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Once Upon a Time-what did you think???

Mom in High Heels

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So, who watched???  What did you think?




There will be spoilers below, so please don't read any further unless you want to be spoiled!  This is your last warning! Bwahahaha!



Okay, I was so excited and I didn't think it disappointed!  


Mermaids!  I always knew they were evil!  Who are they aligned with?  Will they be turned to help?  I want to know!


Hook!  Oh, Hook!  Sooooo, hot.  And that coat!  Oh, how I love that coat.  Of course I'd love to see it off too.   :drool:  When he told Emma that he quite fancied her when she wasn't trying to kill him, I shouted at the TV, "I fancy you too, Hook!"  <-cause I'm a dork


I still hate that they are setting up Neil and Emma as a couple.  Blah.  They have no chemistry!  I liked Neil with Mulan, and thought it was funny when he told her there was a movie about her.  


Rumple!  Costume change!  Haha, Hook, not only are you hot, but also witty.  I really like Rumple's new look.  It's very crocodile like!


Robin Hood!!!!  Yes!  I've been waiting for RH to show up!


I knew from the moment that lost boy showed up that he was Pan.  Why is Pan so evil?  What is his story and what does he want with Henry?  Why are he and Rumple enemies?


I cannot remember what the doll the lost boy tossed to Rumple.  Anyone remember?  Why did it make him cry?  


I'm so glad this came back on.  I love fall premiers!  I also love exclamation points (as evidenced above)!  So...thoughts?  Likes?  Dislikes?  Exclamation points!


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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I love your description and your reckless abandon with exclamation points.  So you get a "like" from me for the sheer entertainment value of your post.   :D



ETA: I get that you're talking about a show but I've never heard of it.  Based on your description I absolutely must check it out.  

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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I love your description and your reckless abandon with exclamation points.  So you get a "like" from me for the sheer entertainment value of your post.   :D



ETA: I get that you're talking about a show but I've never heard of it.  Based on your description I absolutely must check it out.  


Thank you!  I do loves me some exclamation points!!!!!  You've never seen OUAT?  WHAT‽<-that's an interrobang, which is a combination of ! and ?.  It shows sheer shock in a question.  Boom!  You've been interrobanged!


You MUST watch OUAT!  Must!  You have to start at the beginning though or you won't understand what's going on.  If for no other reason, you must watch it to drool over Hook, even though he doesn't come in until later in season 1.   There are so many good looking men on OUAT.  Probably because only the bad guys are ugly in fairy tales.  Hook's not ugly though, not by a long shot.  Watch this show!  Use lots of exclamation points!!!!!

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I'm glad the show is back, but I think it will take a little while for me to settle into Neverland. I'm surprised at how much I missed Storybrooke! My household was fairly impatient for Emma and gang to "get off the boat already". That bit seemed to drag on and on. I don't like Pan, and I was so hoping the kid who turned out to be Pan would end up being Tootles (and on the side of good). Are they making Pan evil so we'll love Hook even more?


We're already anxious for the next episode!


Thoughts on the new series OUAT in Wonderland? Planning to watch? That was a surprise to us. We had heard nothing about a spin-off before tonight. DH joked that this show is going to turn into something along the lines of Law and Order with several spin-offs of the original. ; )

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Oh yes...Hook :drool5: .

Dd and I both enjoyed it and can't wait to see what happens next week.  I had to explain to her that unlike the Little Mermaid in Disney, mermaids were evil. We were also shocked to see that Pan is going to be pretty nasty.


I agree that Neil and Mulan make a better couple than he and Emma. I would like to see her with Hook too. That would be much more interesting.


I hope someone on here knows what is up with the doll that was given to Rumple. I don't remember seeing it before either.

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I don't think the doll has ever been shown before. I think that is whole point so we will be wondering for the rest of our days!! Pan is a creepy little kid. He should be on Law and Order spinoffs! So they just keep Henry around to torture him then? I think Hook and Emma will end up together. She will be his happily ever after. Or maybe Emma will go all evil and turn pirate too? I couldn't believe it when they all started fighting! I am not liking the mermaids at all. I don't know why but I just don't LOL!


Rumple didn't look thrilled to be acting the whole dark one way. His hand gestures and voice had a whatever kind of tone

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I don't think it disappointed at all.  Hook= :drool5: . I fancy him, too.

I think eventually Neil and Mulan will hook up just like Emma and Hook. They make better couples.

I did enjoy Rumple's wardrobe change.  The doll is new but I am sure it has something to do with his search for Neil.  I am curious how that will pan out (no pun intended).


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I really enjoyed OUAT last night too, and I'm planning on rewatching it tonight since I was a little distracted last night. Here are my thoughts / questions:


What's the history with Pan and Rumple? Why is there such a battle between them?


When Rumple said Pan would be able to kill him is that true? If he's the dark one what magic does Neverland possess that could kill him while the dagger is still safely ensconced in Storybrooke?


Is Greg still alive? They never showed him again after his shadow was stolen. Could stealing shadows be the way Pan keeps the lost boys in control?


I also liked the part with Bae and Mulan in the Enchanted Forest, but I worry there might be a point like they got to last season where there are to many story lines and it's hard to keep up and to give the different storylines justice in the hour. 


I'll admit, I had no clue at all Pan was the lost boy who 'rescued' Henry until he came out and said it. I was thinking more along the lines of Henry and a small group of cast off Lost Boys going against each other. What does he want with The Truest Believer? 


I loved Rumple's outfit change. I love all the men on that show! He seemed different on Neverland, resigned maybe? I was kind of glad he killed Tamara, I never liked her. But his magic obviously works in Neverland why can't he just use it to save Henry? I keep thinking back to what the Seer said to Rumple about Henry being his demise. 


I can't wait to see what the rest of the season holds. 

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I really enjoyed OUAT last night too, and I'm planning on rewatching it tonight since I was a little distracted last night. Here are my thoughts / questions:


What's the history with Pan and Rumple? Why is there such a battle between them?


When Rumple said Pan would be able to kill him is that true? If he's the dark one what magic does Neverland possess that could kill him while the dagger is still safely ensconced in Storybrooke?


Is Greg still alive? They never showed him again after his shadow was stolen. Could stealing shadows be the way Pan keeps the lost boys in control?


I also liked the part with Bae and Mulan in the Enchanted Forest, but I worry there might be a point like they got to last season where there are to many story lines and it's hard to keep up and to give the different storylines justice in the hour. 


I'll admit, I had no clue at all Pan was the lost boy who 'rescued' Henry until he came out and said it. I was thinking more along the lines of Henry and a small group of cast off Lost Boys going against each other. What does he want with The Truest Believer? 


I loved Rumple's outfit change. I love all the men on that show! He seemed different on Neverland, resigned maybe? I was kind of glad he killed Tamara, I never liked her. But his magic obviously works in Neverland why can't he just use it to save Henry? I keep thinking back to what the Seer said to Rumple about Henry being his demise. 


I can't wait to see what the rest of the season holds. 

I know he seems so whatever to the whole situation. Why wouldn't he want Reginas help? But even Rumples hand gestures were just kinda like OK I did it, it even looked as if there was almost an eye roll when he was talking to that one lost boy

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Even if they did kill off Rumple something would happen to bring him back, it would be like killing off Emma just won't happen. Tamara had to be killed off because she is on Walking Dead full time now. I don't know Pans back story but I think the doll has to do with him and Rumple maybe?


Unless Robert Carlyle wants to move on to something else after this season. ;)  I love him on the show, but he's a really good actor.  I can't imagine he'll want to spend several more years prancing and giggling around the OUaT set.  Even though I wish he would. *sigh*

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HOOK!  Oh.my.word.  He is so yummy.  :drool:  :001_tt1:   I think I'll cry if they ever kill him off.


I liked Neal with Mulan. LMBO when he told her about the movie.  Even though he loves Emma and knows she's in Neverland doesn't mean he's going to be able to get to her anytime soon.  Meanwhile, Emma's there with Hook still thinking Neal's dead and now that she knows he fancies her, anything's possible.


Okay, I did not expect the mermaids to be evil.  I really didn't.  That makes me kind of sad but I'll give them time to see where it goes.


I already knew Pan was going to be evil so that didn't surprise me.  I'm just curious what he wants with Henry and Rumple's role in that.  Maybe it has something to do with Henry's power?  Or is the fact that he is the truest believer his power?


I think Rumple is resigned b/c of (1) his history with Pan, whatever that may be, and (2) because of the prophesy that says Henry will be his demise.  I still hold on to my theory that the "demise" will be of the Dark One and not Rumple himself.


I loved how Emma turned into bad @SS Momma Bear.  Laying into Snow and Charming and calling out everyone the way she did.  All I can say is that it's about time she grows into her own shoes.

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Yay!  So happy other people watched and want to talk about it!  I plan on watching it again this afternoon.  I too was a bit distracted, as I was ironing while I watched (Ironing!  Honestly, what is wrong with me?).  HOOK!  Woohoo!  That is all!


I can't WAIT for OUAT Neverland  Wonderland.  There had better be loads and loads of the Mad Hatter though or I'm going to be seriously upset.  I do hope there aren't a million story lines going on though, like OUAT.  

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Yay!  So happy other people watched and want to talk about it!  I plan on watching it again this afternoon.  I too was a bit distracted, as I was ironing while I watched (Ironing!  Honestly, what is wrong with me?).  HOOK!  Woohoo!  That is all!


I can't WAIT for OUAT Neverland.  There had better be loads and loads of the Mad Hatter though or I'm going to be seriously upset.  I do hope there aren't a million story lines going on though, like OUA

You are so excited! I think you mean Wonderland

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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I love your description and your reckless abandon with exclamation points. So you get a "like" from me for the sheer entertainment value of your post. :D



ETA: I get that you're talking about a show but I've never heard of it. Based on your description I absolutely must check it out.

I thought the exact same thing! I'm going to watch it solely based on her post.

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I thought the exact same thing! I'm going to watch it solely based on her post.


Yay!  I'm converting people to OUAT with the sheer awesomeness of my posts.  I rule!


Hook is Henry's Step-Grandfather. Him + Emma is almost incestuous when you look at it that way.


What?  How?  He would have to have been married to Regina, and I'm pretty sure they were never married.  It seems as though Hook and Regina may have had a relationship (though of what sort it's not been made perfectly clear), but even then, Emma and Hook are in no way related.  No incest!  They need a name.  Hemma?  Emmook?  

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what did I miss?


Hook ran off with Rumple's wife, making him Baelfire/Neal's de-facto step-dad.  Which is why he was saying to Emma how much he missed Neal too.  They met when Baelfire first got to Neverland, and then they were together there for years, but it's unclear what interactions they had while there.  Hook got all fatherly when he realized who Bael was, but when Bael realized who Hook was he got mad at him and left.

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Hook ran off with Rumple's wife, making him Baelfire/Neal's de-facto step-dad.  Which is why he was saying to Emma how much he missed Neal too.  They met when Baelfire first got to Neverland, and then they were together there for years, but it's unclear what interactions they had while there.  Hook got all fatherly when he realized who Bael was, but when Bael realized who Hook was he got mad at him and left.


Oh, that's right.  It's all so complicated.  Still, no blood relations between Hook and Emma, so bring it on!

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Hook is Henry's Step-Grandfather. Him + Emma is almost incestuous when you look at it that way.


Milah ran off with Hook, but I don't remember it being said that they'd gotten married.


I don't think it would matter anyway since it happened so long before they met.

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I can't WAIT for OUAT Neverland  Wonderland.  There had better be loads and loads of the Mad Hatter though or I'm going to be seriously upset.  I do hope there aren't a million story lines going on though, like OUAT.  


Sorry ladies, but Jefferson/Mad Hatter isn't in Wonderland right now.  He's busy with filming Captain America 2.  He might pop up later in the season, but TPTB have said he's not slated to appear anytime soon.

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Hook ran off with Rumple's wife, making him Baelfire/Neal's de-facto step-dad.  Which is why he was saying to Emma how much he missed Neal too.  They met when Baelfire first got to Neverland, and then they were together there for years, but it's unclear what interactions they had while there.  Hook got all fatherly when he realized who Bael was, but when Bael realized who Hook was he got mad at him and left.


This is just too much like my Southern family. Yeah, technically, it's not, but it seems like it is (it = incestuous).

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I think I must have been in the wrong state of mind to watch OUAT because I was disappointed. Possibly it could have been the fact that I was watching it with my dh and he was making negative comments that colored my view. But for a show that essentially "jumped the shark" at its premiere, I thought it had actually reached the point of "jumping the shark" with this season. Plus that acting seemed so forced.  :unsure: 


I really love this show so I hope things look better next week. I'm not quite ready to let go of OUAT yet.

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This is just too much like my Southern family. Yeah, technically, it's not, but it seems like it is (it = incestuous).


Eh, it doesn't bother me.  Maybe it's because my great-grandparents were first cousins (their fathers were brothers-ewwww!), and my great aunt (their daughter) married her second cousin.  It's not something *I* would do, but in the mid-late 1800's (my greats were born in the 1860's), I guess it wasn't that big of a deal.  In this context, Hook and Emma are very far apart in my book.  Knowing my relatives, the family tree should have branched a bit more.  


BTW, *my* parents also share a common ancestor, but it was in the 1500's, so I guess that's okay. ;)

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I thought it felt forced, yet I was totally captivated.  I also thought the 'dark one's voice sounded . . .weird.  almost like there was an effect on it.  I wasnt TOO surprised that he was pan, only because his accent made me really wonder who he was - the other lost boys didnt sound like that.  


I'm pretty sure the mermaids were mostly evil in the original story - they just had a thing for pan.  


I'm starting to wonder if they shot themselves in the foot casting Henry - they often choose short actors who can pass for younger than they are, but now he's starting to look like he's not going to ever have a growth spurt.  


I know i'm the only one, but i'm still hoping for Emma and Neil.  

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Eh, it doesn't bother me.  Maybe it's because my great-grandparents were first cousins (their fathers were brothers-ewwww!), and my great aunt (their daughter) married her second cousin.  It's not something *I* would do, but in the mid-late 1800's (my greats were born in the 1860's), I guess it wasn't that big of a deal.  In this context, Hook and Emma are very far apart in my book.  Knowing my relatives, the family tree should have branched a bit more.  


BTW, *my* parents also share a common ancestor, but it was in the 1500's, so I guess that's okay. ;)


I'm speaking more recently. One sister married our stepmother's brother. The other sister was married to our stepsister's ex and is now married to our stepmother's nephew. Apparently, the one husband's family tree bumps into my stepmother's several ways. We have cousins that are also half siblings. And yeah, you go back to the 1600's to 1800's it's quite common to marry your cousin...so we have cousins that are cousins at least three different ways.

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Okay, after watching it, my first reaction was that it couldn't possibly have been on for more than 30 minutes. I didn't check the time though so I'm not sure. I thought they spent a lot of time doing nothing.


I'm glad it is back, but I hope the producers/writers don't sit on their laurels and actually make this season interesting.

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Think of it from Rumple's view: the guy who stole his wife going after his (as far as he knows) dead son's baby mama. Yeah.....



:smilielol5:    This strikes me as hilarious right now.  I think I probably need more coffee.



:boxing_smiley:   Think it'll come down to a fight between Hook and Bae over Emma?    



I'm speaking more recently. One sister married our stepmother's brother. The other sister was married to our stepsister's ex and is now married to our stepmother's nephew. Apparently, the one husband's family tree bumps into my stepmother's several ways. We have cousins that are also half siblings. And yeah, you go back to the 1600's to 1800's it's quite common to marry your cousin...so we have cousins that are cousins at least three different ways.


That sounds confusing to read. I can't imagine how confusing it must have been IRL.

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That sounds confusing to read. I can't imagine how confusing it must have been IRL.


One nephew calls the other aunt's husband "cuncle" because he is both cousin and uncle to nephew. Thankfully, I am just "aunt" and my husband is from out of state :P I'm going to have to move to Texas so my kids can find non-relatives to marry.

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One nephew calls the other aunt's husband "cuncle" because he is both cousin and uncle to nephew. Thankfully, I am just "aunt" and my husband is from out of state :p I'm going to have to move to Texas so my kids can find non-relatives to marry.


Even in Texas ya gotta be careful where ya go to avoid those types of situations.  Where I live, it's relatively safe. :laugh:


I have to admit that my own family mini-drama in which my dad's brother adopted my mom's great-niece doesn't sound nearly as dramatic anymore.

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Finally got caught up last night (I watch with DH and he's been out of town). Agree with much of what's been said so far. Hook is fabulous. I'm anxious for Emma to step up and own her magic, etc. I have no interest in her and Neal getting back together. I'd much prefer an Emma/Hook thing. But mostly I'm so bored with Snow & Charming I can't see straight. I miss them from 1st season in the enchanted forest. They've been crazy dull since the curse was broken. But Snow had arrows in the last scene, so maybe....?

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Oh, and I'm going to have to pull the episode back up to quote, but Regina said something to Snow in their argument over the mermaid about unicorns and rainbows that was completely fantastic. I love when Regina gets sarcastic.


ETA: here: http://youtu.be/ZlFyvenwJCI


"Win her over with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers?!"  :lol:

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Well I'm behind all of you. I just started watching it on netflix - season 1 episode 12.


I'm hooked! But why is it that I'm so intrigued by Rumple? He should be creeping me out, but there is a

strange attraction to the little scum.


It's because he's hot. ;)  Check out Stargate Universe after you catch up with OUaT.

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