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Church splits hurt

Excelsior! Academy

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Been through it. My church has been through a couple of splits - one due to leaving one denomination and joining another (we weren't there for that) and the other, about 4 years ago now, due to our pastor's infidelity and all the fall-out with that. It was ugly. But we managed to get through that. I'm sorry. It's hard.

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We've been through a couple. Once when a minister left to start his own congregation. Many people left with him. What had been a cozy community (or so I thought) was ripped apart. The second was also when a minister left--gee, I see a pattern here...that one was uber ugly. Oh my. My husband and I were in leadership. The lies that were told--awful! And leadership could say very little. Complicated.


I'm so sorry you are caught in this. It's not fun. It does hurt. Frankly, it scars, too. Be gentle with yourself as you go forward.



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It is incredibly painful.  We've been through it, and it was so much harder than I had ever imagined.  Years later, we have seen how God took a negative situation and used it for good.  Our members have experienced so much spiritual growth.  There's nothing like a split to make you *really* examine things from a Biblical perspective, take personal responsibility for your faith, and cling closely to the Trunk of the tree.  I hope that someday in the distant future you can look back at this time and see some unexpected blessings that were embedded in all the emotional upheaval.  (hugs)

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