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I can't believe the cost of ds's annual physical!


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I've been taking ds to this pediatrician for just over a year now, and I don't remember his last physical costing this much. They charged me $546, which is more than a visit to the neurologist. The bill was itemized, and they charged for every little thing. I understand charging for an immunization, but I have never been charged a separate amount for administering it! ($38 for each one!)They also charged a fee for the vision test and hearing test, at $30 each. They took a total of 3 minutes. His previous pediatrician charged $110 plus the cost of vaccines if needed. I didn't even make a comment, as I was in total sticker shock! If ds didn't have such a good rapport with her (she really is a great doctor) I don't know if I would go back. Is this the going rate nowadays? I was expecting something in the $200 range. :eek: (They only mentioned one vaccine and didn't say anything about blood work.) It was a very thorough exam and she did spend a good amount of time with us, but money is a bit tight right now, so it was a bit of a shock.

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This is the total for our visits with those things as well BUT that is the charged rate, then our insurance pays their negotiated rate, somewhere in the $300 range.


Do you have to pay this all out of pocket? I would call and tell them you would like to negotiate a price based on prices insurances negotiate.



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I am a former pedi RN at the office we take DS to. I was surprised to find out that each of my son's appointments up to a year (1,2,4,6,9 and 12 months) were over $800 each! Thankfully, our insurance pays 100% of well visits. We have always charged administration fees for vaccine, but 38 for the first and 12 for each additional. Also, if you do not have insurance, I would recommend getting the vaccines at your local health department. They are free and without an administration fee for most states. So, he could get his physical at his normal MD and get her recommendations for vaccines- then get them at the health department. Does your office offer a self pay option? I know most in our area (NC) offer a 40% discount for people without insurance.

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That's crazy! Ours has been covered 100% since the first parts of the healthcare act took effect, but before that we only had a co-pay. For us the problem is we can only afford the annual exams. I need to see a neurologist but they told me the initial visit, without any tests or anything special, would cost me $500 out of pocket. I had a sinus infection earlier in the year and paid $300 out of pocket to see the dr. for 5 minutes and get a prescription, which then cost me another $100 out of pocket.

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My pediatrician's office quoted me $80 for a well child check dd needed for scout camp. I found an urgent care that did it for $25 if you took a school sports physical form in too. I had to do this because I needed the exam done before the year was up since the last well child check, otherwise my insurance would have paid in full.

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We don't have insurance, but I'm pretty sure their office doesn't accept insurance anyway. I have thought of getting vaccines elsewhere, but with my s/n son it may be better to pay the extra so that he can be with someone he is comfortable with. A few years ago, he actually ran out of  our previous pediatricians office after locking himself in the bathroom. He used to be the kind of kid who liked to watch, but he had a reaction to one of the vaccines a few years ago and the fear has not left him. He did very well this year and they worked wonderfully with him. Perhaps next year he may feel more comfortable getting vaccines through the health department... I will call the office today to see if they offer a break for those who have no insurance. I was just so shocked, plus ds looked a bit white after the shots, so I wrote the check and left. I guess that price isn't that unusual, but don't doctors pad the bill when they know it's being submitted to insurance? My own doctor will charge a fortune for certain things, but knowing I don't have any insurance he will charge me a very low amount. 

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I am a former pedi RN at the office we take DS to. I was surprised to find out that each of my son's appointments up to a year (1,2,4,6,9 and 12 months) were over $800 each! Thankfully, our insurance pays 100% of well visits. We have always charged administration fees for vaccine, but 38 for the first and 12 for each additional. Also, if you do not have insurance, I would recommend getting the vaccines at your local health department. They are free and without an administration fee for most states. So, he could get his physical at his normal MD and get her recommendations for vaccines- then get them at the health department. Does your office offer a self pay option? I know most in our area (NC) offer a 40% discount for people without insurance.

Our health department no longer does vaccines. I was shocked.

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. I guess that price isn't that unusual, but don't doctors pad the bill when they know it's being submitted to insurance? My own doctor will charge a fortune for certain things, but knowing I don't have any insurance he will charge me a very low amount. 


Yep, that's why the whole system is screwed up.  Everybody is charged a different amount, everybody ends up paying a different amount.


Sorry...I've been there with the sticker shock and then paid the bill anyway because I couldnt' think what to say.  It's harder to go back after, but I would try.  I think that's too high.  i would be thinking $200-$300.

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Honestly, if you already paid you are probably out of luck, but I would definitely try to negotiate in the future.  That seems ridiculous.  My doc charges uninsured patients $120-200 depending on shots and bloodwork needed.  All the insurance companies have different allowable charges, so what she can charge them really varies.

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I was going to ask for next time. I know they won't do anything about the one I just paid. It's just been a bad two months between this visit, the neurologist, the dentist, a sick visit... I'm at $1400 in medical/medication bills for ds in that period. Generally the visits are more spread out than this but we got a little behind schedule with some cancellations. We also live in a very expensive area. We see a neurologist in NY because the one we were seeing in NJ was charging us $800 a visit, and he wasn't very good. Now we pay $395 to see an awesome top-rated neurologist.

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