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Do you still have your wedding dress?


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Yes, I still have mine, but I don't fit in it.  Something about being 5'8" and about 125 at the time.  I had it professionally cleaned and sealed in a box.  In our old house, I had it in the basement in a cedar closet.  I think it had fallen off the high shelf.  When the house flooded 17 years ago (19 inches of rain in one night), it was floating in the basement.  I had it recleaned and sealed.  I am hoping dd will want it, but if she doesn't, I may cut it up and make something out of it.  We already have a family heirloom of a baptismal gown, but it is pretty tiny - meant for tiny baby less than a month old.  My monster babies barely fit in it. 

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I gave mine to my sister who was watching her budget, and she had it cut down a bit for her.  So, used twice, too, and I'm betting she moved it on.  Not much of a sentimental bone in her body. 


I do still have the tea length one I wore the second time.  I should probably see how well Oxyclean works on old spots.  :(  That one would probably fit!

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Yes. I don't know if my daughter will want to wear it.


I know someone who did not have a family member to pass hers to. She hung onto it and thought about giving it to Salvation Army. However, a friend of a friend was getting married and did not have a lot of money for a wedding. My friend's dress fit the bride and with a few alterations, the bride had a beautifully tailored dress. The bride cleaned it and put it away for her daughter. You never know if your dress could bless someone and really make their wedding day special. M friend is so glad she gave it to someone instead of donating to a thrift shop.

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Yes, I still have mine.  I often think about donating it, but as a pp stated, what kind of hard hearted woman gets rid of her wedding dress.  Plus, I don't think my dh would ever forgive me for donating the dress.  He is still upset I dyed my wedding shoes purple to match a bridesmaid dress.  He thought that was just awful and I thought I was being so practical.

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I still have it.  It's a simple style but one that goes really well with my body shape.


  I saved it just in case one of my girls wanted to wear it.  My oldest repeatedly told me that she had no intention of ever wearing my dress......EVER.  Flash forward to 6 months before her wedding when she was crying over the frustration of finding an affordable dress that flattered *her* body shape.  I pulled out my dress and said, "Don't worry.  I'm not going to insist that you wear this one.  I just want you to try it on so you can see how flattering an antebellum waist is on you....."


She tried it on.


She looked in the mirror.


I assured her that I wouldn't be hurt if she removed the two [small] bows at the shoulders. 


That dress was HERS.


Now it's back in the closet waiting for my youngest [someday far, far in the future] because, at this point in time, she's sure that she too wants to wear that dress.

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I have mine. I just threw it back in the bag after the wedding- never cleaned it. Every few yrs I unzip it and marvel at how tiny I was, get depressed and swear to go on a diet..


I'd love to make something out of the train. Ornaments, baptismal gown, blankets... But who has time?


My girls are still little but I guess I'll save it just in case

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Yes, I still have mine.  I had it professionally preserved and have not opened the box.  I truly loved that dress.  It was perfect.  As was the Juliette cap headpiece that I had custom made to match.  I'm not sentimental about much.. but I am about that dress!  The box is big but there's plenty of other stuff I can get rid of first if I need the space.

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Yes, and my dd just wore it for her wedding on August, 9th.







I just tried mine on, it still fits, perfectly. DS asked me if I was saving it for DD. DD replied that she likes it and wants to wear it, if it's not up to her knees. :) I won't hold her to it, but I will hold on to it.

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I have mine. I have no idea if my dd would be interested in wearing it. She will likely be taller than me. She will be trim enough I think! She LOVES looking at it. It was a $$$ designer silk dress with hand beading. It's actually a really simple A line with a tiny train (I had a big veil). So I will repurpose it in some way at some point if my dd show no interest (which is absolutely fine with me, whatever she decides to do).


My mom had her wedding dress but it was hideous. Very 60's/flower child style. No way was I wearing that in 1999. The style of my dress could have been in a picture from almost any era. It's very simple/classic. So it is possible.

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