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Just for Fun: Does This Recipe Sound Yummy or Gross to You?

Crimson Wife

Does This Recipe Sound Yummy or Gross To You?  

223 members have voted

  1. 1. Does This Recipe Sound Yummy or Gross To You?

    • Yummy!
    • Blech!
    • Meh...I'd take it or leave it
    • Obligatory other

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Gee, Laura, now that you post the Wikipedia description, it makes me wonder why the thing is orange colored. I grew up with them and never even thought to question why it's orange. 


I think this dessert is the Wisconsin State Dessert.  Everyone makes it at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Luckily it's not the ONLY dessert they serve...so I haven't tried it yet. But it does appear to be a required component to a holiday dinner.  Not sure they use sugar free pudding and fat free Cool Whip though.  


Oh, I'm sure it's sugar-free and fat-free, and that they believe this dish is "healthy" because of it. 

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My DH's family makes an eclair-type dessert with instant pudding and cool whip. It grosses me out, but everyone else just laps it up. I thought it was a case of his family just not knowing any better, but then DH brought it to one of my family's gatherings and it got the same response. People seriously couldn't get enough of it, and now they ask him to bring it to every event. 


And yes, he is rather smug about it. He thinks I'm a food snob because I have an aversion to non-dairy whipped topping. Go figure.

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Well, in my head I imagine that it would taste yummy, but I would probably not make something with that much sugar and so many artificial ingredients in it.


I'm pretty sure if someone served this to me without telling me what was in it, I'd like it, but I can't bring myself to use all that artificial stuff when I cook, so I'd never make it. I do love butterfingers though....mmmm...

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I would say gross, but that would be the case for anything with Butterfingers as an ingeredient. If it had a different kind of candy bar, I'd give it a try. It's not much different from a lot of trifle recipes. The recipe for Snickers apple salad looks weird on paper, but it's yummy.


Snickers apple salad sounds good too!

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I'm pretty sure if someone served this to me without telling me what was in it, I'd like it, but I can't bring myself to use all that artificial stuff when I cook, so I'd never make it. I do love butterfingers though....mmmm...


This reminds me of when ds1 wanted a red velvet cake for his birthday. I offered to make one but he asked for one from the store because he couldn't stand the thought of seeing all that red food coloring going into the cake. But if we got one from the store we could pretend there wasn't a gob of food coloring in it. :laugh:

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Snickers apple salad sounds good too!


I wish that recipe had a different name- the men in my house beg me to make it and say it MUST be healthy because it's SALAD. Of course they know better but I made the mistake of making it once and they gobbled it down.  And they ask for it.  Ugh...chopped apples do NOT make up for the cool whip and snickers bars!

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This whole idea is vile to me. Butterfingers taste like processed garbage to me too, so you lost me with that. If I'm going to make a dessert, I want full fat, homemade, and preferably with high quality chocolate involvement. Enough said!



If I want a healthy dessert, I'll eat a piece of fruit.

If I want a fancy splurge dessert, I'll bake a cake, whip some cream, cook some pudding, and use the store bought candy bar as my "cheat".

I occasionally eat a butterfinger, but other than that I agree with these 2 posts.  I didn't want to post my disgust for the 'salad' (NOT a salad in my book, sorry) b/c I do eat desserts that aren't healthy and are loaded with fat.  Like Carrie, if I want healthy I eat fruit.  If I want full fat...well, I ask Dd if she thinks she would really be able to make my chocolate cake (or some other dessert) all by herself without my help.  Works every time.  Last night we had dark chocolate cherry cake for dessert.  I'll be sorry when she gets over proving her baking abilities to me.  

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Is anyone else wondering why bother to make this thing with fat-free and sugar-free ingredients?  :confused1:

Well, I've been wondering for years why anyone would make something like this and call it a 'salad'.  I can still remember hearing an acquaintance tell about what an accomplished cook her sil is and how she is always whipping up something, raving on and on about the 'salad' she made, and then describing some kind of snickers bar 'salad' for proof.  All I could do was smile.  I had expected to hear about some kind of a creative salad with super fresh ingredients.  I was genuinely shocked that a 'salad' made of candy proves skill.  But, I might be a little to harsh in judging, after all we do eat desserts with probably the same amount of calories and fat.  I'd also have no qualms about eating a candy apple, so I suppose a snickers/apple combo isn't really that bad.  Still, I can't bring myself to call it a salad.

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