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I have a thrower-upper...anyone else? How normal/abnormal?


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It seems like my son (7) throws up for no good reason...meaning he doesn't have a tummy bug or known illness (longterm or short term).  It seems like this happens as his body's response to being overtired.....or even a headache (he gets sinus issues).     He throws up, goes to sleep and then wakes up fine.   He's always sort of been that way.  It doesn't happen super-often (maybe once a month?  give or take) but I don't like that I can't really pinpoint a cause.   




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A couple of my kids are like that. They were reflux babies. In fact, I don't automatically assume those children are ill just because they vomit. It's rather odd when other people are around though. Everyone's lack of concern at the vomiting child is almost comical.

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I had a thrower-upper, but she was a little different than yours. My dd (now 9) threw up a lot when a baby and toddler. If she did a large burp she would proceed to puke. We once had a terrifying experience in a fast food joint when we heard her give a huge belch and were horrified she was going to throw up in front of all the other customers eating their supper. Fortunately, on that occasion, she didn't. Anyway, all that to say, she suffered from reflux as a baby and small child and seemed to have a hair-trigger gag reflex. We took her to an ENT dr when she was 6 and found out that her tonsils were extremely large. He offered to remove them, but wasn't sure it would solve all the problems. We decided to wait and see what happened and fortunately she just grew out of it. She still has a tendency to throw up, much more so than her sister, but is much better.

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My son does that due to sinus drainage. We increased his allergy meds to keep his sinuses clear, and he has been vomit free for 6 months. I know of a child that has gluten issues (negative for celiac) that caused that same issue. Allergies to foods are a common cause of vomiting, but docs will label it cyclic vomiting if they cannot find a cause. It is the IBS of the tummy lol. Keeping looking. You will find the cause and a solution, but it takes time. For us it took a couple of years of trying things to pin it down.

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A couple of my kids are like that. They were reflux babies. In fact, I don't automatically assume those children are ill just because they vomit. It's rather odd when other people are around though. Everyone's lack of concern at the vomiting child is almost comical.

One day we were hiking when our 8 year old threw up behind our car in the parking lot. I had to tell my DH to stand by him so that we didn't look like total losers-just chatting around the map while our poor child was vomiting. He also had reflux as a baby.

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Yes, my DS throws up frequently for no apparent reason. It used to frustrate me to no end that he would throw up at school and I would have to go pick him up, but as soon as we would get home it was obvious that he was fine.

He would throw up if the cafeteria smelled "bad". He threw up when the boy sitting next to him made a nasty mess with his own food. He would vomit after eating breakfast at school. He would vomit in PE after physical activity. He will vomit at bedtime for no reason. Sometimes when we would go out to eat, he would be fine one minute and vomiting the next.


His is not one reason, but a combination of many. He is sensitive to smells and has a strong gag reflex. If he is congested, he will cough and gag which will lead to throwing up. When he was little he often ate very fast and did not chew his food well. The food would come back up looking like it did before it went down. And we recently found out that he has a sensitivity to milk and will sometimes throw up after drinking milk or eating ice cream.

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I am apparently city Mouses son, lol.minus the milk sensitivity. I just throw up easy. My family is used to it, especially if I have a cold- cough, cough, run and throw up, come back and continue the conversation. It's not fun, but it's not a terribly big deal.


I know a few kids absolutely terrified to throw up, they get full on panic attacks about it. I think it's better to have one that throws up easily than that.

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LOL, we have definitely had our share of sudden unprovoked throw-ups in restaurants and cars!   At least now he knows if it is coming.... and I can kind of read the signs too.  

When he was younger I chalked it up to a super-sensitive gag reflex.


I have wondered about an allergy/sinus connection.  He gets what I call the "red eyes" a lot.   I would think with food allergies it be a more regular occurrence?  

I'm not sure.   He is allergic to pencillin.    

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I have one, but mine is so insanely predictable. Headache. Then, unless we react with medicine and gatorade/water within 30 minutes, one vomit episode. Then off to bed. We haven't had any testing done but we're 92% sure it's a blood sugar thing. Kid is very skinny and this always happens after long, full days. On said days where there's lots of food and snacking - totally fine.

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My ds14 threw up every day when he was a baby. As he got older, he threw up less and less. Now it's only if he is sick (even from a cough), if he over does exercise (like on a long hike), or if he's car sick. He also has a keen sense of smell and a strong gag reflex. His pediatrician said that some kids are just like that, but usually outgrow it.


It's one of those things you learn to deal with. We are fortunate that it has gotten better with age.

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My oldest was this way.  We used to joke "Please wait until we're away from the restaurant windows before you throw up."  Eventually I learned the triggers, sugary/carbonated drinks after getting hot/running or too much food at one time, were the usual culprits.  He eventually outgrew it, I think around age 8 or 9.


As a baby he used to drench me, but he was growing fine so his doc didn't worry.  

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My son and daughter both were vomit monsters.  DD would do it on purpose to get her way.  She eventually outgrew this habit.  DS though seems to be keeping the sport alive and well.  He doesn't do it for spite, but because he has an easy gag reflex.  He coughs and he pukes.  Now that we've figured out the signs we know to be ready to bolt - and to never sit at the back of a restaurant.  I'm fairly certain our local Cracker Barrel has us on the "blacklist" since he has yakked twice there.  I suspect it is caused by not chewing his food and also over eating.  He has tested negative for food allergies.

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this is abnormal.


has he seen a gastroenterologist to see if there is something physically wrong?

or an endocrinologist to see if his system is in good balance?


sensory processing kids can throw up for no 'good' reason.

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My daughter's pediatric neurologist with PHX Children's Hospital explained that the nerve at the base of the skull, where it meets the top of the neck is used to vomit.  Some people whose skulls fit especially tight or who have alignment problems in their spines often have a tendency to vomit more easily and/or  to vomit with migraines (like my daughter.) My chiropractor who treats infants for reflux, colic, and crying in with spinal alignment problems (caused by breech positioning, c-sections, and vacuum/forceps extractions)  says the same thing.

If you're planning on seeing someone for migraines, see a pediatric neurologist that specializes in headaches (not all of them do.) Seeing your ped or a GP is a complete waste of time and money.

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