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I don't want to be one of "those" wives

Miss Peregrine

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but my husband is going to be off work for 3 to 4 months.  :svengo:


He is having surgery for a work injury and I am anticipating being driven crazy. It is already putting me in a bad mood. That's sad, though. How can I change my perspective and attitude and be joyful that we will get to spend so. much. time together?



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You just need ideas to keep him busy that are not too physical. Maybe you could give him a little budget for trading penny stocks? Is he interested in any period in history so you could stock up on books, maps, etc? Has he ever wanted to write a book? Maybe he could get ready and do his own version of NaNoWriMo? Does he have an iPad or gaming platform where he could get interested in games?

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How can I change my perspective and attitude and be joyful that we will get to spend so. much. time together?


If I were in this situation, I'd be planning lots of things we could do together at home. Even if it's just along the lines of board games or planning to watch a movie together in the evenings.  I'm assuming he won't be able to get out much as he's healing.  If that's not the case, and he can get out and do things with you and the kids, I'd be planning regular activities outside the home to break things up a bit.


DH and I go stir-crazy if we're just hanging around the house for too long.  We do better when there's something planned, whether it's inside or outside the home.  Having a plan keeps you moving towards "the next thing", so you won't feel as overwhelmed by the prospect of having your DH home full-time for several months. 

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Read the book "Boundaries in Marriage" -- maybe he will too. It will help you both (or at least you) take responsibility for your own choices, refrain from blaming each other for your own moods, ask for what you want (without demanding), and set your own boundaries ton what you will or won't tollerate from each other... Plus many other skills.


Well worth it in most marriages... Probably essential for this season of yours.

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Have him do any read alouds. Or do a project with the kids. Get him interested in a great TV series....one with 5 or 6 seasons LOL. Get him a stack of great books. Does he have any hobbies? Writing? Painting? Teach him to coupon and he can save you money on groceries, etc. It takes a lot of online time and planning.

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I feel your pain! My DH was home from July to the middle of October due to a sprained ankle (yes, you can sprain your ankle that badly, he completely severed three ligaments). There were definitely some trials during that time, especially the first month and a half. After that we got used to it and he was more mobile then as well. What helped us was getting his his own ipad, lots of magazines and tv. We got through whole seasons of many shows during that time lol! But I will say that by the time he did go back to work, I actually missed him!

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I like the read aloud idea! Plus, he can do board games or listen to the kids read. If he likes board games maybe get something new that he can learn. (We just bought the Game of thrones card game and it has a steep learning curve! Or maybe we're just dumb.)

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Bhuddist texts.

Zen texts.

Quasi Bhuddist or Zen, like "Chop Wood, Carry Water" or "Power of Now"

The above on audio during suspiciously long walks "just around the block."

Yoga / meditation class - perfect time to try, esp with a coupon!



For you, I mean.


For him, tool catalogs, a laptop, a remote, and opiods.

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