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Black Thursday/Friday

Night Elf

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Dd15 and dd21 are already planning their evening. Crazy girls. They are also excited about Black Thursday. Kohls is opening at 8:00pm on Thursday with the same deals they would usually do at midnight. They are competing with some of the big mall stores like Sears and Macys who are also opening on Thursday evening at that time. That's just pretty crazy to me. I feel like it's going to be even more crowded since it won't be late and those who might not like to go out at midnight will still be awake at 8:00pm.

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You couldn't pay me to go out. I can't stand the behavior that comes with the crazy crowds competing for slightly cheaper junk. I also hate the creeping commercialism and shopping on Thursday just reinforces to the stores that their earlier and earlier emphasis on Christmas is the right thing to do.

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You couldn't pay me to go out. I can't stand the behavior that comes with the crazy crowds competing for slightly cheaper junk. I also hate the creeping commercialism and shopping on Thursday just reinforces to the stores that their earlier and earlier emphasis on Christmas is the right thing to do.

Yup. I just posted in the Thanksgiving work thread. I think we could see a day when Thanksgiving is just some Federal holiday like President's Day.

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I have not, and will not, participate in Black Thursday or Friday. Ever.


I think it is wrong to make people work on thanksgiving and be away from their families so I can save a few dollars on something I don't really need anyways. My dh was a manager at Walmart years ago and what he had to witness and endure on Black Friday is disgusting. Trampling over each other and fist fighting over flat screen TVs? Never.

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We are going out! :) my parents will keep the grandkids and me, dh, my sisters and BIL's are going to see what we can find. If anything, it will be fun to just hang out! Walmart has a 32inch flat screen TV guaranteed for 98 dollars for an hour. I think we will get that as a gift. They have an ipad mini for $299 with a $100 gift card guaranteed for that hour too. We don't need one, but that's a good deal. They are offering rain checks on everything that runs out at the same price. I love kohls! We will definitely go there. They usually offer $15 kohls cash for every $50 you spend. Love that!

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I really do all of my shopping online now. In fact, I'm just about finished. This is the earliest I've ever shopped. I had to buy things that are hard to find in stock at all, let alone December. My daughters do love shopping and going out to eat in the wee a.m. hours. Last year, they told me the crowds weren't nearly as bad at the mall as they thought it would be. I wonder what it will be like this year. Do you think more people will be buying more stuff this year?

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I cannot think of anything I would less like to do than go shopping on Black Friday, except on Thanksgiving itself.  I do.not.get.it.  I'd rather be boiled slowly in oil while having my fingernails pulled out while being covered with fire ants.  I hate shopping on a good day; this is the stuff of nightmares!


And Thanksgiving should be sacrosanct.  It has stood alone all this time as the one American holiday not completely overcome by crass commercialism.

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I really do all of my shopping online now. In fact, I'm just about finished. This is the earliest I've ever shopped. I had to buy things that are hard to find in stock at all, let alone December. My daughters do love shopping and going out to eat in the wee a.m. hours. Last year, they told me the crowds weren't nearly as bad at the mall as they thought it would be. I wonder what it will be like this year. Do you think more people will be buying more stuff this year?

I think it depends on where you live and where they go. Where we live, it will be busy but not out of control. I do most of our shopping online usually too. This year I'll be with my parents and sisters though, so we are going to go out while my parents keep all of the kids. It will be fun for us! :). I'm sure your girls will have fun and safe time too.

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I cannot think of anything I would less like to do than go shopping on Black Friday, except on Thanksgiving itself.  I do.not.get.it.  I'd rather be boiled slowly in oil while having my fingernails pulled out while being covered with fire ants.  I hate shopping on a good day; this is the stuff of nightmares!





I have actually already finished quite a bit of my shopping. I ordered several things online.

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I used to enjoy Black Friday shopping (small town/semi-rural). I liked the atmosphere--everyone was excited and friendly. Some stores like Target were very well organized and could handle the crowds--they also had great deals. But I've noticed that since they've started opening on Thanksgiving, they've ruined the Black Friday environment I used to enjoy. The deals are gone by the time I get there in the morning. There aren't as many people, and I think they're tired and cranky by morning because they've been out all night. I have no desire to shop on Thanksgiving, but now I don't really want to go out Friday morning either. They've ruined it. I'll still hit the local Fred Meyer sock sale, but I have until noon to do that.

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I've never shopped on black friday/thursday and don't expect ever to do so.  I don't really have an opinion one way or another about stores being open.  I do feel badly for people who have to work that don't want to. But I can also see some people wanting to work that day (students who can't go home but need $$ to go home for Christmas, as one example). 


But the emphasis on buying as much as possible and getting things as cheaply as possible is bothering me.  We (general we) complain that formerly durable items don't last yet we want them to be cheap.  So, they're made cheaply and then we get mad when they don't last.  What is up with that?  (I guess that is a bit of a derailment.)


My daughter has a friend who has a tradition of going with her mom and grandma. She says she has a great time.  I ask my daughter every year if she would like to go - I'd take her if she wanted to.  She is always horrified at the idea.  


I do much of my shopping online.  I've never bought my kids the toy-of-the-moment so they are used to not having the latest and greatest thing.

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Two years ago my youngest dd got her dad to take her to the midnight opening of the local Target as the phone she wanted was 70% off...she did get it.  Now it is dying and she is scanning ads for another great deal...


Me, I stick to on-line sales, from the comfort of home.

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I have not, and will not, participate in Black Thursday or Friday. Ever.


I think it is wrong to make people work on thanksgiving and be away from their families so I can save a few dollars on something I don't really need anyways. My dh was a manager at Walmart years ago and what he had to witness and endure on Black Friday is disgusting. Trampling over each other and fist fighting over flat screen TVs? Never.




When my dh was  in his first marriage he loved working holidays- time and a half.  I have seen a lot on fb about people banning bc of family time etc.....but I do wonder about people in that situation.  It meant having extras/paying the bills, etc for him.


FWIW, i never go out on Black Friday.  I hate crowds.

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I have never gone shopping on Black Friday and I don't plan to start now.  Thanksgiving is a definite NO!  We used to set aside a day to be thankful for all we have and now people rush out the next morning (or before the day of being thankful is even over!) to buy more junk. So much for being thankful!  I can't think of *anything* I need bad enough to go out on Thursday or Friday.

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The Wal-Marts here don't even close for Thanksgiving and the Black Friday sales start at 8 pm on Thanksgiving Day.  My daughter works 5:30 pm to 10 pm on Thanksgiving.  I think it is stupid myself.  There is no reason people can't wait until Friday to start their Christmas shopping.

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I was really really tempted to go out on Thursday because the one big gift for the 3 boys is the Disney Infinity game and Walmart is running it for $38.97.  Luckily my lil sis works for Walmart so when they ran it for a special pre-black friday sale earlier this week for $37! she snagged it for me.  Now I can go back to refusing to support the shopping on Thursday.

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I have friends who really enjoy Black Friday shopping. They are very much extroverts and bargain hunters who run a tight ship budget wise.  One friend was telling me about $2-3 packs of socks, underwear, and t-shirts.  That's a good deal, IMO.


I've never gone though.  I was going to go this year, but DH ended up having to work.  Some other time...maybe.  LOL, I could use the savings but it's never appealed to me.




PS:  I've known many people who work retail and don't mind working holidays because it usually means time and a half or a holiday bonus.

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As a child, I used to love going shopping with my mom on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Now I despise the very idea. Instead of feeling like the beginning of the Christmas season, it feels ugly and desperate. I have come to hate the ever-growing, increasingly grumpy rather than cheerful crowds.


These days I do 99% of my shopping online, in my pajamas, drinking cocoa or gluhwein, while watching Christmas movies or listening to Christmas music. :thumbup:  At some point in December, I put on my ultra fabulous almost 21 year old Grinch sweatshirt and head out for a relaxed day of shopping to buy candy and maybe some odds & ends for stockings. Other than that, the only time we really go out for Christmas is for Advent activities. As the kids are getting older, I think I will add an additional shopping day for us all to go to a lovely local mall and divide & conquer for the kids to do some window shopping and buy presents for each other.


I love Christmas! I refuse to do it in a non warm-fuzzy way.


And you couldn't pay me to go anywhere on Thursday. I hate that stores open on a holiday, even at midnight. I think it is mean to the employees and just plain greedy. Open at 8 am on Friday, fine. But not on Thanksgiving. I always say there are only a handful of places I would ever patronize on a holiday: the ER, a pharmacy, the police department, the fire department...

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