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Week One: Jan 1-7 Low Spend Challenge Thread


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Jan 3: $18 lunch out. $60 massage--my back is out and I could barely work today. Praying it improves. I paid for it with cash, as our cc bill really has to stay low. 


If you like massage, you should try to find out if you have a Chinese (traditional Chinese medicine) massage place -- they tend to run about 30$ for an hour combo of foot and body massage.  It is done completely clothed and certainly will work out your kinks.  I found mine though Yelp.

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1/6 --Dd went to Wal-Mart for me while she was out with grand-baby for a checkup.  $50.00  restocked everything we need for the week.

         Filled up Suburban $18.00 before super cold comes in.

         Picked up lunch at McDonald's for everyone cheeseburgers and ff $12.00

         Dh picked up Cafe Rio for dinner...half price for military on Mondays...20.00--it came out of my grocery budget already. ;)


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I was on the wrong thread too.  I'm posting now so I can find this again . . . but it's gonna get much, much worse.  Dh went shopping today  :scared:


1/1 - $18 Kid's allowance (for the month. Am I cheap or what?  ;)  :D

1/2 - $92.25 Dh took the kids to SF for the day (so I could work).  That's actually not too bad for a day in the city . . . 

1/3 - $124.82 Groceries

         $36 haircut for DH

         $90 shoes, gymbag for DH

         $157 prescription sunglasses for DH

1/4 A small price to pay for girl's night out (an overnight with some friends)

       $15.21 - bottle of wine to share w/ the girls

       $26.09 Pizza for dh and the kids

       $9.02 Beer for dh

1/5 - recovering.  I'm spending nothing.  Off to take a nap!  :lol:

1/6 - $15 - Dh's lunch

        $16.61 groceries - stuff for dinner tonight and lunches.  I know I just shopped 3 days ago but I had nothing to cook!  :cursing:


1/6 update

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Well, the first part of the week went a lot better than today. It's a lot easier to not spend any money when you have no money to spend!


Today, I got in my Spring financial aid. And over a third of it went right back out again. I paid off the credit card (which we'd been substantially living on because of how loan increases for specific expenses are disbursed--half in Spring, for rather substantial car repairs done in fall.)


Other than the credit card (which was of course money we already spent)...


Jan 1 $20 gas

Jan 2 $2 bus pass, $11 museum admission

Jan 3 16 (Costco for toilet paper; also bought groceries on SNAP)

Jan 6 Costco: Stocked up on the semester's worth of TP, detergent, pens, etc., plus a dry food storage container and 2 folding chairs: $231; Gas at Costco: $56

$56 Stuff we couldn't get at Costco bought at Target (rubber gloves, deodorant, etc.)

$9 Quick stop into Albertson's for NyQuil and a thermometer

$6 Dunkin Donuts for DD since I dragged her out an hour early to take DS to dentist appointment in same trip as taking her to her enrichment program

$400 Verizon bill

$300 Spring textbooks from Amazon

$2.50 McD's for DS's dinner (got him what he wanted because he's going under anesthesia tomorrow and I wanted him to actually eat dinner).

I also dropped off the rent check. So...expensive day.



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Oh, I did such a stupid thing today! I had a huge bunch of groceries to get, so I decided to go to SuperWalmart so I don't spend a million dollars. It's kinda far - almost 30 miles, so I don't go super-often. I drove all the way up, got ready to get out of the car and realized I had forgotten my purse! I even scrounged around, hoping there was some emergency money, a check, anything so I could get groceries. Nothing but two dollars, a handful of change and a spare tampon. (For an emergency of another nature.) Had to drive the whole way back home and then back again. Plus, I had to fill the car with gas from all this excessive driving. :glare:

At least you figured it out when you were getting out of the car, and not after you'd filled a cart full of groceries.

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We're hibernating today.  Not going anywhere.  I don't even want to step on the porch to retrieve today's mail.


1/1: $8.10 for a power cord

1/2: $72.48 groceries

1/3: $0

1/4: $76.00 on cold weather supplies and cough meds

1/5: $3.10 for a gallon of milk

1/6: $0


1/7: $0


Still in hibernation mode.  I don't plan on going anywhere until tomorrow evening when we head to the mid-week service at church. 


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January 1
​I've only transferred money from checking to savings.  I have no plans to buy anything today.

January 2
Breakfast for little one and me $4.89
Grocery trip $110  included grocery and household goods

January 3

Dh went to the grocery to get a few things that no one mentioned yesterday when I went   ;) $16
Gas in his truck $88

January 4
dh and boys haircuts $40
pizza for lunch (pizza hut 50% off coupons) $14
Dh and I ended up going out last night dinner $17

Then we went to walmart...sigh... it was things that were needed so I can't complain $77

January 5
zero spent
So far I resisted purchasing more legos, going out to dinner tonight and placing an amazon order.  

January 6
zero spent

January 7
Uggg I knew this day was coming...
Gas in my car $38 first time in 3 weeks
Breakfast w/DS2 $5
Lunch w/DS1 $12
Cleaners(Dh clothes) $55

Groceries $45


Hopefully that is it for a few days


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I need to sock some money away for our vacation (visiting family at Spring break), so I'm going to start putting $1 in savings every time I catch myself and resist the urge to spend money unnecessarily. For example, today I made sure I got up and had coffee before I left the house, and thereby resisted the urge to drive thru somewhere for coffee on the way to DS's dentist appointment.


Today's spending, Jan 7: $0

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