Zyrtec, Astelin, Nasonex and that other stuff I take for post nasal drip ready and I still feel like death. Top that off with feeling yucky from the time change and I am not ready to tackle Monday. I hate Mondays, anyway.

** school

** mil coming for the morning

** clean up house for cleaners (sometimes I wonder if the stress of cleaning up the house and getting out of here when they are here is worth them being here. It's a toss up)

** library

** allergy shots

** bell choir


Hope everyone feels better. Maybe we should all move to the desert where nothing blooms.

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Good morning! With a 70 degree day on the way, allergies are revving up here as well. Today is a recovery day from the "busiest weekend ever."

I almost cried when dd1 said she was going to morning practice today, but we went and are back. Everyone else is still sleeping.


To do:

trip info/need to talk to coach

school administration

sort food for week when I am gone


oversee chores

clean master bath

errands: gas, bank


I am sure that I have more to do, but that is all I can think of right now.

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State went great for dd2 and dd3. It was actually the most successful (in terms of best times and scoring for the team in individual events and relays) ever. And they had a great time with their teammates.


We feel really blessed in our team and coaches, and that the kids' hard work shone through their performance.

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On schedule for school today. Didn't help that neighbor kids had teacher in-service this morning, so school started at 10:30 for them. They were outside riding bike this morning while my kids were doing grammar. I had to close all the blinds and still DS was in a pouty mood. I was glad to see them leave.

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finished my morning shift and meeting at work

teens working on their social studies assignment to send to their tutor

lunch is pretty much ready, dd14 had to run to the grocery store for me to pick up some more spaghetti sauce and ds10 went with her to do his banking


I leave for work again in an hour, their social should be done by then, though both are dragging their heels about it.  I need to stop by the bank on the way to work and get money for dd6, and I need to fill the gas tank.


dd6 has to stay home from daycare today to get to sparks on time as I can't leave at 5 like I normally would on a monday as my boss has a major meeting with the school board to see if we will still have our classroom next year or if we need to find a new location for the daycare.  dd14 will walk her over there and I will pick her up at 7


cleaning will be after work, as will school for the younger 2 since this day has been so wonky already.

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Tea with sugar is settling my stomach...not doing much for my stuffy head but you can't win them all :)


I set up a mock Rocks and Minerals test for dd, quizzed her on Water Quality (marine ecology), ran Solar System flashcards with her, held wood still while she cut it, and am now listening to her mumble about coral reef organisms as indicators of reef health.




I will be Balsa Wood Assistant again later (dd is messing with her boomilever design, trying to improve the efficiency).


Time to return the rock/mineral specimens to their boxes...and to set up another mock event for the morning!

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We are leaving shortly for pm practice and errands. Part of the traveling arrangements are falling through. Always rent your own car. Whenever, I think I can save money, it never works out. 


It should be sorted this afternoon. Dh is adamant about not paying for a car and sticking to the agreed arrangements. Of course, he is not the one stuck with the worst parent in the world. I am a pretty nice person, but I am not a saint. It will be a long five days.


Sigh.  Must. not. stress. the swimmer.



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Good morning!



Core lessons:  DD14, DD12, DS9, DS5

Language lesson DD14

Writing and language lessons DD 12

Afternoon lessons for DS 9 and DS 5 (DS has been too busy enjoying the outdoors)



Wipe sinks and toilets

Collect and wash towels

Change DS5's bed

Wash sheets

Fold/put away sheets and towels

Clean fish tank

Make muffins

Pick up floors & vacuum carpets (2 rooms done)

Shampoo LR  and DR

Make pumpkin pancakes for tomorrow

Pack away consignment items for next sale

Clean cat carrier and carpet shampooer container



20 min Tabata exercise

read 2 chapters HOAW and 2 of Getting Things Done 1 chapter read

Ab workout

Wash water pitcher

Clean refrigerator (done except for large drawers and bottom)




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MRI done.   Had a nose bleed right afterward, which they say is not normal but since it stopped right away, we're all hoping it was just a coincidence.


Took dd to the humane society to look at rabbits.  And then Petco to look at rabbit stuff.  What am I thinking?!

Stopped at Starbucks for a snack.

Home researching a feed store and then we'll go there to look at rabbit stuff.



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Glad the MRI is done, Jean. I am sure the nosebleed is a coincidence. The universe is full of coincidences!


Car stuff straightened out. Worst parent included on email only because of her numerous complaints. Back to original plan, which is a good one.  We also located some lost things (though two library books are still missing).


It was a beautiful day outside, I am going to start believing that spring is just around the corner.


Have a great night, everyone!

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