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Gallbladder surgery?


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I had mine removed last Monday.


The dr/nurses told me I should be feeling very close to 100% by the end of the week. They said the recovery would be quicker than cesarean. I admit the pain is less, but not the recovery so far.


I feel I'm closer to 50%.


My right bottom rib and right shoulder still hurt quite a bit. God forbid I sneeze. Just about brought tears to my eyes doing that last night. Coughing, laughing also hurts. Sure not picking up my 2 yr old anytime soon.


And the bloating is still awful. There is no way I can put on my pants. I'm still in pajamas. I got rid of all my fat clothes, so I got nada above a size 10, and I was in an 8. No way I can even get in the 10s.


Otherwise, I'm still really tired.


I guess I'm just a wuss. This is so frustrating bc whether I feel up to it or not, I went into the hospital thanksgiving day and there's only so long life will stop for things. Dh goes to work Monday, kids have classes to be driven to and so forth.

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Yes. And holy moly. My gallbladder incisions are very nice and tidy and hardly any bruising and don't hurt, tho the rib there is VERY tender still. But the belly button incision? Good gravy. I have two open hand widths of nothing but dark red, black and blue with the belly button in the center. It looks 1000% worse than the gallbladder area! But doesn't hurt much at all. Achy, and terribly swollen, but that it.

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I have two open hand widths of nothing but dark red, black and blue with the belly button in the center. It looks 1000% worse than the gallbladder area!


Ouch, that sounds unusual. I am sorry you are having so much trouble.

I had mine out on a Wednesday and was back to work (albeit still in pain) on Monday. I felt pretty normal after maybe ten days, but when I went back to choir rehearsal 12 days after surgery, I got terrible pain *from singing*, because of the breathing, and had to go back to the doc to have it checked.


Hang in there! Sending healing vibes.


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I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago. The doctor and nurse made it seem like recovery would be quick and easy . I usually have a high pain tolerance so I was totally unprepared when the recovery knocked me off my feet and took longer than anticipated. I totally agree with with MooCow...give yourself the grace and time to heal properly and don't over do it even when you think you may be up to it. Best wishes!

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I had mine out the middle of last month, and it hurt more than I thought it would. I had had a csection seven weeks earlier, and I think the pain was worse after the gallbladder surgery. I was pretty bummed about it. I think the difference in the pain between gallbladder patients is related to how much of the air they're able to get out of you before they close you up. Almost all of my pain was due to trapped gas. I have quite a high pain tollerance, but my right shoulder *killed*. I also had the huge bruises around my belly button. My pants fit again now, and I'm pretty much back to 100%, so hang in there. :-/

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Mine went out during other open liver surgery, and right shoulder pain and/or kidney pain is typical because of the way the nerves run. If the prescribed pain meds don't work, ask for a different prescription, as not every patient reacts to meds the same way. Cold or heat helps.

Ugh. 10 kids = pains meds other than maybe Motrin aren't much of an option. Plus I need to drive Monday.


I'm really bummed they weren't more honest about the recovery. I guess it wouldn't change anything bc folks gotta do what ever they gotta do. :/

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I had mine out the middle of last month, and it hurt more than I thought it would. I had had a csection seven weeks earlier, and I think the pain was worse after the gallbladder surgery. I was pretty bummed about it. I think the difference in the pain between gallbladder patients is related to how much of the air they're able to get out of you before they close you up. Almost all of my pain was due to trapped gas. I have quite a high pain tollerance, but my right shoulder *killed*. I also had the huge bruises around my belly button. My pants fit again now, and I'm pretty much back to 100%, so hang in there. :-/

Ugh. Idk how much air they pumped in, but I look 6 months pregnant still. I know it will go down, but had no idea it could take many weeks or longer. Kinda want to cry about that after busting my butt to lose so much weight/inches this year. I'm not. But yeah, sorta feeling like it. :(


I was hoping to be back to my exercises by Christmas, but that's going to be hard to do with restricted breathing and rib pain.


Suck it up buttercup <---- lecture to self

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Well on the plus side everyone said I'd have the worst diarrhea ever for months afterward and so far (cross fingers and say a Hail Mary!) I've had zero.


I was really nervous about eating bc everyone was all potty before you eat, potty midway eating, potty after eating - or else!


I'm eating like normal, tho not 100% w30 compliant and not as much as I did pre surgery due to less appetite, but so far, no issues.


At first I thought it was the roxinol they rx for pain might have caused some constipation, but I haven't used any of that since Wednesday night and there's been no difference.


I'm really grateful to not need to run to the toilet frequently. Or run at all for that matter. Running and me have never gotten along. LOL

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Mine went out during other open liver surgery, and right shoulder pain and/or kidney pain is typical because of the way the nerves run. If the prescribed pain meds don't work, ask for a different prescription, as not every patient reacts to meds the same way. Cold or heat helps.

The right shoulder pain really caught me off guard. I also had a lot of pain when I would lie down. I had many sleepless nights literally sitting up. I was in so much pain that I was readmitted to the hospital although nothing unusual was found. Very thankful for that, but it was very puzzling.
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Ugh. 10 kids = pains meds other than maybe Motrin aren't much of an option. Plus I need to drive Monday./

Yikes. I have one, and for a while school would be from the recliner during conscious moments. DD would be working along and all of a sudden say "Dad!". Huh? Wha? Oh yeah, what did you answer for number 7? Zzzzzzz.


I also had 36 staples holding my gut together and slept sitting up for a while. Fun times.

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Yikes. I have one, and for a while school would be from the recliner during conscious moments. DD would be working along and all of a sudden say "Dad!". Huh? Wha? Oh yeah, what did you answer for number 7? Zzzzzzz.


I also had 36 staples holding my gut together and slept sitting up for a while. Fun times.

Btdt in the past for various reasons, tho thankfully missed out on the 36 staples so far.


Yep. Lots of dozer led schooling as a kid once called it.

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I must have been really lucky because my recovery was pretty much as the dr described - which is just as well because I moved house 5 days later and flew to the USA 15 days after surgery. Sorry not much comfort but I guess the recovery time varies. I did have some diarrhea in the morning for a while - I think the bile sits in your intestine overnight rather than in the gall bladder and causes some irritation and therefore diarrhea. But then the bile duct dilates a little and acts something like a gall bladder so the diarrhea subsided. Hope you feel better soon.

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I think recovery depends on a lot of things. Why was it removed? Did you have stones or did you have cholecystitis? Inflammation can cause tenderness in surrounding tissue. It varies. I was still in the hospital 5 days after my surgery which was  laproscopic and uneventful.  Don't try to hold yourself to a timetable. Get lots of rest and get back to a regular schedule when you fell up to it. 


I had an appendectomy one year prior and I walked out of the hospital 18 hours later feeling completely fine - no pain at all. I expected the same from the gall bladder. But, that surgery knocked me on my butt. Of course, with my appendix, I woke up in pain and was in surgery 6 hours later. With the gall baldder  I walked around for over a week with a 103 degree fever before I admittede to myself that I was sick. f your gall bladder was in really crappy shape, you just might need to allow yourself more time than you anticipated before you feel tip-top again. Take care and rest!

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I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago. The doctor and nurse made it seem like recovery would be quick and easy . I usually have a high pain tolerance so I was totally unprepared when the recovery knocked me off my feet and took longer than anticipated. I totally agree with with MooCow...give yourself the grace and time to heal properly and don't over do it even when you think you may be up to it. Best wishes!


This was my experience too. I was actually angry with the surgeon for leading me to believe I would bounce back quickly and may not even need any pain meds other than ibuprofen. It was wrong of him to give me such unrealistic expectations. I was also one of the unlucky ones who developed post-cholecystectomy syndrome. I was so nauseated even more than a week after the surgery that the doctor had to prescribe Zofran. 

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My Mom got hers out a week ago Friday. She still has pain with coughing and changing positions. She is also really tired. They told her no lifting for 2 weeks.

When I had mine done my pain was gone within 2 weeks. I was able to take care of a toddler at 1 week. I was also very tired for a number of weeks and needed a nap everyday. I was told to expect a 6 week recovery. I went into it very sick. I felt way better in the recovery room. I think I recovered so quickly because I was finally able to sleep instead of being awake in pain for hours. I also had a c- section and yes the pain is way less. The recovery was way quicker for me (8-10 weeks and not back to normal with the c-section while 4-6 weeks and better than before with the gallbladder ) I was told no lifting until 6 weeks. I lifted a light weight 1 year old at 1 week but probably should have waited another.

I warned my Mom that this year she would need much help with Christmas. Be gentle with yourself. You need at least one more relaxed week. Ask for help. Don't feel guilty.

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My recovery was a month. Two weeks after surgery I was re-admitted with horrible pain and vomiting. Nothing came of that. They did 48 hours of morphine and zofran and I did get better. I was annoyed because my doctor and surgeon had assured me I'd be back to work inside a week....yeah right!


Take it easy. The shoulder pain is usually from the gas they inject when they do the surgery. You can try Gas-X that did help relieve my pain. 

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