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The worst haircut ever- can you top this?


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My husband, in his 30s has the most beautiful head of hair. It's thick, black and has a loose curl to it. Kind of like Patrick Dempsey hair, but thicker. Anyways, he's a military guy, so he has to get it cut often, and he wears it a lot like most military guys, very very short on the bottom, and about an inch long on top. 


So yesterday, he goes for a cut and gets stuck with a new barber, who does the whole cut using thining shears.... and he actually THINNED his hair. It's normally so thick that you can't see the scalp at all, but now, it's thinned so badly, that he has bald spots now on top. We were sitting at dinner yesterday, and I looked over at him, and actually thought he WAS going bald. 


It's terrible, and hilarious. The poor guy looks like a total doof with his thinned hair. 


There is no point to this post, other than I have never heard of a man having his hair thinned by a barber. I tried to take a picture but Husband wouldn't let me :P I'll have to pin him down and snap one later! 


Who else has bad haircut stories?

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Not the haircut but the haircut experience. Years ago when I was living in London I decided to go to a different cheap hairdresser that was close to my house. I got in there discussed what I wanted to do. Was met with a lot of you should get highlights, you should dye it etc, they themselves were sporting a head full of not so well done dye jobs so I gave that a miss. Managed to convince them just to trim my hair. Then it came to washing and actually cutting it and I have never had such a painful haircut. My hair was yanked and pulled and my head was flying all over the place. They seemed to have chosen the most super scratchy tools. I left that place in agony vowing to never go down the cheap hair route again. 

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While I was cutting DS's hair, I noticed the clippers were sounding funny. I took off the guard, cleaned the cutting blades, and then started trimming my son's hair. I left a 4-inch trail of scalp before I realized i had left the guard off. I basically had to "whitewall" ds to mask the mistake.


I like it when DS's hair is thinned. Less bulk means his hair is less unruly. DH does not like thinning. "Why thin when age will take it away soon enough?" he says.


Once, I had my hair cut in Italy. I walked out of the salon with my hair much shorter and visibly uneven. Worst haircut ever.

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Oh, do I ever have one. I did not think it was possible to go in for a trim and have the stylist completely Extreme Makeover one's hair, but it happened to me.


I went to a salon a friend has been going to and asked to have my hair cut by a man named "Lucky." Didn't know his name was prophetic, as in, "You'll be lucky if you come out with half the hair you came in with." The first feature that should have alarmed me from the word go was that he spun the chair away from the mirror. I guess he thinks he's Jose Eber and my head is his canvas. So I told him I just wanted a trim; keep the same basic line, just take off a half-inch or so from the layers. He snips away a while, telling me about his modeling career and how he was Mr. April in a calendar; he would show me when he was finished. At some point, he pulled a lock of hair around to demonstrate t me the half-inch or so he was cutting off. I foolishly said, "Well, maybe a bit more than that. It's summer time and it doesn't have to be *so* long."


A few minutes later, I can feel his hands and comb at the nape of my neck. There must be a reason for this; perhaps he's thinning some of the hair underneath because I do have enough hair for ten people. But, the more I feel him fiddling around there, the more concerned I start to get, but of course, no stylist would hack five or more inches off the head of a long-haired woman, right?


Wrong. At the end, he spun me around: "Taah-Dahh!" *EEEEKKKK!* My hair is cut in a Dorothy Hamel! Remember that cut? Like a wedge just a tad longer than my CHIN! MY CHIN!!! What. The. Fudgesickle? Being the conflict avoider that I am, I muttered something, paid the man and then bawled my hairless head off in the parking lot. I call that my summer of horrible hair. It's also one reason why I don't intend to cut my hair any shorter than my shoulders until I am ridiculously old.

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There is no point to this post, other than I have never heard of a man having his hair thinned by a barber.


My husband always has his hair thinned by his barber.  But he has never looked bald as a result.  Something went very, very wrong for your husband!


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I was given and absolutely hideous haircut once by a new stylist at a salon that the salon convinced me to try out instead of seeing my regular. It took a lot of convincing, but I finally agreed to give her a whirl.


Don't know if she was drunk, high, or just totally, mentally unbalanced. But, it was way too short, too thinned, uneven, you name it. I couldn't style it; I couldn't do anything with it. So, for several months while it grew out, I wore scarves and bandanas. Since I had just recently had a baby, most people assumed that I was having hormonal problems, and my hair fell out. Lots of sympathy though no one asked directly so therefore, I never corrected their assumptions.


When it had grown three inches, which for me sometimes only takes 3-4 months because this mop of mine can grow quickly, I went to another salon that was recommended by friends with excellent haircuts and asked for help. The manager was MORTIFIED by what had been done to me, and cut it herself. She made a nice cut out of it since there was now much more to work with. It still wasn't a style that I was willing to keep in the long term, but it looked decent. I tipped her generously!!!


I have a gal now who is a whiz with hair. I will never leave her, and I told her she is never allowed to move, get sick, or retire until I'm dead! LOL


The worst thing is that she was not available to do my hair and make-up for the wedding. Another girl in the salon had to do it, and I thought when I said that I wanted a NON-buffant simple French twist with wispies, no curls, no prom look, no teasing it into a big puff ball, no nothing, that is what I would get or something resembling that. I hadn't put my contacts in yet that morning due to a million things that had been going on since 5 a.m., so since I'm horribly near sighted and the glasses had to come off, I couldn't really see what it was shaping up to be.


Yep, BIG Hair, Huge Hair. Yes, in the back it did actually have a twist, but honestly I think it was four inches high on the top of my head. Sigh....I hated it. It felt very 50's-60's to me. GRRRRRRRR......


Then she did my make-up and it was so heavy that I looked like an oil painting.


According to my mother in law, I looked OLD that day. I've seen the wedding photos and refuse to buy any that include me in it unless the photographer can photo shop me out. I did look old. Probably a good 15 years older than I am. My face looked so heavy and made-up. Nothing nice and natural about it.


I paid $85.00 for the privilege of not wanting to have a family wedding photo hanging on the wall of our house. I have considered taking a 3x5 of one of dh's pics of me into the salon and demanding my money back. But, then I'd have to show another human the picture and admit it was me which isn't easy.


Never, ever, again. One gal...just one...she's the only one that touches my hair or face. That's. it. If she leaves, I'm sunk for the rest of my life!



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I'm still growing out my worst cut ever :crying: ; it also involved the use of stupid texturizing / thinning shears.  I will never ever let a stylist near me with a pair of those again.


I've never heard of using them with an army/man cut. :confused1:

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That's terrible Faith!


I re-did my wedding hair. It wasn't terrible, just very prom-looking and a little harsh on me. I took lots of wispy spirals down and softened it up. 



Worst haircut I've seen (that I didn't do myself) was my oldest son when he was 2. When the lady got done he looked like a creepy ventriloquist's dummy. There's this one picture my husband took of him at his aunt's new house. It was empty and contained a wall niche for flowers or a statue or something. He put him up there and took a picture. Its pretty creepy, like Chucky floating along a wall somewhere when you turn a corner. 

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Oh, dear...(((Faith))).  Mine was also uneven, thinned and the right side looks nothing like the left side; and I went straight out and bought a two ladies baseball caps at target.  I couldn't bring myself to wear one on Sunday, so I developed a passion for using mouse and a TON of styling wax.  I even tried hair spray, but even super-hold couldn't fix my problem. 


Another stylist took pity on me, but she had to chop it off shorter than my chin.  She's the one who recommended the styling wax/mouse combo. 



My sympathies to everyone who has endured a horrible cut. 

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While I was cutting DS's hair, I noticed the clippers were sounding funny. I took off the guard, cleaned the cutting blades, and then started trimming my son's hair. I left a 4-inch trail of scalp before I realized i had left the guard off. I basically had to "whitewall" ds to mask the mistake.



I have done that to my husband ... twice. :$


This was family cutting my hair, so I didn't have to pay for it.


When I was in school my Mom cut my hair. She kept trying to get my bangs straight till she cut them right off.


My uncle once cut my hair when I was really young and something happened during the cut and I felt like I was stabbed in the eye. A little piece of cut hair got into my eye and I ended up with an eye infection. 

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The barber shop my son has been taking my son to has some real dolts in it.  The one girl who sometimes cuts his hair can't understand the difference between trimming off two inches and leaving it two inches long.  I have written her short notes telling her how we would like it cut and I have had my husband and son verbally tell her, but I'm really starting to believe she doesn't understand the difference.  My son went in the last time with his hair looking thick an gorgeous and came back with it looking like a brillo pad.  At least it grows back more quickly with boys than girls. 


I'd take him to the guy who cuts my hair, but his fees are the same for kids as adults and they are outrageous.

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"Go to Mr. Sergei," they said. "He does all the hair in town. He's the best."


Uh huh. And the only. A 20-year-old probably should not get a haircut in a small resort town, average age 75. I had eyes. I could see the evidence of Mr. Sergei's artistic vision. But at that point, refusing would have seemed churlish and insulting to the earnest, helmet-headed women insisting I give myself over to the joy of a Mr. Sergei Experience.


The cut itself? Kind of a Hamill wedge with an Iron Curtain aesthetic. Cut by someone with an unorthodox sense of proportion and less than steady hands. And I'm pretty sure the scissors predated the October Revolution.


This poorest of decisions was three days before a friend's wedding. As I mentioned in a recent haircut thread, the bride took one look at me and started to cry. It truly was that bad. So bad that when, years later, I was completely bald, a family member gave me an assessing look and said, "Still better than that Mr. Sergei cut." No argument there.

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Sorry about the crummy haircut! At least with him being a man it won't take too long to grow out. My husband is military too and he cuts his own hair now, after having too many crummy haircuts. When he's deployed he also cuts a lot of other guys hair, just so they don't all end up with that same pathetic cut.


When I was in school my Mom cut my hair. She kept trying to get my bangs straight till she cut them right off.


My mom was great at this too! We have a family photo that was on the wall for YEARS where I have 1 inch long bangs that were STILL crooked.

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My dd took a photo of herself to show how long she wanted her bangs cut and went to an upscale training/cosmetology school.  She came home with bangs 2" shorter than in the photo.  I could see if she'd taken a picture of a celebrity, but herself?


Another time, she was getting her hair cut at a Supercuts-type place. The hairdresser FREAKED out because she found a bug in dd's hair.  Dd was 9. She'd been laying in the grass in the front yard before going to the haircut.  Surely these people are taught the different between a louse and just a regular bug during school, right?  The hairdresser had to be convinced by her manager to finish the haircut.  I was less than thrilled.


Naturally, dd was scared to go anywhere after her experiences.  She begged me to cut her hair.  I made the first cut and immediately realized it was way, way too short.  I stopped, put her hair in a ponytail and took her to a professional.


I no longer worry if I'm paying too much to get dd's hair cut.


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Well not a cut but a color. I had my hair done at Wal-Mart salon and it came out decent. So, I went back for a touch up 6 weeks later. It was the day of my husband's office Christmas party. I had never met his boss not his fellow workers. So the hairdresser gets finished and my hair, which was supposed to be a copper red, is plum colored. I went to a quality salon and they tried to fix it but there wasn't enough time to repair the damage that day. The girl put it in an updo to try and hide the damage.

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I went in for a trim and came out with a mullet. The sides of my head where 3inches long and the back was like 18 inches. I ran to the next salon I could find open at 8pm and cried while they cut off the rest of my hair.


Then there was the time I dyed it myself and wound up with Ronald Mcdonald colored hair.  


Or how 'bout when I got a perm and it burned off an inch around my forehead.  


I MISS my hairdresser in Orlando..  I finally found someone here that I trust, but it's not the same.

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