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Ok, so if not BSF, then what?

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I have been floundering for a while in my personal Bible studies.


I think for a little while I need something that is fairly challenging, but able to be done independently.


I'm from a Reformed Christian denomination, if that helps narrow it down.


Thanks for any/all suggestions!

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but I would highly suggest a Precepts study. I've done many Bible studies, but did my first Precept Bible studies last year. Rather than running commentary from an author (not bad, just comparing here), Precepts really gets you into studying the Word and discovering truths for yourself.


I'm not sure how to go about finding a local study though. Perhaps you could go to the website and then search OR call local churches for direction.




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I really like Marilyn Howshall's idea as described in the Lifestyle of Learning materials -- just study the Bible itself doing word studies. Have a Bible, a concordance and a good dictionary (the 1828 one is great for this) on hand. She says to take a Scripture section -- one God is speaking to your heart -- and write it out word by word. Look up the definitions/uses of the words in the concordance and write those down. Look up the definitions of those words in the dictionary. It sounds simple and "what could I learn from that?" ish but seriously, some of my most profound revelations have come from studying the word this way. Once I did a study solely on the phrase "Follow Me".



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Precept is wonderful!!!


I learned more Bible doing Precept Upon Precept studies than I did earning a 96 hour Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. And I was virtually a straight A student! (2 B's, the rest A's). My point--Precept is amazing and you will learn the Bible inside and out.


Do it!! :)

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Did I miss OP - why not BSF?


Well, for me it's because I just can't face making another outside commitment during the first semester while homeschooling 3 high schoolers and 2 youngers. It's got to be independent, and more focused and directed than what I've been doing on my own.


There were a few less-than-positive reviews about some of BSF's policies mentioned recently, though I'm not discounting the idea that BSF would probably be really productive in my life right now--I'm just not able to be away from home that much at the present time.

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since you don't want an outside class at this time, the Precept Upon Precept studies might not work for you. You can buy the individual books, which will be good, but the group discussion, led by a trained Precept leader, adds SO much.


Precept also has several series that do not require going to a class with a trained leader: the New Inductive study series, In and Out, and 40 Minute Bible studies. There is also Kay Arthur's "Lord" series, which is more of a devotional than a Bible study, but they are still good.

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I don't know how reformed this series is, but I only saw one or two things that I didn't agree with. You could call them and ask. I really enjoyed the Proverbs and Prayer study.




This looks GREAT! Thank you so much for suggesting it. One of the At Home studies is available at christianbook.com. I think I'll probably go this direction.


Thanks again!

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It won't help you with the "no outside commitments" part, actually. It's an intensive small-group study of the Bible that runs for a school year. You commit to being there, preparing for the study, and participating as you are comfortable.


I would say that I learned as much in three years of doing Disciple as I did in two semesters of Bible at Div. School.


You would probably have to find a UMC church to do it in.

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  • 5 months later...


I know you have already decided on a Bible Study that will work with your schedule and I am happy for you.

Just for the record, having been in BSF for 14 years, I cannot emphasize enough how much the Lord used BSF to change my life.

There were some negative comments made by a Christian on this website who has never been to BSF. BSF is nothing like what was described in a previous thread.

In case your schedule changes in the future, please give BSF a chance and see for yourself if the Bible is thought in an in-depth and challenging manner or not.

Their rules are established for the classes they have all over the world. Someone, somewhere in the world did something to bring about a new guideline. The guidelines and procedures are there to protect the members. They are not there to make people miserable.


Please let me know what you think of Precepts.


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If BSF appeals to you but you don't have that much time check out http://www.explorerbiblestudy.org/scope.htm It is put out by the same people but is an easier version and can easily be done alone or in a small group study. I did James on my own. Then we did Luke for a Ladies Bible Study at church. Now a friend and I are doing Acts. I really enjoy it as you learn a great deal about the scriptures but it is only about 15 minutes a day.

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You can order the book from Amazon ($15) and then each week you can watch the videos on line. They are $5 a week (I think a total of 9.) That may sound expensive but for me it is sooo worth it. No gas. No babysitter. I can watch early in the morning or late at night. You can watch as many times as you want so if you get interrupted, no problem. So $5 a week for 9 weeks is well worth it to me. I have been so blessed by these studies...and I don't ever get behind since it's on my own pace!


Group study is great but right now I cannot commit to another outside activity. I am so hungry to get started on her new Esther study but I have to get the book first.


You can go to http://www.lifeway.com and click on the Beth Moore link at the top. There are other studies beside Esther but that is the one I'm about to do.

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If BSF appeals to you but you don't have that much time check out http://www.explorerbiblestudy.org/scope.htm It is put out by the same people but is an easier version and can easily be done alone or in a small group study. I did James on my own. Then we did Luke for a Ladies Bible Study at church. Now a friend and I are doing Acts. I really enjoy it as you learn a great deal about the scriptures but it is only about 15 minutes a day.



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I agree! As mentioned in another thread on BSF, the lady who started Explorer's Bible Study was a part of that group at one time and she created this series for people who could not attend. Perfect for me!


I am hoping to go through every one of their studies in the next, oh, decade. LOL I was already impressed with their meaty children's/homeschool studies and so I downloaded samples of the adult ones and I can't wait to start.

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Precept is wonderful!!!


I learned more Bible doing Precept Upon Precept studies than I did earning a 96 hour Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. And I was virtually a straight A student! (2 B's, the rest A's). My point--Precept is amazing and you will learn the Bible inside and out.


Do it!! :)

PUP studies are amazing.


However, to get the most out of a PUP study, you need to be in a class with a trained leader. You can buy individual PUP study guides, but you can't get the leader guides or the DVDs unless you're a trained leader, and the leaders especially are what make the studies.


Now there are some other Precept studies you can do on your own: the New Inductive Study series and the In and Out studies (for which you can get companion lecture CDs/DVDs). There are also 40 Minute Bible Studies and the "Lord" series, but for more in-depth, inductive Bible studies, you'd want either new Inductive Study series or the I&O.

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You might want to look into the Bible study series written by Carol Ruvolo. She writes from a Reformed view, and each lesson has scripture readings, commentary, review and application questions, and "Digging Deeper" questions for those who like an extra challenge. My ladies group at church is doing her study on Acts, and we've been very pleased. I was in BSF for over 10 years, and I loved it -- it completely changed my life! But now I compare every Bible study I do against that standard, and the Acts study by Ruvolo is the first I've encountered that challenges me like the BSF lessons did.

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