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How would you handle something like this?

Pamela H in Texas

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Guest submarines

I just asked DH for his legal advice. lol


He said that the only thing that could satisfy both conditions (ruining his reputation and endangering his life) would be saying or doing something that would make someone else jealous. For example, a female insinuating that his change of appearance was done to purposefully make himself attractive to her. DH, being a lawyer,refuses to give a more specific reply.

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OP said that it would not only endanger his life, but also ruin his reputation. So while the above scenario, with some stretch, might endanger his life, I'm not sure then, about his reputation.


(I'm just really intrigued and am enjoying the puzzle!)


I think the mooning scenario is actually a credible threat to his reputation.  More so than a threat to his life (which is not just a stretch, but a massive leap IMO). 


Pamela mentioned that her DH is a manager.  Even though I'm assuming he did absolutely nothing to provoke this, just imagine other employees witnessing something like this.  A female employee has her pants down and is mooning her male manager.  That makes everyone in that situation look bad.   Something like that will spread through the workplace like nobody's business.  And each time the story gets told, it gets embellished a bit.  And everyone speculates as to what is going on between Pamela's DH and this female employee (the fact that there's nothing going on and that this woman is just a nut job doesn't matter). 


Pamela - we can keep going like this all night.  Please don't make us do that.  Spill.  :p

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I just asked DH for his legal advice. lolHe said that the only thing that could satisfy both conditions (ruining his reputation and endangering his life) would be saying or doing something that would make someone else jealous. For example, a female insinuating that his change of appearance was done to purposefully make himself attractive to her. DH, being a lawyer,refuses to give a more specific reply.

So basically, you're saying that there probably was no chainsaw? :eek:


Thanks for nothing. Now I'm back to square one. :glare:


;) ;) ;) ;)



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Guest submarines

So basically, you're saying that there probably was no chainsaw? :eek:


Thanks for nothing. Now I'm back to square one. :glare:


;) ;) ;) ;)



I'm sure a true lawyer can work a chainsaw in the scenario. I'm going to go and test whether he's a good lawyer. Be on stand-by.

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Guest submarines

This is verbatim from my DH:


"Okay, a chainsaw. So they are in forestry. Let's see. The female employee gave the shaved guy the chainsaw that she was about to give as a gift to her husband. That's all that I have. Is this a creativity test? Where are you going? Tell me if it is a creativity test!"

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This is verbatim from my DH:


"Okay, a chainsaw. So they are in forestry. Let's see. The female employee gave the shaved guy the chainsaw that she was about to give as a gift to her husband. That's all that I have. Is this a creativity test? Where are you going? Tell me if it is a creativity test!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Maybe we should stop messing with his head now... :D

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Guest submarines

I'm starting to wonder if Pamela's real story pales in comparison to the stuff we've been coming up with, and now she's embarrassed to tell us what happened. ;)


In retrospect, I probably never should have mentioned the chainsaw..... :blush:

It can't pale in comparison, because we can't come up with a serious scenario, and I know Pamela as a serious and thoughtful person (from her posts).


So I doubt she exaggerated that her DH's life and reputation are in real danger.


I. need. to. know.



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Guest submarines

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Maybe we should stop messing with his head now... :D

Yeah, to be honest, I expected something more impressive from him. I might question him in another hour. I'll tell him his chainsaw story doesn't add up. :D

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It can't pale in comparison, because we can't come up with a serious scenario, and I know Pamela as a serious and thoughtful person (from her posts).


So I doubt she exaggerated that her DH's life and reputation are in real danger.


I. need. to. know.



I'm sure she would never exaggerate something like that, too.


I just can't figure out what it could have been! Whatever it was, it must have been pretty bad. :(


I hope it doesn't upset Pamela that we have been joking about this. I wouldn't want her to think for a minute that we were making light of her dh being in danger.

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Guest submarines

I'm sure she would never exaggerate something like that, too.


I just can't figure out what it could have been! Whatever it was, it must have been pretty bad. :(


I hope it doesn't upset Pamela that we have been joking about this. I wouldn't want her to think for a minute that we were making light of her dh being in danger.



I hope that the situation resolves quickly and completely.


I guess I got carried away with the "guessing game", but only because the OP *was* given really good advice and it seems that the serious aspects of her post were thoroughly addressed.


I really hope I didn't upset the OP or anyone.

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I hope that the situation resolves quickly and completely.


I guess I got carried away with the "guessing game", but only because the OP *was* given really good advice and it seems that the serious aspects of her post were thoroughly addressed.


I really hope I didn't upset the OP or anyone.

Same here! It really didn't even dawn on me until you posted about it being a serious scenario.

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I hope it doesn't upset Pamela that we have been joking about this. I wouldn't want her to think for a minute that we were making light of her dh being in danger.


I hope not.  


I'm actually not joking about the mooning scenario at all.  Back in 2000, I witnessed a mooning at a work party (it was a going away party for one of our managers).  Someone complained and it went to HR.  Multiple people were investigated and it turned into a very ugly situation that took several months to resolve. 

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I told a friend the whole story earlier.  She totally couldn't figure out how the woman went where she did from my hubby shaving his beard.  Here is what *I* think happened:


Hubby shaves beard leaving a thick mustache.

Men on jobsite tease him about being Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds and some less savory things (offensive in my mind, but just men being crude IRL).

This woman felt the need to one-up and just went too far.

Hubby called her on it with a reason why.

She did it again because she's an idiot.  


What I hope will happen?  It'll all blow over by Monday.  Maybe she went home and her boyfriend/hubby told her what an idiot she was doing that and what all the possible consequences could be.  Maybe she'll even apologize.  We can hope.


If not, hubby is "only" the safety coordinator so can take it to management (I will suggest HR for reasons cited earlier in this thread).  

Due to the nature of the incident, he really cannot just fuss at her or let it go.


Anyway, I just cannot disclose any further.  To be honest, I think there could be consequences to even that I'm not willing to risk (though, I know more reasonably that it is unlikely to come to that from an anonymous board...and that y'all even kinda like me so would wish us no harm. But this is where I am).


And I've enjoyed much of the thread that helped keep myself a bit lighter when I really just wanted to go handle the situation myself if you know what I mean. Stupid woman!  Why on earth do people have to be such idiots these days?



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Maybe we need to learn mustache grooming tips so he looks less like Tom Selleck.

Of course, really? People shouldn't have to change how they do things in order to not be teased (or worse).

I hope she cuts it out. It's crazy that an adult has to deal with immature behavior like that. My husband is s supervisor and complains that it is like babysitting a bunch of spoiled kids.


Laughing at the wild suggestions in this thread. Can you at least tell us if it was something she DID or SAID??

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Guest submarines

I hope it all ends well.


I must be missing something, but what's so terrible about being teased about looking like Tom Selleck or Burt Reynolds. I don't know much about them other than some movies and wikipedia. It is immature if the teasing goes on for too long, but if he just shaved his beard it is probably somewhat within normal, unless I'm missing something about the character of those actors.


Another actor that comes to mind is Borat / Sacha Baron Cohen. Is that it?


I really appreciate the update, but I'm even more confused than before.

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Maybe we need to learn mustache grooming tips so he looks less like Tom Selleck.

Of course, really? People shouldn't have to change how they do things in order to not be teased (or worse).

FWIW, I don't think any man should want to look less like Tom Selleck. ;)

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I hope it all ends well.


I must be missing something, but what's so terrible about being teased about looking like Tom Selleck or Burt Reynolds. I don't know much about them other than some movies and wikipedia. It is immature if the teasing goes on for too long, but if he just shaved his beard it is probably somewhat within normal, unless I'm missing something about the character of those actors.


Another actor that comes to mind is Borat / Sacha Baron Cohen. Is that it?


I really appreciate the update, but I'm even more confused than before.

Maybe it looks like a porn-stache?


I can't figure it out, either. :confused:

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Maybe we need to learn mustache grooming tips so he looks less like Tom Selleck.

Of course, really? People shouldn't have to change how they do things in order to not be teased (or worse).

There's never a reason to look less like Tom Selleck in my book. Remember him on Friends? <swoon>

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Guest submarines

Maybe it looks like a porn-stache?


I can't figure it out, either. :confused:

I just learn so much on these forums. Porn-stache. That's something.


I'm with the poster that she must have done something, like mooning, rather than just verbally insinuating something. Because even if she kept saying that OP's DH looks like a porn star, this can't really be interpreted in any serious manner as to get him killed, am I correct?


Darn, why am I so intrigued by the scenario? I really do need to know the truth! :D

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Guest submarines

So if you disclose her inapproriate *thing* your DH would somehow be in danger from us on this board?

I'm a bit confused how it would be dangerous to disclose this here on this board. I don't even need to know what the inappropriate thing is exactly, but I think I need to know how this could be dangerous, and why it can't be mentioned. I need those to be spelled out for me, please :D

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This thread has been equal parts hilarious and puzzling.


I'm thinking that a new Nancy Drew needs to be written to investigate this one: Nancy Drew and the Case of the Deadly Porn-Stache.


If anyone ever finds out how a mustache could endanger a man's life, PLEASE let me know!

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Guest submarines

But how do jokes/inappropriate sexual comments = "DANGEROUS + ruin his life + get him killed"?

That's exactly what I can't figure out.

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Ok, I'm only posting because I'm holding out some hope that Pam is PMing people who post to explain what in the world is really going on . . . So, Pam, ADD ME TO THE LIST!  Pretty please, with sugar on top.


I really hate that I'm about to say this but, did she make a stupid terrorist or religion joke?  That is super insensitive and at my husband's work is a terminating offense,  First time offense, no warnings.

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Guest submarines

Long live kilts, cupcakes, and the mustache!




(I will neither ask nor google what a porn-stach is.) :lol:

I'm trying to attach a poster of staches, but it might not work.


However, have no fear. If you google porn-stach, you mostly get photos of Tom Salleck. :D

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Guest submarines

Yeah, I just googled porn-stache.  Boy, did I get an eyeful.   :blink:

Yeah? I got mostly Tom Selleck and more Tom Selleck and more Tom Selleck. I'm not really a fan, but it wasn't too bad. :D

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Guest submarines

can someone please explain mooning. I am too afraid to google it incase it is something obscene

Mooning is the act of displaying one's bare buttocks by removing clothing, e.g., by lowering the backside of one's trousers and underpants, usually bending over, whether also exposing the genitals or not. Mooning is used mostly in the English-speaking world to express protest, scorn, disrespect, or provocation but can also simply be done for shock value or fun. Some jurisdictions regard mooning to be indecent exposure, sometimes depending on the context.(from Wikipedia)

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Ok, I'm only posting because I'm holding out some hope that Pam is PMing people who post to explain what in the world is really going on . . . So, Pam, ADD ME TO THE LIST!  Pretty please, with sugar on top.


I really hate that I'm about to say this but, did she make a stupid terrorist or religion joke?  That is super insensitive and at my husband's work is a terminating offense,  First time offense, no warnings.


yeah, me too!! I even asked my DH who (it seems) works in a similar environment, and we just can't come up with anything that is DANGEROUS

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Now I'm picturing Tom Selleck juggling a chainsaw while wearing this shirt ;)



If the inappropriate behavior is at all sexual (or religious or any other protected topic) in nature, DH really needs to move this up the ladder to protect himself. Especially as he is in a supervisory position. Say she turns things around and files a harassment claim. DH is her supervisor and participates in or allows the lewd joking or behavior. Guess who gets fired? HR for that company needs to come in and do some training to prevent all kinds of claims. It sounds like a pretty uncomfortable place to work. Why do people have to be jerks to each other at work? Just do your job and go home. It happens everywhere and always puzzles me.

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You say she did something dangerous that could get him killed. Why is he not reporting it the police? If not, he really, really needs to report it to his supervisor. If she is dangerous then someone needs to know. Workplace violence isn't something to brush off.


If he isn't safe then he needs to deal with it. She could be a danger to other people.

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