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Mastitis update and a help me, Dr. Hive


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So I have had mastitis since the end of this last week. Friday I ended up going in for a shot of antibiotics- rocephin. The doc wrote me a script for Bactrim in case I wasn't better in 48 hours.


My fever is down but not gone. Red spot gone. I woke up this morning with an ache all the way up to my collarbone and after I nursed I pumped at then hand expressed and there was visible pus in it.


I called my ob who said Bactrim was a terrible choice and she would call something else in and if I'm not better a few days from now I may need to go to the hospital down in Colorado and see if I have an abscess and get it drained.


I do NOT relish that idea. Help, Hive, how can I kick this before some deeper doom swallows me up??

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I've used both Grapefruit Seed Extract and Vitamin A to clear the beginnings of mastitis.  I usually buy it from vitacost.com , but if you have a health food/vitamin store nearby, then I'd send DH to get you one or both of these to try.  Since you have a bad case, pick one supplement and hit it hard with a high dose at the beginning.  GL!  This is NO fun.

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It was thick and yellowish- could it really just be milk that was blocked?? Please say yes, this wasn't pus!!


I'm not going to mess around I just hate packing everyone up, driving hours to the doctor, and the possibility of ending that fun in the hospital having an abscess drained is like #1 on my list of things I don't want to do EVER. lol.

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The main thing with mastitis is to rest, REALLY rest and nurse as much as baby is willing to nurse. I agree with nursing in different positions. If you can feel a clogged duct (because it's like a lump or just by pinpointing the pain), then try massaging it HARD it a hot shower to get it to release. I once had to have my dh massage one to get it to release. It hurt, but it was MUCH better once he managed to do that. That's a long time to have mastitis though. If you've been running a fever for that long, then it probably will take antibiotics to clear it up. 

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I've been plagued with all sorts of issues including this with my 6 kiddos. 


You need to keep your breast as empty as possible.  So, nurse, nurse nurse.  (Don't neglect the other side and end up with an issue over there too.)  While the baby is nursing, put pressure on the spot where it hurts most.  :(  Massage that spot while baby is nursing to make sure all the milk is expressed from there.  You are already doing the hot compresses.  Keep that up, as warm as you can stand.  Change positions from nursing to nursing.  I've often heard it said to point baby's nose toward the infected area.


I give a HUGE second to the Grapefruit seed extract.  Not grapeseed, grapeFRUIT seed extract...big difference.  This is what has made a huge difference in me not getting mastitis and also yeast (thrush), which can be an underlying cause of mastitis. 


Here is a link to the grapefruit seed extract: http://www.amazon.com/Grapefruit-Seed-Extract-Maximum-Strength-250mg/dp/B002QP9FAS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1382920849&sr=8-3&keywords=grapefruit+seed+extract (there is also a 125mg pills, but when you are actually fighting an infection, you want stronger.)  3x's a day.  This won't necessarily get rid of a raging infection.  But, it really helps and it will help prevent more.  I highly recommend it. 


Definitely start the antibiotic soon if it isn't clearing. 


:hugs:  I know it's painful and frustrating....I just noticed our babies are the same age.  Mine is Oct '12 also.  Happy birthday to your little one!  Congrats on BF'ing this long.  We are still going too.  :D

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What worked for me to get things flowing well was taking lecithin (emulsifies fat) and very hot baths with the infected side submerged, and hand expressing into the hot bath water.  After the hot bath I put on my hottest sweater, got into bed under lots of blankets, and lay there and sweat for a while, while drinking hot tea (I used normal Lipton).    For fighting infections, what always helps me is vitamin C, vitamin D3 drops, and a spoonful of minced garlic several times a day.  I just get a jar of minced garlic and put it on crackers. 


I would still be under a doctor's care and take the antibiotics - but sometimes we can do more for ourselves.

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You mentioned getting it three times.  I heard all kinds of crazy stories from moms when I was a LLL leader (10 years, so lots of moms), with a common thread, obstructive compression of breast tissue, often from binding clothing, new bras, a binding baby carrier, a new handbag, etc.  However, I think I take the dubious prize for the most original:  being so exhausted that I would, on rare occasion, sleep flat on my stomach.  Caused mild mastitis several times before I figured it out.   :thumbdown:   For what it's worth, you have my cautionary tale.  Hope you are well soon.

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I'm trying to rest but I'm alone with the kids and the little two aren't making that go really well. I've been massaging a ton and using hot compresses and I think it's finally helping. Ugh. I feel cursed. This is my third bout of mastitis since June.


Do you have a bra that is causing this maybe? Underwire bras give me mastitis/clogged ducts. Go braless right now, as much as possible. Especially while feeding. Oh, and the bras that you just pull down to nurse, instead of unlatching, give me plugged ducts as well. 


The other thing that has done it is my seatbelt. It compressed the breast and caused a plugged duct. I now make an effort to move it around if I'm driving a long tim. 

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I'm glad to read you are feeling better.


pp was right, a number of women suffer repeated bouts, and pressure is worth exploring.  Those carriers or binding/too tight clothing can often cause a mom to repeat the misery.  I hope your cure is complete and the end of it for you.

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I do wear an underwire all the time. Maybe I need to stop that. Grrrr.


This morning no fever, no pain, no weird drainage! 😃


I also realized that my baby has been sticking his arm under my breast when I lay on my side to sleep- I'm glad he wants to cuddle but the infection is exactly where his bitty arm wedges. So I'm going to work on addressing that.


Thanks, everyone.

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I do wear an underwire all the time. Maybe I need to stop that. Grrrr.


This morning no fever, no pain, no weird drainage! 😃


I also realized that my baby has been sticking his arm under my breast when I lay on my side to sleep- I'm glad he wants to cuddle but the infection is exactly where his bitty arm wedges. So I'm going to work on addressing that.


Thanks, everyone.


The underwire could definitely be the culprit. I would advise stopping with that type of bra entirely.

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