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S/O Toilet paper thread-Outrageous/ridiculous signs and slogans


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After reading the recent toilet paper slogan thread, I have been really noticing some outrageous slogans and signs.


This morning, I had an appointment at the VA hospital, in a clinic that I had not been to prior.

In the waiting room there was a sign on the wall that had me in hysterics:)


"If you have been waiting more that 15 minutes and have not had vital signs, please see the front desk."


It was a PERMANENT sign! Obviously, they meant if you have not had vitals signs checked, but....


For fun, what funny or ridiculous signs have you come across recently?

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I saw a car lot billboard a few days ago that made me feel weird.  It is obviously owned by a man whose last name is Beck, and said, with a big picture of this guy, "If you'll scratch our Beck, we'll scratch yours."  What? No! Gross!  I get what they are going for, but really?  Dh and I spent the next 10 minutes of our drive trying to come up with better slogans for Beck.  We came up with many.

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My kids and I were waiting at Vital Statistics for a birth certificate. There was a sign in a niche that said "Community Resource Kiosk." Underneath the sign was a trash can. We all still laugh about that one.


But the question is how did you pronounce "niche" in your head when you read that? :laugh:

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