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Weird body rhythm and electronics phenomena--anyone else?

Halftime Hope

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A friend of mine has been complaining  about her cell phone for several months, a new one that just has not worked properly.  Her old one had been acting up and she replaced it, but the intermittent outages, screen distortion, dropped calls and missed messages just seem to be getting worse.  But over the past couple of months, the problems seems to have spread to her computers, too.   She couldn't get a DVD player to open or close two days ago, she's given up on using any computer in her house, etc.    She has several friends and middle-aged family members that report the same thing.  


Get this--they all have arrhythmias and they all feel that the problem is exacerbated when the arrhthymias are worse, such as when they forget to take a med.   


Have you ever heard of anything like this? 

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I've only found a few watches that I can wear that keep time correctly. Most lose minutes on the hour. Self-winding - forget it.


We had an old television that turned on when my son walked past it. So, no, stuff like this doesn't sound weird to me.

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Interesting... I am a firm believer in electrical pollution and radiofrequency sickness. It get really complicated... could write a book on it. I don't know where to start but stray currents can cause problems with electrical appliances as well as health (we are electrical beings.) They can come from either in their home (improper wiring) or through grounded currents through the earth entering their home (including living near substations and transmission lines) as well as transmitting smart meters, living near towers, or a transformer being near their home. I'll put a few links up on here about some websites that seem reliable. I know this because our cattle suffer greatly and I have started to develop muscle weakness due to it (try to move since it doesn't appear to be fixable!! UGH.) It is largely not excepted in the USA as a health problem, although some European countries acknowledge it. Health effects can be varied and some people are more susceptible than others. Arrhythmias, headaches, fatigue, cancers, rashes and decreased immune system function are common. Here are some websites that can tell you how to decrease your exposure to electrical pollution. Sometimes moving is the only way to get away from "hot spots" of ground current that are natural occurring or as a result of grounded currents from our (bad) electrical system. It's a good idea not to carry cell phones on you and turn off wifi when not in use (or just get a cable plug in modem and old-fashion corded phone!) Hope this helps and doesn't overwhelm you.





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I knew of a therapist that had problems with watches, much like the posters above.  She would burn through batteries like mad.  She was told her polarity was backwards or something like that and to move her watch to her other arm.  She did and had no problems since.

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I cause trouble with computerize cash registers.  My hubby didn't believe me until he started shopping with me.  I have to stand back about 3 feet away from the machine or else the screen starts to look like static and if I get too close or actually touch it, it powers down and restarts.  This is awesome during the Christmas shopping season!  I tend to look stand offish as I'm cashing out but I'm trying to desperately not cause more problems.  It doesn't happen everywhere but smaller stores it happens more frequently.  I told my kids I'm an alien from outer space, which the eldest replied that she could actually believe it. :glare:

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The kind of thing AmyontheFarm mentioned, that's what I'm talking about.  My friend's electrical "aura" seems to throw off or ruin electronics.   ???   It's not that they are causing her arrhythmias, it's the other way around.   When her heartbeat is further from normal, the problem with her phone or her computer is more pronounced.  The DVD not opening was when she forgot to take one of her meds.



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I kill all kinds of electronic devices and always have. My DH works with computers and networks and used to think it was user error but now he believes that it's just my aura or something. He won't let me mess with his new devices and if there's a problem usually if I go into another room the problem resolves on its own.


One of my DDs is just like me. The tv would go off and on when she cried when she was an infant, and when I was pregnant with her, I had an increased problem with electronics acting up. It's kind of freaky. I think her powers are greater than mine. :) She cannot control it but she still turns thing on and off when she gets emotional. At least she's not a firestarter!


We don't have any heart problems and we've both had EKGs for different reasons. My aunt does the same thing with cars and electronics and other female relatives have reported psychic abilities.

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Is it just in her home or generally out and about? I'm wondering if there is something strange under their house. So many developments these days are on top of previous buildings particularly if they are in a city. There could be old power lines all sorts of things. Sounds like it's something that needs further investigation. The phone thing could be down to issues with the phone signal and her power supply. Phone batteries do degrade pretty fast.

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Cell phones that work perfectly fine for DH always have problems once I start using them.  My tablet gets goofy sometimes too. The iPod and my PC seem to be fine though.   DIL has problems with her phones too.


Glad to know that it's not just me.

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Is it just in her home or generally out and about? I'm wondering if there is something strange under their house. So many developments these days are on top of previous buildings particularly if they are in a city. There could be old power lines all sorts of things. Sounds like it's something that needs further investigation. The phone thing could be down to issues with the phone signal and her power supply. Phone batteries do degrade pretty fast.


Their house is a mid-50s home, so nothing there, and it's everywhere for her.  


Her phone signal cuts in and out--for me to have a conversation with her, it is best done by text or land line.  Ten years ago she had no difficulty with it at all, now she can't use any of the family's computers. 


I could live without a watch, but it would be very hard to teach without my computer.

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Their house is a mid-50s home, so nothing there, and it's everywhere for her.  


Her phone signal cuts in and out--for me to have a conversation with her, it is best done by text or land line.  Ten years ago she had no difficulty with it at all, now she can't use any of the family's computers. 


I could live without a watch, but it would be very hard to teach without my computer.


The computer thing is weird but the phone thing can be explainable and may be solvable. I've had the same problem and it's just living in a poor signal area combined with undisclosed engineering and upgrades to their system meaning the signal is in constant flux. When I complained and cancelled my contract I was told what was going on It's been going on for 6 years here to varying degrees and is noticeable everywhere  because I spend most of my life in the weak area of my network. It can even be phone specific because we've got several same network phones in the house and they all give different signal strengths. I ended up staying and they gave me a booster for my home-problem solved at home, it's bad everywhere else though.

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The computer thing is weird but the phone thing can be explainable and may be solvable. I've had the same problem and it's just living in a poor signal area combined with undisclosed engineering and upgrades to their system meaning the signal is in constant flux. When I complained and cancelled my contract I was told what was going on It's been going on for 6 years here to varying degrees and is noticeable everywhere  because I spend most of my life in the weak area of my network. It can even be phone specific because we've got several same network phones in the house and they all give different signal strengths. I ended up staying and they gave me a booster for my home-problem solved at home, it's bad everywhere else though.

But would it be explainable if the phone worked for everyone else in the family in the same location with no problems but it cuts out or does weird things only for her?


To the OP, is your friend approaching menopause or did the problems start then? I wonder if there is some chemical or electrical change that is associated with that which is causing her issues.

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re. Paige's question.  It seems to be directly associated with her proximity to electronics and with how severe her heart arrhythmias are.   She is quite a few years post-meno.  It is only for her, not for anyone else in the family, so it's not location specific.  Apparently she has more than one older relative with the same kinds of issues, but the degree varies.  

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