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Two more weeks!

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Two more weeks until I get a chance to return to work at my local public high school... (assuming all goes as planned, that is).


I guess one knows they love a job when they can't wait to return to it after an extended "vacation."


In the meantime, as an update with the radiation (for a benign brain tumor just in case anyone missed that), all seems to be going ok, but it really gets OLD going there daily considering it's a 3 hour drive (round trip) for approx 30 minutes there.  I have done some staying there to avoid the drive (and weather this winter), but that wasn't better as things did tend to fall apart back here at home.  (It's actually nice to know that life doesn't go on fine without me in a way - except for the things that fell apart - all "mom" stuff where a mom is needed vs any ole person.)


I am quite thankful that (so far) I haven't had to worry about the majority of side effects that can be common.  I feel for those who have to commute for this AND feel awful.


My appetite has decreased and foods I normally like I don't right now, but considering I do need to lose weight, I consider that a plus.


It's also a plus that I've met some really nice people (though unfortunately, most are also dealing with really bad things, so I've NO complaints with my issue).  For those who pray (or offer vibes/thoughts, etc) please pray that our country approves Visas to a young mom's two kids ages 5 and 3.  She hasn't seen them since Jan 1st. She's in the beginning stages of a probable bad deal, doesn't speak English (her hubby does), and I just can't fathom dealing with it all AND having to miss her kids for so long... so yeah, I really can't complain at all.


But I'm trying to gear up to head there AGAIN... (probably the source of this post actually).  Ten more trips in two weeks... then perhaps life can sort of return to normal.  (I'm not really sure as I'm not positive about what's next with issues, but I like to pretend.)


And I really do wonder how people deal with long commutes on an everyday basis.  My commute to school is 8 minutes - 15 if I get behind the buses.  I definitely prefer SHORT commutes!

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Praying your treatment continues to go well. I have an acoustic neuroma that's being watched so I'm right there with you. That poor family without their children, so many sad stories in this world.  :grouphug:


I hope things go well for you - and I really wish there were more sad stories that we could, somehow, fix.  (Or that sad stories wouldn't happen to start with...)  In this case, they are expecting the Visas to be approved for next week (they have connections), but I really have to wonder why they had to go through connections rather than people just caring for people in the first place.


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Well how did I miss that this was going on?!?!  Wowsers.   :svengo:   I've done the long drives for ds' speech therapy.  I can't imagine doing it daily.  Gas is so high, the hotel is cheaper, at least for us with our vehicle.  (You clearly have something with better gas mileage!)  Even so, I'm pretty sure your boys need their independent living workshop and you need a week in a hotel with catering and your feet up and the tv all to yourself!  :)


Stay safe with all that driving, and we'll be thinking of you! 

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Thank you for the update! I will pray for you and the family.



.  (It's actually nice to know that life doesn't go on fine without me in a way - except for the things that fell apart - all "mom" stuff where a mom is needed vs any ole person.)



I cracked up at this! (It's how I feel.)

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Well how did I miss that this was going on?!?!  Wowsers.   :svengo:   I've done the long drives for ds' speech therapy.  I can't imagine doing it daily.  Gas is so high, the hotel is cheaper, at least for us with our vehicle.  (You clearly have something with better gas mileage!)  Even so, I'm pretty sure your boys need their independent living workshop and you need a week in a hotel with catering and your feet up and the tv all to yourself!   :)


Stay safe with all that driving, and we'll be thinking of you! 


The gas, etc, is actually less expensive than the hotel room, but it's not a huge difference.  It mainly feels better to be at home with youngest (when he's here), the cats, the rural setting, etc.


And for the young family (from Saudi Arabia), they're still having more issues with the kids' visas.  Dad works for an oil company.  Getting visas for him and his wife was quite easy.  We're (collectively) assuming the US is having issues letting the whole family come over as they're thinking they'll stay and not return.  That's definitely not the plan at all.  Mama is dealing with a 90 day treatment regimen, and then might have to deal with chemo afterward.  If/when they deal with chemo, they are planning on doing that at "home" with all of her support network there.  It's just the top notch radiation they needed here, and she's lonely and misses her kids (who wouldn't???).  One would think the powers that be controlling the kids visas could make a phone call or two to check out the story, but I guess not.


It's frustrating.  I wish that could be fixed for them.


Meanwhile, today, my hubby and her hubby talked "shop."  (Both are engineers...)  I wish she knew more English so I could have been talking with her (for the bit that we were together).


(It's actually nice to know that life doesn't go on fine without me in a way - except for the things that fell apart - all "mom" stuff where a mom is needed vs any ole person.)



I cracked up at this! (It's how I feel.)


It's definitely a "confirmed" myth that moms are simply not allowed to get sick or have things go wrong... ;)  I suspect we can all relate to that.


Down to nine more trips now.  It sounds pretty good having it at single digits in the countdown!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished!!!  And back home... and heading back to school on Friday!


We won't know until June if it worked... but I'm looking forward to figuring out how to live a "normal" life again... :tongue_smilie:


First we need to shovel our driveway... our "considerate" youngest not only did just his side of the driveway (as he did last time), he only parked his car in the bottom half of it so he wouldn't need to shovel at all.  I'm not sure whether to strangle him or congratulate him for thinking outside the box. :glare:


Fortunately, there's only a couple of inches here - easy stuff.  (He's working this evening, so I won't see him until tomorrow.)

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Yeah! Home Sweet Home!  Still praying that all goes well for you and that June will roll in with great news.


Have you heard anything about the young mom and her kids' visas?


Unfortunately, they were denied visas.  It really, really frustrates me and makes me wish I could change our system.


We won't get any more updates with not being there again...


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Unfortunately, they were denied visas.  It really, really frustrates me and makes me wish I could change our system.


We won't get any more updates with not being there again...



How sad.  That is a bummer.  I am praying that she is doing well and will be able to go home to her babies soon.

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How sad.  That is a bummer.  I am praying that she is doing well and will be able to go home to her babies soon.


When her radiation is complete, their plan has always been to return home for her chemo part so she can be with her extended family and in a place where she feels comfortable.  They just didn't have what she needed for radiation at a place their company wanted to send her over there.  Her case is not a good ("easy") one and what happens now can make a big difference.  IMO, kudos for the company for trying their best to help her out, but there's no excuse for our country denying visas to her kids IMO.  There's no chance they plan to stay here.


Welcome home! 





Thanks!  It does feel good!

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Thanks for the update, Creekland.  Keep up the wholesome care of your body, mind, and spirit.  :grouphug:


Mind and spirit are fine.  The body is too, but it's been a bit conditional on eating "bad" foods the past 3 weeks which has REALLY surprised me.  Eating a small cheeseburger and about a dozen fries from McDonalds sits well as does almost anything with a good amount of salt and fat.  Trying to eat almost anything healthy does not. Even plain water didn't sit well for a time (no other drink did either - sorry kidneys!).  It boggles my mind, but it doesn't take long to defer to the body's whims, as I prefer that to feeling awful digestively.  I'm guessing there may be a grain of truth to "comfort foods," but still...


In a couple of weeks - when everything is supposed to be back to normal (more or less), my plan is to switch to a super healthy diet to avoid "other" health issues...  Normally, we tend to eat healthy, but cheat on a few meals or side items per week - soon I want less (or maybe no) cheating for a while to counteract the past few week's intake.  I'm actually really wanting the healthier foods (fruits, veggies) that are normally part of our diet - I just have to convince the body of the brain's desire.  :glare:


It'll work out.


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