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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I have the weirdest week, with the kids being ill, but not that ill (luckily).


Plans for today:

-light school for whoever feels ready: done: math for everyone.

-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Latin




-I guess I need to clean something,

but I don't know what, I don't wanna clean, I think I'm going to pretend I'm a bit ill myself :lol:

-read a book & watch Coursera videos

-take dd5 to gymnastics (maybe)



-get enough steps (fitbit) - still difficult

-vit D & multi & fish oil



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Take care of Aidan - feed, feed, walk, walk, train, train, play, comb

Take care of Woofy- feed, feed, feed, walk, walk, walk, walk, in fenced area 1 2 3 4, train, train, play, brush

Tidy dog fenced area  1 2 3 4

Order a harness for Woofy (at his owner's request)

If Woofy's owner calls, ask her if I can order a waterproof winter coat for him

Tidy living room and dining room

Clean bathroom


Clean front porch and add ice mat

Clean and sterilize bird feeder, fill, hang

Make spice cake, frosting, 2 pumpkin pies, 2 pecan pies

Clean kitchen

Shovel snow off ice mats so DH won't slip and fall

3 loads laundry

Add leaf to table, put Thanksgiving tablecloth on

Check pellet stove -

Entertain landlord and his family, here for the week from L.A.

Draft new lease

Call friend who is in midst of driving from here to Vermont

Call neighbor

Check turkey to see if it has thawed and if not, make it thaw!

Check on Sherman, the sick dog, to see how he's doing

Call DH to bring home eggs, bread, milk

Make dinner - tuna casserole, salad, garlic bread

Serve/eat/clean up after dinner

Field calls from 3 friends about my crate and rotate program with the dogs (Woofy yelps like a squeaky toy and Aidan sees him as prey)



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So much to do today...


--get ds to work (raining too much to bike)

--orchard, library later this afternoon

--take tonight's dinner out of the freezer

--finish making gravy

--chop all onions, celery, carrots, etc needed for tomorrow

--cube stuffing bread (dd13)

--prep broc florets

--bake apple pie

--bake cheesecake (dd18)

--bake traditional pumpkin custard pie

--bake pie crust for a layered pumpkin chiffon pie I'll make tomorrow



And then the cleaning stuff

--dust everything downstairs (dd13)

--sweep dining room and office floors (?)

--move furniture, set up tables and chairs (ds and dh)

--set tables and do table decorations (the girls; may involve a run for flowers and/or candles)

--quick straighten of the basement (kids; may be too cold to play air hockey and foosball tomorrow though)

--polish silver as needed

--figure out serving dishes and label then so dd18 knows for tomorrow

--clean window over kitchen sink (dh)



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Drink more coffee.

Play a game online for an hour or two.

Check the pies and cook or thaw as needed.

Find a dry rub for the turkey.

Make mashed potatoes in the crock pot.

Get DH and DS to clean up their desk areas.

Put clean laundry away

Pick up turkey breasts from Honeybaked Hams


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Well tomorrow I am now cooking dinner for dd, dh and I since dfil is in the hospital (I will get updates later today from dmil).

I need to....

- Finish deep cleaning living room

- start dd's room deep clean

- dishes

- laundry- fold and put away 2 loads, wash one

- go shopping for tomorrow's dinner and pay a couple bills

- tidy rest of house

- dinner- meat already thawed

- bedtime routine

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Happy today, no school, home with my girls, sheltering from the storm, playing my favorite Christmas Cantata music.


I have lots of baking to do, I am on for Pumpkin Cinnamon Buns and Green Bean Casserole tomorrow so I need to get those done.


Burned the snot out of dinner in my heirloom dish last night so I need to get that scrubbed and cleaned, blech.

Apparently people want to eat again tonight so I need to figure out supper. 


Old friend in the service is coming by to raid my vaping gear and juice, he is in the army so I hope I can set him up well, happy always to help out.  I have a stash of stuff I don't like.  I am thrilled he is finally off cigarettes and on to vaping.  He needs to do laundry too so he can hang out and game with the kids for awhile.


At some point I NEED a shower.  I am always the last one to get a shot at it.


Need to bring wood in, it's warm now but going to be freezing tonight. (literally, 32)


Chickens are pissed I won't let them out of the coop, but we lost one to that coyote the other day so they can suck it up.  I will probably make them some pasta to assuage their ruffled feathers, they love the stuff.


Need to call the outlaws and get Christmas plans set, I am hoping they will come here this year, they haven't done so since eldest was 4 years old!


Various and sundry daily chores too.



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I'm still with family, but there are some things I need to do. The kids brought a little school work left from last week



Call and check on my mom

Read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with ds for book club (we've got to finish this week)

Review with dd before a couple of tests this week

Ds school this week: math, grammar, spelling, read history

Dd school this week: chemistry test, history, algebra 2, literature test, begin Scarlett Letter

Hopefully go see Catching Fire tonight





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Pretty normal day here.

Dh took kids in for practice.


So I have to:

make dressing components

make 2 pies (but I have to find the recipe)

pick up from practice/go to bank

drop off ds2 and dd1. She will climb, he will wait at B&N, then they are off to see Catching Fire!

home with others

oversee chores

clean up downstairs

make another dessert

PM practice- swimming only


I think that is it, but I am sure that I am forgetting something.



Healthy lunch

Turn worry into gratitude

45 minutes writing


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Good Morning...


  • sheets are drying, upstairs has been deep cleaned
  • 1st floor --dusting and vacuum, mop
  • basement--quick clean and put everything away..
  • pies are baking---the house smells so good
  • finish up some laundry 
  • chop and bag everything that will be needed for tomorrow...
  • prep as much as possible today
  • enjoy the day and count my blessings 
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Good morning, ladies! Well..... my list is too long to post today. Ugh! Dinner for 30 in 29 hours and 20 minutes. But, DH is home today to help me and I have chore lists for the kids, so it'll get done.


Tonight is Thanksgiving at my parents' house with my side of the family. That's a much smaller, more intimate affair.

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Almost dinner time check in:


I have the weirdest week, with the kids being ill, but not that ill (luckily).

Plans for today:
-light school for whoever feels ready: done: math for everyone.
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin

-I guess I need to clean something,
but I don't know what, I don't wanna clean, I think I'm going to pretend I'm a bit ill myself :lol:
-read a book & watch Coursera videos
-take dd5 to gymnastics

-get enough steps (fitbit) - still difficult
-vit D & multi & fish oil



I didn't need to pretend being ill, I'm really getting down with whatever-it-is :huh: .

So I don't think I'm going to finish my to-do list today.


Old friend in the service is coming by to raid my vaping gear and juice, he is in the army so I hope I can set him up well, happy always to help out.  I have a stash of stuff I don't like.  I am thrilled he is finally off cigarettes and on to vaping. 


I think I get the gravy  thing now :D, and I usually have no trouble reading all the posts and to-do-lists, but I can't make heads nor tails from the above.

Sorry to be so dense (and so inquisitive :blush: ), but I really need some help here. :bigear:



Good morning, ladies! Well..... my list is too long to post today. Ugh! Dinner for 30 in 29 hours and 20 minutes. But, DH is home today to help me and I have chore lists for the kids, so it'll get done.


Wow, you ladies, KrissiK and others are really busy. Dinner for 30 would leave me :willy_nilly: .




I'm so tired, stayed up to wait for news last night on dfil and then couldn't sleep. I really need to get this house done. Usually coffee gives me enough of a kick but not today... I know dh is tired too so I can't just wait for him to get home and help.


:grouphug: I hope your dfil will be okay soon!



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Almost dinner time check in:



I didn't need to pretend being ill, I'm really getting down with whatever-it-is :huh: .

So I don't think I'm going to finish my to-do list today.



I think I get the gravy  thing now :D, and I usually have no trouble reading all the posts and to-do-lists, but I can't make heads nor tails from the above.

Sorry to be so dense (and so inquisitive :blush: ), but I really need some help here. :bigear:




I'm sorry, Tress.  Can you do high doses of vitamin C and zinc and hopefully dodge the worst of it?


I had to look up vaping too.  I guess it is the term for "smoking" E-cigarettes.  

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Oh, Jean, you exhaust and inspire me!  Honestly, I prefer meeting you for lunch to tackling  my house.  ;)


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (not a clue on that)








1 load of laundry (in the wash!)


Clean kitchen


Sweep and mop kitchen, LR, DR and entry


Call vet to cancel Dutch's appt, because James Bond found his rabies certificate.  Yay!  I love that man!


Call groomer to get Dutch a much needed appt, now that we have his rabies certificate


Dry brine turkey


Vacuum stairs


Think about pumpkin pie




Think about taking over the world (Jean's son could possible help me here, and he's planning it as well)


Geek out over all the Sherlock S3 teaser trailers online (it airs in the UK tomorrow night!)







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I'm sorry, Tress. Can you do high doses of vitamin C and zinc and hopefully dodge the worst of it?


I had to look up vaping too. I guess it is the term for "smoking" E-cigarettes.

Aha! I was afraid of googling it, I mean 'raiding somebodies vaping gear' might not be the best search terms to use :D. Electric cigarettes, I think I have seen some advertisements for it.

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But if we took over the world, you wouldn't have the power to ground us!  Bwahahahahahaha!

Ds just tried this argument on me.  I told him that as his mother I absolutely would still have the power to ground him.  And that I would have to take over the world while he was grounded and make everyone do their chores and brush their teeth and wash behind their ears . . . oh and be nice to each other.  If you would do all that if you took over the world, then I wouldn't mind it.  

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Wow girls! Many of you are still doing school today??? When I homeschooled, Wednesday before Thanksgiving was "exercise & home economics" day. Ds had to help clean and cook.

I have to clean the guest room

Get a nice tablecloth

Take dog out

Do some work related things


Dust more

Clean bathrooms (again)

Pre-cook what can be done ahead

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Drink more coffee.

Play a game online for an hour or two.

Check the pies and cook or thaw as needed.

Find a dry rub for the turkey.

Make mashed potatoes in the crock pot.

Get DH and DS to clean up their desk areas.

Put clean laundry away

Pick up turkey breasts from Honeybaked Hams


Yeah, I've been real productive this morning, huh?  LOL


I did make the boys clean the kitchen; they're finishing that up now.  Once they're done I can start cooking.

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House is basically under control.

Now, sauté veggies for dressing and make cheese ball. My "butler pantry" is set up in the garage now. Woohoo. We take all the school desks out of the school room and put them in the garage, so we can set up a table in there for tomorrow, then DH parks in the driveway. It's great. I can keep so much stuff out there now.

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joining late, but here I am


meeting at job #2 10-12pm

ds15online lit class 11-1230pm

go to bak and deposit cheque

pay water bill

run to bargain shop and pick up a few things

ds meds am, noon, bed

me meds am, bed

Finn ear meds

clean kitchen

dd14 and ds15 online lit class 2-330

work job #1 4-10 pm


work on advent d/c challenge

clean entrance

bring garbage can back to door from curb



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I found a recipe very much like it, and made tartlets instead of a pie. Half turned out of the pan beautifully. The rest taste good, and maybe can be covered with whipped cream.


Usually I host Thanksgiving and I know I like it better than my mom hosting. Because she is calling five times a day, and I am making nearly all the food anyway. She tried to get me to come over early tomorrow to finish the turkey.  Luckily all my kids were out of the house this afternoon, so I could scream with frustration. 


Never again. I will host forever if I have to.

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coffee, coffee, and coffee...I did not sleep last night.  (yes, I only have decaf but it does wonders emotionally)

grocery shopping

pick out paint for fireplace


sort through one Christmas box in garage

craft with dd

I'm sure there's more but I'm groggy right now...


If the grocery store is any indication of Black Friday shopping, forget about it!  Crazy crowded in the market, and Target workers were putting blue arrows on the floor for the lines.  No way...  Dd and I were scouting some areas for family photos but it was too hot out.  (78 right now)  :glare:

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I'm about at the end of Wednesday. Got home from my parents' house about an hour ago. Had a good Thanksgiviny there. We all shared about how we met our spouses. Very interesting. My dad about had himself in hot water, but he redeemed himself at the end.


Now, I've the turkey in brine in the fridge, am cooking up stock for the gravy, got my second load of laundry in since we've gotten home... I'm beat.

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Pain hit this evening.  But I got everything done on my list except for extra cleaning from my Monday list and the green smoothie.  I just did not feel like going to the work to have something cold.  I did drink lots of electrolyte solution though so in a way, I was getting the same vitamins/minerals but just in a different way.  

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Got home from work just after 10pm.  Did a late night schooling session with dd6(she was still up and complaining she wasn't smart enough yet, gave ds15 his math test that he has been trying to avoid, and sent dd14 off with her lit reading she tried to tell me was lost).  Turns out while I was at work ds10 got the bright idea to make new crayons.  The inside of my oven is now covered in hardened crayon.  THe boy is lucky to be in bed right now and not being beaten up and down the street.  Tomorrow he will be scrubbing my oven spic and span. (thank goodness our thanksgiving was a month ago and I planned to use my crockpot for a ham tomorrow)


I switched the load of laundry, gave ds15 his bedtime meds, and am now working on trying to finish the dang kitchen but with so many boxes still being sorted in there we will see if that can be accomplished before I decide sleep is a better option.


I hope there is a tackle thread tomorrow even if most of you will be busy having turkey day, I still have a boat load of things to do :P



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Pain hit this evening.  But I got everything done on my list except for extra cleaning from my Monday list and the green smoothie.  I just did not feel like going to the work to have something cold.  I did drink lots of electrolyte solution though so in a way, I was getting the same vitamins/minerals but just in a different way.  


Yikes!  I'm sorry to hear you're in pain!  You know, there are some great pre made green smoothies out there.  My favorite is the Green Machine.  It's loaded with good stuff.  It's not as good for you as a homemade one, but still, it's good for you.  Hope you're feeling better on Turkey Day!

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Yikes!  I'm sorry to hear you're in pain!  You know, there are some great pre made green smoothies out there.  My favorite is the Green Machine.  It's loaded with good stuff.  It's not as good for you as a homemade one, but still, it's good for you.  Hope you're feeling better on Turkey Day!

Getting something like that is a good idea.  

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