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What Craft/Hobby Thing are you doing this week? week 8


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Hi All.... our weekly installment of the craft and hobby thread.


Please share what you're working on, no matter how small. 




We went to the world Maker Faire in NYC this past Fri/Sat.  I wasn't overly impressed. DH was disappointed that it appears to have been taken over by corporate sponsors.  We were hoping to see more mom/pop labor-of-love type inventions and creative items.  Someone in one of the lines (and there were LOTS of those) said that 2 years ago, it was much more local and mom/pop like.  Oh well.  We'll try one of our local ones and see if it's more to our liking.


I also pulled the shawl off the loom.  Only thing left is to twist the fringe.  I'm planning on donating this to my parish for our ethnic bazaar in Nov.  Here it is.  As you can see it still have loose threads that need to be trimmed.  I haven't wet finished it yet either.  I'll do that after the fringe is done.




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Hi All.... our weekly installment of the craft and hobby thread.


Please share what you're working on, no matter how small. 




We went to the world Maker Faire in NYC this past Fri/Sat.  I wasn't overly impressed. DH was disappointed that it appears to have been taken over by corporate sponsors.  We were hoping to see more mom/pop labor-of-love type inventions and creative items.  Someone in one of the lines (and there were LOTS of those) said that 2 years ago, it was much more local and mom/pop like.  Oh well.  We'll try one of our local ones and see if it's more to our liking.


I also pulled the shawl off the loom.  Only thing left is to twist the fringe.  I'm planning on donating this to my parish for our ethnic bazaar in Nov.  Here it is.  As you can see it still have loose threads that need to be trimmed.  I haven't wet finished it yet either.  I'll do that after the fringe is done.



The scarf is beautiful.  Do you have another one going on the loom next?


I did a crochet edging to a baby sized blanket this weekend.  Honestly I just happened to have some of the polka dot backing I used on the ladybug lovey (which was a huge hit with my sister's friend's little girl) and my mom just got one of those hole cutting rotary blades so I wanted to play.  I think it turned out nicely.  I haven't taken a picture of it yet though.  I am also working on a smaller tote bag.  I am going to start another statement wreath.  This one will be fall themed and for my mom.  I am going to make a turkey to mount in the center of it.


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I finished a quilt top and backing on Saturday - yay!


I am going to a free motion quilting class tonight. I am hoping that I'll be able to quilt this one on my own after a bit of practice. 


Yesterday I cut and assembled blocks for another quilt, so this week I will assemble the blocks into the quilt top. I'll have to wait to do the backing - the quilt shop doesn't have the fabric I want yet, but it's been ordered. I hope it comes soon - this will be the first quilt I've done that I'm giving as a gift. I'm using these fabrics. 







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I'm nearly done with the first of a pair of socks for dh--just have to graft the toe. And then start the second sock. I have only fallen victim to Second Sock Syndrome once. I've heard that you should cast on the second sock as soon as you finish the first to avoid SSS. That's normally what I do. And since plain socks are good knitting while monitoring dd's math work I'll get some progress made on that second sock.


Oh, just remembered. Last Christmas dd gave me this ball of crazy yarn--Festive Fur it's called. I *had* to use it; it was a gift, after all. So I finally figured out I could make a cowl. Yeah, here it is:



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DD and I bought all the supplies yesterday to make her Halloween costume-the winged version of the Uraeus, symbol of the Egyptian pharaohs as under the protection of the Goddess Wadjet-and that also overlaps her favorite Neopet (a Desert Hissi, for those who know that particular website). This is going to be another "And what are you supposed to be?" year again-I can tell.

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binding my Fall themed full size quilt.  It has been in the upper 90s low 100s up until this weekend.  So now, it will be nice to cozy up with this quilt and get the hand sewing done on the binding.  Still making lacey scarves.  My MIL arrives today (OY!)  Hoping to finish one of the scarves so I can give it to her before she leaves.  They aren't hard, just takes time and we have much running around scheduled wither her. 

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I'm loving all these creative things people are doing!    Halloween!  Yikes.  We've never really participated beyond having candy and a family movie night on that evening.  But, with youngest in school, it's become something I've had to pay more attention too.  Also, we moved into a more traditional neighborhood, so the pressure's on.  Fortunately, he's at a Montessori school and they do something called "Halloween  Heroes"... the kids can only pick someone real (but I wonder if she'd allow mythology).  Head-mistress is trying to avoid witches and zombies and such.  Anyway, it's makes it much easier for me..  I'm not much of a sewer.  One year ds went as a Spartan. 


I've got a baby blanket started on the loom for a grand-niece due next month. 

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I also pulled the shawl off the loom.  Only thing left is to twist the fringe.  I'm planning on donating this to my parish for our ethnic bazaar in Nov.  Here it is.  As you can see it still have loose threads that need to be trimmed.  I haven't wet finished it yet either.  I'll do that after the fringe is done.



Absolutely gorgeous! I'm afraid you are peaking an interest in a new craft for me.

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The weaving is gorgeous!


I finished Rebecca's socks and gave them to her last night, and she's over the moon.  She put them on first thing this morning.


I cast on for a plastic bag holder in brown cotton, found the pattern on Pinterest.  I still have a baby sock going and I need to decide which I'll take to Sylvia's choir on Thursday.

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I've got the tunic sewn together around the collar and front. It needs some ironing before I can sew it together at the bottom hem. Then I'll turn it out through a sleeve and figure out how to finish the sleeves (not working from a standard pattern!)

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Debbi--what an exquisite shawl! 


I have wanted to attend a Maker Faire and, like you, would have been disappointed by the corporate focus.  That is just too bad. 


I had the sewing machine out twice this week for quick projects.  The first was a quick gift bag for some cardboard books, a gift for my grand-nephew.  I like to make drawstring or zippered bags to hold gifts in the hope that they will be repurposed.


On Sunday my husband came to me with a request.  He has a large toiletry bag dating back to the days before TSA insisted that toiletry items be placed in a quart zip bag.  He keeps his razor, toothbrush, etc. in that bag while placing liquids and gels in a quart bag when he flies.  But he said that the toiletry bag is unnecessarily large with those liquids and gels removed.  Could I sew him a smaller bag?


I turned to the Internet for tutorials. The one I liked the most produces a bag that was too large for my husband's needs but I wanted to link the tutorial here since someone will inevitably ask down the road about gifts to sew for men.  This "dopp kit" would be a great gift for a guy who is about to leave for college--or a good travel bag for Legos. 


What I ended up doing was making a version of this triangular sided bag.  (You might have to be a Craftster member to see the link.) The pattern was easy to draft and the bag came together easily despite lining it with a waterproof fabric. (I used my teflon presser foot when sewing the lining pieces so they would not slide.)  I am not sure if this bag is large enough to suit his purpose so we'll consider it version one.


Just a bit of knitting done this week.  Sigh.

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I did  faux roman shade for the small window in my TV room. I bought an extra curtain panel when I bought curtains for the big window (you can see one in the picture) and chopped it up for the roman shade-ish thing (it's totally fake--doesn't really raise and lower). Works well in the room, though! 




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That is so pretty!  So you cut holes at the edges and crocheted into them?  I would never have thought of that!


My mom has a blade that looks something like this one that makes little slits along the edge to make it easy.  I probably should have thought about the fact I was using a primarily black fabric as the holes were really hard to see.


Does a sock weight yarn that doesn't have wool in it?  I made myself a wool-ease hat last year and it makes my head itch like crazy.  I would hate to make socks and not be able to wear them.

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Does a sock weight yarn that doesn't have wool in it?


I recently saw this wool-free yarn at either Hobby Lobby or Joann. I haven't tried it so I can't say how well they turn out. Premiere Wool-free Sock on Ravelry.


Other choices I see are popular on Ravelry: Berroco Comfort Sock and Wendy Happy. I have no experience with these either but maybe the comments will be helpful.

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Thanks for the suggestions!  I know I have seen the Premiere brand at Hobby Lobby but it looks like Joann's only has it online (well the wool-free sock stuff at least).  I wonder what the odds are that it will still be on sale when the next low cost shipping will be...  2 balls of yarn should be enough to crochet a pair of socks right?

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I am coming late to the party, but man that shawl is nice! Great job!


This week I am busy getting all the baby stuff (no more babies allowed here :-( ) ready for a consignment sale, so not a lot of crafting time.


I did start working on my DH's christmas stocking, did a few rounds of some socks I have been working on randomly for months, and I am trying to get DS's cub scout patches sewn on. WHO designed the placement of those things!? They are a nightmare to get on. I mean really, who thought it was a great plan to have a patch that is to be sewn over the top of a pocket, but you cannot sew the pocket shut, and it hangs over the edge of a pocket? Who thought that it would be an even better idea to have multiple number of these things to add to the same pocket until you wanted to say things you wouldnt normally say...

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Finished object!


(Sorry for the bad picture!)



This is the actual colorway, since my photo is so terrible. It is Stroll Handpainted Sock yarn in 'Cartoons' from Knit Picks.



I have that same colorway!  I was going to make socks with it, but it was pooling in an odd way, so I'm going to rip them out and re-wind the yarn.  I think I have a pattern picked, but I need a contrasting yarn.  Are those for you?  I was thinking it might be nice to make Rebecca a pair like that, but I have to look for a pattern for smaller hands.

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I am coming late to the party, but man that shawl is nice! Great job!


This week I am busy getting all the baby stuff (no more babies allowed here :-( ) ready for a consignment sale, so not a lot of crafting time.


I did start working on my DH's christmas stocking, did a few rounds of some socks I have been working on randomly for months, and I am trying to get DS's cub scout patches sewn on. WHO designed the placement of those things!? They are a nightmare to get on. I mean really, who thought it was a great plan to have a patch that is to be sewn over the top of a pocket, but you cannot sew the pocket shut, and it hangs over the edge of a pocket? Who thought that it would be an even better idea to have multiple number of these things to add to the same pocket until you wanted to say things you wouldnt normally say...


LOL - you've reminded me I need to sew some patches on my son's uniform too.  Yes, they are a major pain. Definitely designed by men who didn't get the sewing patch :laugh:


Thanks for the complement on the shawl.

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I have that same colorway! I was going to make socks with it, but it was pooling in an odd way, so I'm going to rip them out and re-wind the yarn. I think I have a pattern picked, but I need a contrasting yarn. Are those for you? I was thinking it might be nice to make Rebecca a pair like that, but I have to look for a pattern for smaller hands.

Here is the pattern. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/fitted-mitts

It would be pretty easy to cast on fewer stitches and make a smaller version, but it is a pretty small size to begin with. It stretches to fit a lot of hand sizes.

Here is a terrible picture of my gloves (same pattern, different colorway) on my 10 yo son:



(He wants you to know how much dignity this cost him. I explained that it was for a good cause LOL).


The yarn pooled badly for me too, when I increased for the thumb. There were tons of little hanging loops inside the glove, all neatly woven in now, where I moved to a different color to avoid the pooling. I am not sure how that will work for you--you might be ok if you start with fewer repeats and make a smaller thumb gusset.

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Here is the pattern. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/fitted-mitts

It would be pretty easy to cast on fewer stitches and make a smaller version, but it is a pretty small size to begin with. It stretches to fit a lot of hand sizes.

Here is a terrible picture of my gloves (same pattern, different colorway) on my 10 yo son:



(He wants you to know how much dignity this cost him. I explained that it was for a good cause LOL).


The yarn pooled badly for me too, when I increased for the thumb. There were tons of little hanging loops inside the glove, all neatly woven in now, where I moved to a different color to avoid the pooling. I am not sure how that will work for you--you might be ok if you start with fewer repeats and make a smaller thumb gusset.



Thank you so much!  And tell your DS I appreciate his modeling!

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