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Apologia Physical Science....sigh...

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I almost bought this last year. I almost bought it this year. We are old earth, evolutionists, so I keep not buying it. But...science is not getting done. So, I was thinking I can just deal with the anti evolution stuff and buy it. Untill I read their description, where they say it refutes the hysterical environmentalist theories. Yeah...that's not going to work for us. We actually believe those "hysterical" environmentalists. 


So...no buy. But before I click on stuff from Kolbe, anyone want to tell me that I'm over reacting, and that the Apologia text actually doesn't have much in it about global warming, and it would be perfectly appropriate for someone that thinks the earth is billions of years old?

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Are you specifically looking for physical science? If you don't mind different science topics in a year from an old-earth, evolutionist standpoint, but still theistic, check out Behold and See 6 by Catholic Heritage Curricula. With the workbooks it's user friendly. It can be used between 6-8 grades.

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You won't hear it from me and I don't accept "hysterical" environmental theories as a given, so there is far more to dislike than that. ;) It is definitely YEC and the tone toward the opposing POV is rather degrading. My kids think Wiles is preachy and overbearing. We eliminated Apologia as an option about 8 or 9 yrs ago.

Yes, and that too. 8filltheheart hit the nail on the head for me. Just had a chance to see one of the books firsthand (the one with dinosaurs). The fact that they cherry pick from the Bible and make leaps in logic and.. Uh, no. I could never use this stuff.

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You won't hear it from me and I don't accept "hysterical" environmental theories as a given, so there is far more to dislike than that. ;) It is definitely YEC and the tone toward the opposing POV is rather degrading. My kids think Wiles is preachy and overbearing. We eliminated Apologia as an option about 8 or 9 yrs ago.




Dd took it and Apologia Biology through a learning center.  I remember her writing on one test that it was inappropriate for the author to write test questions about his opinions rather than the actual facts presented in the course.

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Thanks all! I ended up signing up for the Time 4 Learning Highschool program,a nd will have him do physical science there. I'll add in our normal documentaries, podcasts, whatever, and he goes to a science class once a week where he will get some hands on, discussion, etc. I think this will work. 


Oh, and as for Kolbe, it's a Catholic school that has lesson plans for Prentice Hall physical science. 

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I always wondered on the marketing statement with the strong wording on the warming issue.  I was expecting the actual text in the book to be wile going wacko and sound like a radio talker....   but when we go to those pages, we thought it was more a lesson on how to read data charts instead of just accepting dramatic headlines on a topic,  and how wile thinks it's better to spend time on cleaning water for everyone on earth.   he was clear on his position on warming, but I thought the lesson was more about reading and interpretating data.


but I can totally understand that it would turn people off to use other things. and do always wish he  hadn't done the marketing that way....  so just mostly saying ((hugs)) as you search for the right thing.

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I lean towards YEC and I still find the tone in Apologia to be too heavy. They spend way too much time putting down the other POV and talking about opinions. It annoys me, and if it annoys me when I lean their direction in beliefs, I'm sure it would be like nails on a chalkboard to someone who didn't. I've been looking at alternatives as well.

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So what would be a good curriculum for late elementary science? Especially for a mom who doesn't have a great science education and isn't really sure where she stands?

You could follow the suggestions in TWTM.


You could search for science posts by regentrude.


I don't have an answer. I know where I stand, I am on kid number three, and still don't know what to do about science. :)



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So what would be a good curriculum for late elementary science? Especially for a mom who doesn't have a great science education and isn't really sure where she stands?

 I lean to young earth but don't have a whole lot of problem with thiestic evolution or Old Earth type stuff either. To be honest I don't give it a whole lot of thought. I believe God created the world but all the how's of it are a mystery and we just do our best to figure it out. But, the point of it all I am not sure. 


I like Jeannie Fulbright Elementary Apologia Exploring Creation series. She has responded to me on the yahoo boards for this curriculum and has stated that it is certainly reasonable to use this into 8th grade. There is not an Earth Science yet so I was going to just get various books on that to read.  I don't consider her to be too heavy handed. She is young earth and mentions things from time to time in her books against evolution or why evolution is wrong. We just read it and talk about it matter of factually.


My son goes through two books a year (he is a 6th grader this year) This means one lesson a week. Totally doable for the older elementary kid. The books are beautiful and I love how God is mentioned frequently about His beautiful creation. The most important thing to me in a science curriculum is that God get's the glory. I am a little trepidatious of the high school Apologia written by Dr. Wile. I really don't mind young earth but I don't want preachy, but I MUST have a curriculum that gives God the credit for creation and talks about Him through the science. I don't feel there is a whole lot to choose from.  


Jeannie Fulbrights science curriculum is really wonderful!

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So what would be a good curriculum for late elementary science? Especially for a mom who doesn't have a great science education and isn't really sure where she stands?


Not in a textbook.   Seriously.   Textbooks are just not necessary.   Whole books on lots of different topics will provide a completely solid science foundation for upper level science.   (actually, imho, better than kids that spend all of elementary and middle school reading textbooks.)

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We are only on module 2 (Air), and while it is YEC I have not had an issue with the tone, and have not seen a single thing yet that is about global warming, though that may come up.  We are old earth creationists so YEC does not match our beliefs so we just chuckle when YEC stuff comes up and replace it with our own beliefs.  I have not found anything to be overly preachy or a particular tone.  It says things like "God created blah blah blah and it is perfect because of that" or whatever but nothing over the top imo.  It certainly wouldn't work for everyone just like any other curriculum out there but I wouldn't discount it completely without actually looking at it as opposed to just a description kwim.

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So what would be a good curriculum for late elementary science? Especially for a mom who doesn't have a great science education and isn't really sure where she stands?


I've been buying used Holt or Glencoe science books and teacher manuals off Amazon.    


Here is another thread about the Holt book for middle school--http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/457600-fyi-holt-science-math-textbooks-workbooks-pdf/


This year I decided to use Glencoe Science Human Body Systems.  THe book is meant to be a unit study for middle school, but I am taking all my younger kids through it.  (K-7th grade).  I supplement with some other books that help explain things for the young ones.  

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Dd took it and Apologia Biology through a learning center. I remember her writing on one test that it was inappropriate for the author to write test questions about his opinions rather than the actual facts presented in the course.

I think I would like your daughter. The OP could also do a search for Lewelma's posts there is heaps of good advice there.

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Oh, and as for Kolbe, it's a Catholic school that has lesson plans for Prentice Hall physical science. 


We used the PH text that Kolbe uses and really liked it. It is a high school level text, WAY beyond what Apologia does for Physical Science which is definitely middle school level. If Time4Learning doesn't work out, I have seen secular homeschoolers say the Kolbe plans work great for them. (search the high school board for more on Kolbe's plans)



I have learned that I like Apologia Chemistry and I will probably try Physics for my non-science guy. In those books the YE creation stuff is light enough I can reassure you, you can ignore it or laugh it off. OTOH, I wouldn't touch Apologia for Earth Science (part of Physical) or Biology. The beliefs are just too heavy handed in any of the Christian texts on those subjects (and we are Christians).

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Not in a textbook.   Seriously.   Textbooks are just not necessary.   Whole books on lots of different topics will provide a completely solid science foundation for upper level science.   (actually, imho, better than kids that spend all of elementary and middle school reading textbooks.)

You have given me hope.

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OH boy..My DD is taking Physical Science at a co-op and they use Apologia.  We are Christian, but not YE.  I was reading through her book last night and alternatly laughing and incredulous in disbelief that Wile has so many non scientific opinions in that book.  All his opinions about the environment etc..  Well, it is just physical science so we just talk about it.  We will not use Apologia again.

I am going to look at Kolbe again.  I have looked at them for literature, so I will take a peek at science.

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OH boy..My DD is taking Physical Science at a co-op and they use Apologia.  We are Christian, but not YE.  I was reading through her book last night and alternatly laughing and incredulous in disbelief that Wile has so many non scientific opinions in that book.  All his opinions about the environment etc..  Well, it is just physical science so we just talk about it.  We will not use Apologia again.

I am going to look at Kolbe again.  I have looked at them for literature, so I will take a peek at science.



Could you give an example or two from Physical Science?  We're only on Chapter 3, but I haven't seen anything out of line yet.  Well, my husband disagreed with Wile's opinion about not having actually seen an atom, and so our family talked about that at dinnertime, but other than that, I haven't seen anything that really disturbs me. Just wondering what I should look out for.

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He has lots of opinions or slanted views in module 2 that are not the current common scientific theory.  Of course they are just opinions, but that is not what I am hoping to find in a science text.  He seems to point out that there isn't global warming.  That the ozone "hole" is not a problem.  My dh was irritated with that since he's from Australia.  He mentions that world leaders are very uninformed.  He talks about cost/benefit analysis.  Is this actually science or is this economics?   That all seems weird to me to be in a science textbook.  Anyway, there's enough science to make it a course and DD teacher uses other resources to supplement as well.  We will just talk about things as needed.

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