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Dog came home from vet/boarding with new BARK??


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We recently took a trip to the mountains & my dog stayed at our local vet for 4 nights.  He's stayed there before, and we like them b/c each dog has their own room (not just a cage), but a little cement room with window/cot/glass door to look through.


Anyway, he came home with an upset tummy which isn't unusual -- he tends to not eat well when away from us, he's older so change in diet doesn't do well, and he's prone to anxiety around other dogs (which is why we prefer the boarder with private, aka expensive ;), rooms).  It sucks, but generally he'll have loose stool for a few days after boarding.  (He's up-to-date on all vacs.)


But here's my question...

He's a small dog (big-bone chihuahua) and has always had a sharp, higher-pitched bark (think ARF).  Now that he's returned, his bark is DIFFERENT!  It's lower-pitched and throaty (think ROOOOF).  How's that possible?  He's an old dog (13); how can one weekend away change his bark?



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You're 100% certain that you have your dog right?


LOL, I actually did think this to myself.  

But yes, it's definitely my dog (the one in my picture -- his tongue hangs out from old age, hehe).


I wondered about kennel cough.  He did get his Bordetella vacc in May (and it's required to board there) but I'll keep an eye on him. So far there are no other symptoms -- just a strange bark.  I'm hoping he just barked himself hoarse there.


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Poor doggie! Hope he's feeling ok. Maybe he just liked this video?


Another vote for hoarseness but to keep an eye on it.


As an aside, one of our cats has suddenly developed a different meow (not all the time, but most of the time)---- and she hasn't gone anywhere!! Talk about being perplexed!!


Our cat did that, too! She used to meow; now she squeaks. It's the most pathetic thing.

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Maybe he just picked up some bad language in the joint; you know, the dog equivalent of swearing.  :laugh:


My dog got kennel cough in lock up. If it does develop into kennel cough, it may look more like a backward sneeze.


Hopefully it's just over-barking and your little guy will recover soon. 

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I had this happen more than once even with vacinated dogs.  First time it happened they tried to tell me he was hoarse.  When it got worse over night I called them back and yes, in fact it was kennel cough.


I think he had to get meds, but can't remember anymore.

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